Confused about the mechanism!


New Member
Hi everyone! I first want to apologize if this issue I'm raising has already been addressed, but I'm super tired (its nearly 3 AM here in the States) and I've been searching and searching for information on the NB. My stats: I wear a 36C which I've maintained even after losing approx 20 lbs. and I plan to lose more weight since I'm still 20 lbs. away from my goal weight of 120 lbs. I've been interested in NBE for sometime as I noticed that although I didn't go down much in cup size, I lost weight on the upper portion of my chest (above my breasts) and it's given my breasts a slightly sagging appearance, not deflated in anyway since I still have considerable volume in the lower portion of my breasts. I'm also afraid that if I lose 20 more lbs., I might lose my size so I want to take precautionary methods! I've considered using PM in combination with a suction method like Brava, but I don't want to dish too much for Brava and be left with awful scars and/or rashes. I came across this forum and everyone here seems to be getting good results! I'm just confused on how the whole NB system works. Does the NB employ a manual pump system or is there a device the delivers the suction? If handheld, do you constantly have to pump? Or do you just need to maintain a certain pressure? Is it possible to wear NB while sleeping? Additionally, I'm single, no kids, tried Bloussant when I was younger and not so conscious of my health, unfortunately, which lead me to develop a thyroid condition (also exacerbated by my serious dieting back then) which has resolved now. I think the Bloussant did help me, but I've been fairly medium in breast size every since I got them (I was a rather chubby as well). I would really appreciate any insight into this as I am interested in using NB, just want to understand how it works!

Mods, please excuse me for making in a new post if it was unnecessary, as I mentioned I'm really, really tired and have been looking around the forum for info for a long time. Merge it if you have to.


New Member
Firstly I'd like to say welcome, and next I'd like to say that I have lost weight while using NB, I've lost about 9 lbs in 2 months and have still experienced growth with NB while losing weight, so yes it is possible to maintain you size and improve it while losing weight with NB. Also this is a manual pump system, though they are working on an electric pump which is being tested now. If you order the double pump or regular pump, then yes you would have to pump every so often as you lose suction, but if you order a double pump with an airlock, then you can pump both breasts at the same time, put the airlock on and leave them for your session. Many do what's called "snoogling" (sleeping with the pump on) I personally have insomnia and already have problems sleeping so can't snoogle. Also NB does increase the top part of the breast more it seems. I know me personally, I have a child and breastfed, I had a slope shape to my breasts before NB, now that is slowly going away. Also you say you aren't cautious of your health, so I will say, it seems you get better results if you drink more water, stop your caffeine intake, and get plenty of protein, need protein to grow boobies. And since you are starting out the size most are trying to achieve, a big C, I think you should definitely go with at least the large domes to start with, but probably should go with the XL's, email Lucy and ask for sure, her email is she can answer all your questions if I didn't already. Hope this helps.


New Member
Thank you for answering! It's not that I'm not health conscious now, I wasn't when I was 16, but I do drink lots of water, totally anti-caffeine, and never skimp on protein. However, doesn't the eating lots of protein bulk you up? Perhaps its the principle that protein that is not used by the body gets converted to fat, but that can't just be breast fat? Anyways, I really appreciate your help and will definitely contact Lucy once I'm ready to start NB. Thanks! :)


New Member
You could replace a meal with a protein shake and then be fine. I have a protein shake for breakfast, been doing that for months and months, forgot how long and it helps with my weight management. Now that I started taking a BO supplement I increased my protein shake intake, I still replace a meal with it daily, but also get in some extra because with BO it's needed. And as far as I know it's bad fats in food, sugars, salts, etc that cause the body to gain fat. Protein goes to the muscles, I believe the only time you would "bulk up" while taking protein shakes is if you worked out like a mad man. I work out moderately, probably now 3 times a week, that includes some toning and cardio. And I'm not bulky by any means. But I'm not a professional lol so if in doubt always call a doctor or a trainer or someone that knows more about it and ask.


New Member
halime said:
However, doesn't the eating lots of protein bulk you up?

Eating lots of anything that puts your calories over maintenance will bulk you up. Eat a ton of protein and work out like a bodybuilder and you'll gain muscle. Still, if you eat too much of it, it'll be muscle and fat. But as a woman- unless you add some kind of steroid into the mix you won't bulk up your muscles like a man. Typically, male bodybuilders will eat a ton of protein and "bulk up" with muscle and fat and then have to cut their diet to get rid of the fat again and reveal the muscles under the fat. Eat a lot of protein putting your calories way high and don't work out and you'll just gain fat. Eat a lot of protein so that your calories are still at maintenance, whether you work out or not, you won't gain weight and you may be able to better build your breasts. We do need protein for tissue building.

I was trying to gain weight last fall and quit working out and maintained my high calorie diet and gained fat. I didn't like it but at the time I was unable to gain weight while working out. I wanted to gain weight but not like that. My body fat went from 16% to 22% and it was evident in my hips (but not my breasts!). Now, I'm trying to somehow lose some of that fat and gain the muscle at the same time but it is tricky. I'm trying to eat slightly below maintenance (with my activity level included in my calorie count) and to make what I eat high in protein so my spread might be 40%protein, 20% fat, and 20%carbs, instead of my preferred diet of 90%carbs and fats and 10%protein. Because I don't really like protein rich foods. So far it is working for me because I have lost a small amount of weight, my pants are fitting better than you'd think with the small bit of weight loss, and I'm still seeing increased boobs and muscle definition. I work out 5 days a week alternating between weights and cardio. I could probably cut the cardio out and just do weights with my body type but I really like it and it makes me feel better so I'm doing it anyway. I can't stand protein shakes so I use protein bars instead.