

New Member
Hi I am new,I want to get noogleberry as soon as possible.I have very small breasts ,non existent without heavy padded bras.
I am single the last months and would like to get a bf but whenever I go out my friends get all the attention because they have big boobs and wear
dresses that show off their cleavage.Although I am beautiful it's inevitable to feel confident when this happens.
I hate my breasts ,I think I look like a boy and whenever I wear padded bras I feel like that's how my body should be;feminine and symmetrical.
I have considered surgery but I am a chicken and don't want to have to explain to every bf why I wanted fake boobs,they may think I am really insecure and desperate for
male attention.
It's devastating.In the past all of my bfs made comments about my very small breasts in the beginning of the relationship.They were seing such small breasts for the first time in their life.I know they loved breasts,not necessarily huge but normal sized.It would be strange for me if a man liked a ''boy's boobs' because that s how I almost look.
It's devastating..
I want to order noogleberry.I don't know what results I should expect,but the problem is that I live with a roommate and she is the one who gets the letters and packages when they arrive and I don't waant her to know,Even if the package is discreet she will definitely asked me what's this and will want to see.What can I do?
What growth should I expect?I am currently one month on diane35 in a desperate attempt to have bigger boobs (it s ok with my doctor because I have irregular periods too)
but I haven't seen any growth.


New Member
Hi chocogirl,

Please do not feel depressed :( I understand it might be frustrating going out, but usually the romances which begin under these circumstances lack substance, and are more physical than truly loving in nature. I won't deny that physical appearance is the only thing one can rely on when you've just met and don't know each other yet, however a mature man who wants a true, meaningful relationship will look at the overall picture, your face, your smile, the vibe you give than just a specific body part, be it your breasts/butt/waist/ankles/elbows, etc. One of my breast friends is a beautiful woman, with the height, figure, and face of a fashion model, and yes, she wears an AA cup bra. When she was still in high school, she hated her appearance, and even guys who liked her looks were reluctant to strike up a conversation, because they could see her insecurity instead of her confidence shining through! There was once a guy she had a crush on, a rather immature classmate, who told her that she is really pretty, however due to her lack of breasts, there is no way he could imagine even being seen on a date with her, and told her that she should get implants if she ever wants a boyfriend... of course, many tears were shed, however, thankfully, she didn't listen to this guy, and now has a fiancé who treats her like a queen, and LOVES her breasts! I know quite a few men who prefer small breasts! BTW, its quite a shame how women are expected to live up to such high expectations, while most men I've seen at least don't look like greek gods and many women's ideals themselves! Yet, we women, wouldn't point this out to them. I'm very sorry that your exes made comments about your breasts and hurt you, most likely its for the best that they are exes now!

PLEASE do give NB a try! It really does give permanent results, though you do have to put in time and effort, months maybe even years depending on whether you are a fast/slow responder, what size you start from, and what size you are aspiring to be, but eventually, everybody who sticks with it sees their initial swelling turn into a permanent increase in size! I think its also really really cheap, especially comparing to other similar systems and implants! I think if we all waited years and years during puberty for them to grow on their own, then surely we can be patient and wait a bit more. Regarding your room mate, I don't really know what advice to give. :( The packaging itself is discreet, just a plain, brown box, however Noogleberry is mentioned at the top, so she can look it up on google.

HOWEVER, be careful with diane35!!! It actually wasn't intended to be used as birth control, and has very strong hormones. You aren't advised to take it for more than max 6 months. My doctor put me on it when I was in high school, I had irregular and very heavy periods as well, however after I stopped, they became irregular again anyhow, and not just me, but many of my girlfriends who were also taking it experienced quite bad side-effects(none of us had booby-growth though)! Gracial was much better for me. Of course, its different for everybody, however, be careful!


New Member
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer.I don't think I can order NB if it says it on the package.My roommate is a family friend and it would be so uncomfortable.
Diane35 really messed my gormones.I was spot bleeding for 2weeks after my period but I think it s my fault for not taking the pill a regular time.
I am so sad.NB is really cheap and could help me...


New Member
Some people are just jerks. I think those who put you down, do it just to make themselves feel better. Of all the people I know who were like that, THEY were the ones who were miserable and hated themselves, their lives and everything about themselves. Even though it hurts, try not to let these people get to you. There are crappy people in the world and those are who you ignore and embrace those that love you for you.

You know what men love? A confident woman. The women who are flaunting their breasts, I think guys like because they are comfortable with their bodies (or at least you think so from the outside). And as pipitavivita says, those relationships aren't usually based on much substance. I doubt you'd even want to be with a guy who was like this, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Noogleberry comes in a discrete box. I think it was just a white box if I recall correctly. I think you have nothing to lose with NB, so I highly recommend giving it a try. My breasts have changed so much over the past year. I am really happy and now just want more because I'm greedy! haha


New Member
You could also mail Lucy to make sure the NB comes in a package that doesn´t have "noogleberry" written on it. (I think mine came in a box that didn´t say anything but I don´t really remember.)
Anyway if your roommate gets to see what´s inside you can always tell her it´s some medical device to massage your back or whatever, I think there was a thread about excuses you could make up.

I agree that guys like confident women, you can have the most perfect boobs but if you´re insecure about yourself (and that always shows) they will treat you like dirt! And you don´t have to feel perfect to look confident, just put up your chin and pretend until it becomes second nature to you. I´m always very much in awe by Keira Knightley, who has almost no boobs but is as confident as can be. Of course she´s very pretty as well, but by male standards she´s not at all desirable. Still, her attitude makes her very attractive.

There are lots of shallow guys out there, beware of those because they never change! You know, there is a couple I know, they´re in their 30s with two kids, and he is a perfect example of the morons you want to avoid. He is always hitting on other women, meanwhile his wife is doing all sorts of things to herself to keep his attention - she spends all her free time at the gym and had a boobjob recently. I think she looks terribly unnatural and anyway he keeps getting involved with others.
So what´s the use of getting married to someone like that? I think she must be having a terrible time, and must be feeling very insecure about herself.
Also, I think in life you don´t meet your soulmate every day (I don´t really believe in a soulmate, but I mean someone you can really relate to at a certain time in your life), you have to weed through a lot of crappy people in order to get to those that are really worthwhile. When I was younger I always believed it should be easy to make new friends and meet guys you could get involved with, but as you get to know them better - after some years - you find out there´s only a small bunch that´s going to be worth your time.

And something else: could it be diane35 is bringing you down? I had to take it when I was about 20 and I stopped because I was crying all the time, it was really ridiculous. Hormones often have that effect, so please be careful about what you take and inform your doctor of any side effects!


New Member
hey there choco

First things first. Be aware that your inner beauty is far more important than any other asset you may have. Second, and as Lilly said, shallow men is all they are. Life is a wonderful thing and should be enjoyed. Try not to let them hurt you. Breasts are just one part of you being, but not the most important. Focus on you. The beautiful one the Good Lord brought into this world. Yes Noogleberry will help you but try and remember that it is still You. A wonderful young lady who has a tremendous personality I'm sure, and very pretty. So, please try to focus on that stuff and you will be fine. I promise

Hugs young lady

Mama J :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
Thank you very much for your support.I don't think it is Diane that depresses me although I cry very often the last time..I am just not satisfied with many aspects of my life.If I had a relationship I would feel so much better but my small breasts me make me unconfident and uncomfortable with the idea.It is a pity I caan't order NB for the time being.My roommate shouldn't find out.


New Member
Oh sweetie, I feel for you. Before I was in a relationship, I felt the same way. I thought that a relationship would make me happy and everything would be better. Now two years later, I am unsatisfied with my relationship and wanting out. It is not as great as it seems. Yes, it is nice to have someone there for you, but there are so many challenges. Please don't put your self worth upon a relationship.


New Member
Thank you jenny.A lot have happened since my initial post in july.
I got some macrolane injections that made me feel a little bit better -not a big difference ,though better than flat as a board- and a great boyfriend.Macrolane wears off and although I miss the consistency of my natural breasts I will feel really bad to go back to flat..
My boyfriend really loves me and doesn t care about my breasts ,he is interested in my legs and butt ,but I still don't feel good about myself.
I know that a woman with a great cleavage would make him stare and all of his favourite actresses have big boobs like Scarlett Johansson.But still that doesn't matter so much because I know how attracted he feels to me..
the thing is that I will never get over the insecurities and the feeling of being less of a woman..
It's me..not my adorable boyfriend,not any man who will think I look like a's me that will never feel well with myself just because of my boobs and this is so sad...

I am ashamed to be seen without a bra by anyone,even other women and even my female friends.. I feel so bad..There's nothing else missing in my life right now,things go pretty well but this feeling is so devastating..I always try to hide my breasts when I 'm naked with my boyfriend ,even though he thinks they are ok.I just don't feel good in my own skin and will never get over this unless I get pregnant..

I am taking pm right now and waiting for the macrolane to disappear to start noogling.It will take me about 6months.I hope you feel better than me and thank you for the support..


Starting out as AA!
Aww, don't feel as if you are not beautiful! Shallow people are everywhere. From my personal experience, I got severely made fun of for not having big boobs. People found out that I wear padded bras so they made fun of me for that too. People have told me stuff like, "If only you had boobs..." or stuff like, "Why doesn't she have boobs??" and I'll be a few feet away from them.

I've ordered my noogleberry and I can't wait for it to arrive! I'm a AA (can see my default pic). I'm shooting for a small B. I'm tired of being made fun of for something I can't really control.