Detox Cleanse


New Member

Can anyone of you recommend a good detox diet / body cleanse. Both colon cleanse, liver cleanses and what not are all appreciated. My problem is, there is tooo much out there and I would like to know from anyone who has tried various cleanses and what the names are for it. A lot of what is sold is probably BS, and I would like to be able to search for one or two (or ten) specific products which have been tested and used and commented on.
Please ? :) Names/brands and your thoughts on the products/diets/cleanses :)


New Member
You are right! There are so many out there. It is hard to sort through them all. It mostly depends on how hardcore you want to go? haha Some cleanses are crazy while others don't require too much work! ;)

My husband has done the Dr. Schulze's gallbladder and kidney cleanse which was nuts. He had to fast for 5 days and drink a weird concoction. This doctor has lots of different types of cleanses. 1 Not all of them are that hardcore, but I think the majority at least require you to drink a herb mixture of some sort throughout the day. I have a hard time doing cleanses that require me to fast as my body doesn't take to fasting very well. :-\

Now if you don't want to go that route, then you can check out a good colon cleanse from Colonix. I did this one many years ago and it was really really good. The stuff that came out of me was frightening. :D

You may also want to check out Paragone. That is a parasite cleanse, which you can find at Vitamin Shoppe or on Amazon. This one isn't particularly "hard" and has lots of good reviews online from forums I post on about health stuff.


New Member
^^ Hey Lilly, didn't Dr. Oz do an episode last week on how colon cleanse is bad because it flushes out the good bacteria along with the bad?

I use shapechangers' detox wrap. It helps me tone/tighten/and get rid of any cellulite i have in the areas i use it. Its the only wrap i have found that has worked for me. I've used the Hollywood,green/red clay..and so many more.