discouraged about neck pain from neck injury and noogling


New Member
I don't know want to do I have been noogling for over a year with a really bad neck injury that causes me great discomfort more after I noogle so if I really was a bigger size permently I would be in a lot of pain.

A stapless bra is what seems to help but under clothes I don't like the look so when I got out with normal bra on im in excruciating pain soon and headache.(this being the most aggravating right after I noogle with swelling)

I guess not wearing a bra after noogling would make them sag? how important is it to keep bra on when they are swollen? I really want to keep going is there any tips at all for helping neck/back issues from bigger breasts less painful?


Active Member
Hard to believe that the pain is caused by larger boobs. I would think it more likely the pressure of the domes, the action of pumping or the bra itself. Going braless is actually healthy and promotes better boob shape. I suggest going braless as much as possible, and see if there is a reduction in pain. Also lots of massage should help.