Do different sleeping positions affect boob growth?


New Member
Sorry for the flood of questions, guys! I decided that creating new threads for each question (instead of posting all my questions into one thread) would make it easier for other users to find the threads if they were wondering the same thing :)

Anyways, I was wondering, because I enjoy sleeping on my right side, that somehow the growth "transfers" to my right boob because of gravity- my left boob is smaller than my right boob by a fair bit..

It sounds pretty ridiculous written out, but in my head the idea seemed to make more sense, lol! But I'll just put this out here to see if other women are experiencing the same thing, with the side you sleep on having a fuller bust..

Do you guys think sleeping chest-down, or any other sleeping positions, would affect growth?

Which do you think is the best sleeping position for boobage? ;D


New Member
Hmm, I slp on my left but right boob is bigger by nature and hence, developing better too. So maybe not for me?


New Member
Interesting question; I sleep mostly on my left, but my right boob is a little larger. Our boobs are not the only things on our body that it not totally symetrical. For example, one foot is slightly larger than the other; it's not noticeable until your fitting a pair of shoes and one foot feels fine yet the other feels a bit uncomfortable.
I use to to think that if your right handed then your right side would be a bit larger; but not even that holds true for everyone. I can use both hands to write etc, but my right hand is dominant. My right boob is larger, but my left foot is bigger...go Figure. I don't think it has anything to do with the side you sleep on...just how we are made. I'm sure there are people who sleep on their back and still have one boob slightly larger.


New Member
i used to think that hand dominance is the key... like for me, im left handed, and my left boob is smaller... but i read that it's not always so because on the other girls its the opposite effect...


New Member
Hmm, judging by the responses, the side we sleep on has no correlation at all to boobage..


Thanks girls, for your input! ;D

Happy noogling!


New Member
Actually case may not be closed... Doesn't seem that the majority (the 3 of us) has the bigger boob on the opposit side from side they sleep???
My mom is DD and she sleep on her never felt right for me but I heard it "massage ur intestines with ur beathing (up/down) so maybe it massages boobs as well... I"ll try unless one of u say she sleeps on her stomach...
Would be good to have more feedbacks...never know...


New Member
Hi there rachel88, you do have a point, what with the majority having bigger boobs on the side they don't sleep on, but it seems to me that it's just one of those "myths" like how your boob is bigger on your dominant side.. ???

But you can give it a try and let us know how it goes! You never know ;)


New Member
This is an interesting question lol i sleep on my stomach alot but i my left is still a little bigger than my right.


New Member
I've read in multiple places that the left breast in bigger than the right in about 90% of women. Maybe it's because the heart is there? More blood pumped through that area?
And I'm sure we all know that the majority of people are right-handed... I don't know how to make a connection though. I always wish there were more studies on all this natural breast enlargement stuff but then again I suppose they're a bit busy doing clinical studies of real health issues :p