Do you have to fill the domes before going to a larger size?


New Member
Hey Ladies! I hope everyone's having a great holiday! :)

As you can see, I've made my question the subject line. I started off with med. cups but found they were kinda getting narrow (they didn't feel like they were covering enough of my chest) so I began using the large domes. The large domes used to be really hard to keep on but I guess I must be getting somewhere with my growth because they stay on much better now. I haven't passed the 2.5" mark on my domes but I'm starting to feel like I might be filling in from the sides (I haven't gone past being a 32B but it seems there's more to fill my bras with *yeah!*). Because of that, I have a feeling I should transition to the xl domes since my boobs may be filling in more from the sides than outwards.
I also noticed now that I'm experiencing more discomfort now around my armpits when pumping (this wasn't happening when I first began using the large domes).
Has anyone noticed they were filling out like this as well and, if so, how did you decide to transition to a larger dome size? Should I go to the xl domes even though I'm not filling the large domes around the 3" mark, and why is it now that I'm experiencing this pain around my armpits?

Thanks everyone :)


New Member
I dont know why you might be experiencing pain, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to fill the domes completely before moving up to the next dome size.


New Member
HI & Welcome to the forum !!!!!
The only time that I feel pain in the arm pits, It's from over pumping.
When I moved from the Ls to the XLs, It was after I all most filled the Ls
to where my nipples touched the top. I would recomend ordering them
before they get to that point, to give the post office time to deliver them
in time before you need them.
Stay safe, and have some fun!!
The boobie fairy is comming around to see you soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
You're both awesome! Thank you. :)

Jamie2, I figured it was overpumping as well - I just found it odd that it didn't happen before and now it is. I'm also going to try maybe repositioning the domes a little more towards the centre when I'm pumping and see if it'll take some of the pressure off my armpits. Thank you to you both again! :)

Teeny Tiny

I used to have severe armpit pain from pumping, don't think it was from over pumping though. I think it was caused by pinching the nerves that run down from the armpit into the breast. My armpits used to ache something terrible, and the pain would run down my arm to my elbows. That was during a few months shortly after starting, I started with very little boobage, and it didn't subside until I had a bit more to help pad the nerves as I pumped. Now I don't have any pain, and I'm using the XL's even though I'm only a 36A, I started out a 36AAA. I could still use the L's if they hadn't broken on me, but because I have such a broad chest the XL's fit nicely and give a nice shape when they're swollen. I didn't switch until I could fill my L's up to the point that my nipples were plugging the holes at the ends and the sides of the domes were about 90% full after a day of noogling. I don't have very large breasts yet, but they loved filling those L's anyway, more so just before my period when they get fuller because of hormones. I used the rings with them too, which extend them out a bit, I think if I used them without any now I'd fill them rather quickly if I could get back into a normal routine. I don't noogle nearly as much as I used to or as I should because we live with my mother-in-law now. I need to start spending time in our bedroom noogling every day again, that's my New Years resolution, to get back to noogling every day for the entire year and see where I am a year from now. Okay, I've strayed from the subject I think, but my opinion would be to go ahead and order the XL's so you have them when you're ready, and you can slowly transition like I did as well. If you do more than one session a day start your day out with the L's, then finish the day with the XL's, I think you'll find they help round and compliment the swelling from the L's. Or if you only do one session do the first half with the L's and the second half with the XL's, you don't have to necessarily wait until you've completely filled the L's, it's all about personal preference. Hell, I didn't wait till I filled the mediums to move up to the L's because they were just too darn narrow for me, it hurt using them.

Hope this babbling helps some! ;) :D ;D