Dresses pictures


New Member
wow dresses... that is good work... i am really envious... i do have a question, what was your starting size??? and how long have you been noogling... i have just started noogling... been on it for a more than a week now... and i now reach 3/4 of the medium cups... will soon be ordering the large cups... wow.. i wish i can reach my goal which used to be a full b..and now a c ( i now have the beginnings of booby greed...:) ) anyways just want to say job well done.. you've done the work,and it has now paid.. wow those are really big... have a great day...


New Member

you look absolutely AMAAAAAAZING!!!!! ;D...Your results have inspired me and many others.

Thanks for sharing


New Member
hey girls, i was wondering what size she was too. since she hasn't been active in over a year, i went and searched the forums, and she stated in a post of hers that she started as a medium-b cup.