Elena's stats


New Member
Hello everyone!

I'm currently on my 9th day of noogling. I'm not taking any herbs because I've tried so many in the past two years and saw no increase in size. However, I've just purchased HypnoticBody and I've been using it for 3 days now. I love how relaxing it is to listen to and how it focuses mainly on breast growth, which is what I've been looking for.

Age: 21
Bra size: 32A (I'm aiming for a 34C)

Starting measurements:
• bust: 77cm (30.32inches)
• above: 78cm (30.7inches)
• under: 70cm (27.56inches)

I'm a huge fan of working out and although I have a great lower body, the fact that my boobs are none existent make me look really skinny. Next week I am planning on increasing my food intake, starting up weight training at the gym again, and taking protein shakes!


New Member
Good luck! I wish I had your dedication for working out...I was doing so well, going 5-6 times a week to the gym for a few months...but once school started I really have been slacking :( Keep us posted on your stats!


New Member
I used to hate going to the gym, but the past two years i've researched a lot into fitness in general which turned me into a pro :) I now only go gym 3-4 times a week and because i know exactly what i'm doing i see results a lot faster. I think seeing a difference in your body is important to keep yourself motivated. It's like with noogleberry, the swelling after the session really helps me with staying consistent and patient.


New Member
I get what you say. I look 3x skinnier than I am because of my boobs. I am quite into fitness too, but not so much into gym, I practice yoga everyday and I was dancing to the past six months for 8 hours a day. So, yeah, thin with no boobs at all :(
We have similar measurements, good luck for us :-*


New Member
Good luck with Noogling - it's great if you're seeing swelling so soon. I will be following your progress with interest as I have just joined a gym again and started a new training programme. Hopefully we can both keep fit and gain some beautiful boobies! :)


New Member
hello elana welcome aboard to the family. its great your having such great swelling good luck to you on your journey keep us posted

hugs and :-* :-* :-* smallfry


New Member

This is my 13th day so far. I have not yet filled the medium cups, but i do get to the 2inch mark :) I always get swelling which is good because I get to see what it would be like to have bigger breasts.
Also, I didn't noogle for 1 day because I was really busy. But the swelling on the following day was better and lasted longer. I think a rest day now and again could be a good idea, although i'm not planning on doing it often.

I've been listening to HypnoticBody for about 5 days now and I really like it because it is extremely relaxing and really focuses on breast growth. I sometimes even get the tingling feeling while listening to the CDs! I've also noticed that I've become quite addicted to it as it keeps me motivated and optimistic.

On Wednsday I will be starting my workouts, my protein shakes, my diet to gain weight, and basically a more organised lifestyle. I'm looking forward to seeing how this benefits breast growth :)


New Member
Hey elena...great to hear you're making a lifestyle change for the better! I need to jump onboard with you...I've been so lazy lately with my water intake, gym sessions, and eating right. Thanks for inspiring me!


New Member
* update *

so uni started and i've been extremely busy :( unfortunately this has affected my noogling. I took a week break and just started back at it yesterday and today i'm noogling while typing. Yesterday i got really good swelling but i don't know how long it lasted because i then put a bra on and had to go out. I really want to be consistent with it because having 34C breasts has been my dream ever since I remember. I saw some friends last night that I haven't seen in a year and they told me I lost weight so i'm feeling devastated. Sometimes I hate it how people can say to a thin girl that she lost weight but wouldn't dare say to a fat girl that she's gained it. On a positive note their comments made me so mad that I went back home and ate as much as I could fit in my stomach!

On monday I started gym and i'm following a sort-of consistent programme so far. I'm planning on making it even better and will be organising a plan for my time today. I really hope working out, eating A LOT, and taking protein helps with my noogling. I will keep you updated.


New Member
Hi Elena,

I think Mama Joni needs to chime in here, so here goes. I think the first thing is, really how you feel about you. You mentioned you have changed your routine, gym etc. That is all a great plan. HOW you feel about YOU is more important than how anyone else feels about you. People can say the God awful things and think they are being nice. When that happens we need to just realize either they don't understand or they don't know how to use their brain in the right manner. I'm very proud of you. I think that you have all things in place now. All you need to do is not worry so much and just enjoy your ride with noogleberry. YOU WILL get to your goal, I know it. We all will be here hun ,to help you. So, relax, do the things you need to do, and let us help you to your goal Ok Hun ? Lots of hugs to you :-* :-*Mama Joni


New Member

So it's my 4th day of noogling after the week break (I decided that when I have a break I have to start counting from beginning which will hopefully discourage me from taking long breaks in the future). Yesterday the swelling was really good actually. I always get swelling which stays a couple of hours but depending on the day and length of my sessions I sometimes get really really good swelling. Tomorrow I'm going gym and starting up the protein shakes. I take multivitamins now so I hope everything helps :)

Mama Joni thanks for the encouraging words. I sometimes do get discouraged and because I'm a secret noogler I always have to turn to this forum to bring my hopes back up... and i'm glad i can do that. Hugs xxx


New Member

Hey everyone! i'm writing to update you all on my progress. I'm really angry at myself at the moment because I have been spending more time thinking about what my ex is doing than actually focusing on myself grrrr. So i woke up this morning, ate very well, took a multivitamin and now i'm noogling.
The only thing i've been doing properly is working out. But i have been doing too much of it and i'm meant to cut that down so i can gain weight. The reason for this is that i'm doing so many sports activities plus time at the gym. I really need to do at least twice a week gym because i want to gain muscle on my butt but i have to organise it in such a way that it falls on the same day as my other activities. This way i will have plenty of rest days.
Also i really like the Hypnotic Body CDs. Although i haven't been following it properly i must say it helps so much. I get the tingling feeling in my breasts when i listen to it and it helps me relax and stay optimistic about my breasts. I will start listening to it now more often and try to do it for the entire 12 weeks. I'll let you girls know how it goes :)


New Member

Unfortunately i've continued this habit of having breaks for days in a row. It really gets to me because ideally i would love to follow this through properly.
On a happy note last week i started upping my calorie intake (i'm trying to gain weight) and noogling at the same time. I haven't measured but my boobs do look slightly rounder i think. I've also gained 1kg in a week after a lot of effort!
Also, i LOVE the hypnotic body CDs! I have been so inconsistent with them though. However when i do listen to them i get nice tingling feelings and I really think my body would respond well if i were to do them more often. I will try for a whole week to listen to them every day and see how it goes.


New Member

Today i pumped for 1 and half hours. The first hour i pumped and held and the other 30mins i did pump and release. This is the first time i did pump and release and i really liked it! but i like using both. I almost got to the end of the medium domes but i think i have a while longer with them because i can still feel the pull. I took some pics of the amazing swelling (i always get swelling) and i will be posting them soon :)


New Member
Hey Elena,
It's so great that you're into fitness! I always try to get into shape, but I'm extremely lazy and can never get myself to stick with it, hahaha. Good luck with gaining weight, but don't let what other people say to you worry you. I've noticed especially that other girls can be catty about your weight when you're thin because they find it threatening.
Good luck with your noogle journey, and keep us updated. :)
Looking forwards to seeing your pictures soon Elena. I recenlty tried the p&r technique too. I mix it up, just like youa nd it really improves my swelling both in the domes and out.
boobie love to you!