Exercise with NB on

Teeny Tiny

Hi all!

Sorry, been under the weather the last few days. Yes, I exercise while noogling, I use an elliptical, a treadmill, and an exercise bike. I don't drive with them on since my L's cracked because the XL's are just way to big and awkward to wear and be able to control the steering wheel. If I manage to get another set of L's I may start doing that again, but currently don't.

As far as exercising with them on, I have some shirts that are really stretchy that manage to stretch over the XL's. So I put my shirt on, with the front flipped over my head out of the way. I smear on my lotion, apply the domes, flip my shirt back over my head covering up the domes, then do whatever I want to do. I exercise, do housework, whatever I need to do as long as it's inside the house ;). They don't fart off very often, but if and when they do they don't hit the floor because the shirt holds them in place. All I have to do is reach up from underneath, attach the pump, hold the dome in place and pump it back up again, then keep doing whatever I'm doing.

I always keep my pump handy so I don't have to go chasing it down, if I'm on the elliptical it's in the storage compartment on it right in front of me, I don't even miss a step getting it back on, same with the treadmill and exercise bike. If I'm in the kitchen doing the dishes it's on the counter within reach in case I reach up too high and lose one, which happens occasionally, but not too often. I can actually stand on my tip toes reaching up to the highest shelf or above the kitchen cabinets where I store some things without losing suction if I do it slow and carefully. With the L's I didn't even have to be careful about it, I never lost those things, I think it's the slightly larger diameter and extra weight that makes the XL's fart off on me from time to time. But like I said, they never hit the floor because I have an assortment of shirts that I wear over them that won't let them fall off.

Hope this helps! ;) :D ;D


New Member
Oooh you´re so lucky!
So far I´ve only been able to keep them on if I don´t move around, very boring! I even have trouble keeping them on when I´m sitting at the computer, just touching the mouse will have them fall off.
I pump when I´m watching a dvd or when I´m just sitting somewhere, looking at my cat waiting for them to fart off, haha. Or I will get some mystery novel to read, I´ve never read so much as the last few months when I started noogling.


New Member
You nooglecisers are very lucky. The only exercise I could do would have to be something that does not involve moving my arms....otherwise.faaaaaaaart and off they go!


New Member
I'm another person who can't move a fraction without the domes farting off. Add me to the list of people who post on this forum while Noogling. It amuses me to think of us all Noogling and typing away.


New Member
I have not tried to exercise with my domes on (I exercise for 30 min every day) but I can raise my hands, wash dishes etc. without any problem since I attached Armaflex pipe with silicone to the domes as proposed by Mel in the thread "New Padding Solution ... YES!!!!" http://www.noogleberry.com/forum/index.php/topic,1919.0.html. I still get red marks though. But being able to move around the house doing whatever is necessary to do at every moment is a huge bonus for me.


New Member
wow teeny, you're a master when it comes to multitasking with the noogleberry... i also multitask but the only activities i can do are simply limited in my room.. typing, reading emails, eating, blowdrying/straightening/curling my hair ( i love doing various stuffs to my hair ;)) , putting onmy makeup.. and reading.. oh and eating dinner... as long as i am in the confines of my own room.. never had vacuumed with the cups on though... :) .... you are definniitely a pro... :D

Teeny Tiny

Well, I have been at it for 13 months now, although it only took me a week or less of using the L's before I could do anything with them on. I'm just lucky I guess. ;)


New Member
if u can multi task w the XLs on, you are a real pro! I can't even eat w them on - it's just too far from the table!! lol


New Member
HAHAHA, too bad I didn't see this thread sooner haha, been soo busy lately. I noogle while doing all kinds of things, and I use the XL's I haven't used the L's in months. I wear t-shirts over my domes, like a size L t-shirt, not too big to where it's too loose, and not too small, but where I can pull it over the domes and it keep the domes stuck to me, if that makes sense. I cook, clean, do my online work, hair, makeup, eat, etc. etc. while noogling. Haven't tried working out with them yet, but will have to try lol, I have the domes on now so might try that in a minute lol. I think for the XL's it took a few months before I could move much and them stay on, patience girls! So I'm another person that can multitask while noogling. But the XL's even with them not coming off are harder to multitask with just cause of size, they stick out so far, I'm always bumping them into walls, counters, etc. lol and they haven't cracked yet lol. I can reach up high with them on also. Just give it time, it will happen. Let see it's July so I been pumping about as long as Teeny, it's been 1 year and a month, maybe a lil over a month. So about 13 months. I been using the XL's since December or so of last year and still no where near filling them lol. My measurement thingy on my domes is off, one goes to 5 the other to 4, on one I'm at the 4 mark, the other the 3 mark with nips, but full skin contact at the 1 1/2 mark on one, and just under the 1 mark on the other. So yea, long way to go still. I think by the time I fill these I will be happy with my size and will probably just do a boost pump now and them, maybe once a week or so.


New Member
wow anastasia.. you've reached the 4inch mark on the xl's .... you've definitely gone a long long way.. way to go!!!!! :eek: ;D


I have a Legmagic which exercises the thigh and leg muscles and I do this when I have my xls on. I think you could probably do some low impact stuff but anything really energetic and they would fall off!