Fat Transfer

Hi all, just wondering if anyone has tried this procedure, or knows anyone who has had it done (transfering fat from one area of the body to the other)
I am considering it as a way to correct my assymetry and I am able to use my NB with the procedure too.

Just wanting to get opinions, ideas and experiences.


New Member
I was just reading about this on the brava site. it seems that the stretching a breast pump does helps prepare the area for the fat transfer. I'm not sure if the fat will stay there though...would be nice if it did.. :)




New Member
hey ladies! I'm bre- i just joined the forum, waiting for my noogle to arrive!
I actually did fat transfer in Brazil about 6 mos. ago. That said, I did not have much fat on my abdomen to be removed. I drank beer ate ice cream trying to boost it up but even then there was only about 300-400 ml that he could remove MAX and of that, not all of the fat would be "good quality" and that 3-400 ml would also include blood and some of the fat would die in the extraction/injection process, which meant i could really only get like 150 ml per boob. then, anywhere from 10-80% of the fat would not take or die off, with most people retaining an average of 50%. So he warned me i may only gain like 50-100 ml or so in the end, at BEST- i didn't care, because it was a "mini-lipo" it cost like 1300 bucks for the whole thing! And I was like a small A at the time so figured some gain would be better than nothing. so basically thats how it turned out. the next day with the swelling i was like a C for like 26 hrs, for about a month i was a full B and now 6 mos later im i think a B, which to me is an improvement! I was under local anesthesia and maybe it was 2 shots per boob, instantly. they said the results after 6 mos were pretty much permanent.
So......this aesthetic center was not top of the line. If they were top of the line and experts in fat transfer, they would have used numerous tiny tiny injections, which has been proven to dramatically improve implanted fat retention. They also would have cleared the fat in some type of spinning machine so it was pure fat no blood or fluid. I know this because I went to a few aesthetic centers and talked to a few people when trying to make a decision. The more top of the line places use the aforementioned procedures but said they would have to find fat from somewhere else to extract much as possible and would require general anesthesia. So instead of 1300 bucks, it would have been more like 3-4,000 bucks. But would have resulted in a much bigger, more permanent boob as well as much less fat. But I figured down the road if I wanted to and once I had that disposable cash, I could go and get that if I wish.
so in short I think for someone with enough fat, fat transfer truly is a very effective option that can upgrade your silhouette ha ha
I read the top doc in the US charges like 15,000 for fat transfer to boobs and his results are supposed to be better than implants and permanent with very little fat being absorbed.
In the meantime Brazil is a much cheaper option though it did take some legwork to find docs who did it, as it is not so common down there (although ironically fat transfer to the butt is huge!)
so now with a slightly slimmer waist and slightly bigger boobs, im hoping the noogle willl help me reach true bombshell status ;) lol lol lol


New Member
That's probably because Brazilian males love bigger rounder butts than boobs? I know the few hispanic men I dated loved my bubble butt. Crazy, some women try to get rid of it and others try to increase it haha.


New Member
How much fat do you need to do this and what sort of anesthesia is involved? I doubt I could do it as I am very thin and I wouldn't want needles but my friend has been curious about it. She is a little bigger than me but still thin and has looked into implants but she considers the risks for her with surgery are too high since she has young kids to take care of. I haven't looked into implants but the fat transfer sounds a lot less expensive to me and if she was considering that kind of money, and maybe if she has enough fat, this would work out for her.


Okay, I was curious and given that binkybink gave us some hard numbers to work with, here it goes pagewolf:

100mL = 3.4 oz
16 oz = 1 pound
therefore to get like 473 mL of fat, you'd need to have an extra pound of fat there on your abdomen. So binkybink is saying there was less than a pound (300-400mL) on her, and also, only about 50% stays after it's all done. It's not alot.

To make it more real, think about buying butter- a stick of butter is 4 oz. You have to have like box of butter (distributed evenly of course) on your abdomen to get a pound. to get substantial sizeage, you'd have to inject alot of needle pokes. Ok yuck but anybody getting an image of a turkey in their head??? :p

A pound isn't a whole lot, but if I had a pound distributed on my chest in the right places, I'd probably be most of the way there as far as what I'd be happy with LOL.

The iffy thing is, if you're not the type that ever gains weight in your chest, then, if you lose weight, you probably lose that place first :eek:
Hi all and thanks Bre - it is nice to hear from someone who has had it done.

I am actually free to book myself in for this procedure at any time, but I want to wait until after Christmas, when i have some spare time. I will be having it done under local anaesthetic and the surgeon who is doing it specialises in reconstructive surgery.
I am only having it done in one breast at the moment, due to assymetry (don't want to be greedy, but if it works out then i may well have a little abit more injected in both to boost them both abit more - we will see ;D). I can use my NB up until a week before and from 2 weeks afterwards, which is good too
The fat gets centrifuged (spun fast) to separate the fat cells from less dense matter and then injected. The stem cell procedure i mentioned isn't available to me, but i feel better about getting results after hearing about your story.
Bre, i hope you don't mind me asking, but do you have a healthy diet, not smoke etc, as i think blood supply to the donor cells is a key thing. Did you do any excercises/ massage to help with that?
Thanks for sharing your experience and i'm sure NB will enhance your results further :)


New Member
Mycupishalf full. I would love to hear how your progress goes with the fat transfer if you go through with it. I wonder if they can do transfer from the thighs???
Hi WillGrowBBs,

I haven't had the procedure but hopefully I will book myself in after Christmas. They can take fat from the stomach, thighs or butt ( i hope to have it taken from my butt ;D)
I will take pictures and post the results.
Thanks for the link wannabecee - i will have a good read!!

Teeny Tiny

Good luck to any of you who decide to and actually have this done! After looking through that textbook link wannabecee posted I think I'll just keep noogling, and if anything try some PM or BO to help increase the results. There's no way I'll ever pay to have someone do something that could end up scarring or disfiguring me for life. My sister had enough problems with some implants she decided to get several years ago, there's no way I'll ever risk going through what she went through or having to go through corrective surgery to reverse a complication, or being stuck that way for the rest of my life. I'll just keep noogling away until they get where I want them. :eek:


New Member
Hi My Cup. I doubt that you will e coming back as you indicated closing out the thread, but if you do for some reason just wanted to say goodbye and also good luck to you with your decision for Implants. I sort of gave up the NB journey last year - lost patience and had some other health issues unrelated come into the picture.

But if any of the other ex-implanters that posted here happen to come upon this thread can you please send me or post a link to the ex-implanter forum that was started? i would like to join. I've started back on the noogling journey. We'll see what happens. Thanks!


Best fat grafting technique I've found:


The success is because is not only fat but they extract stem cells located in the fat and most of the grafting doesn't get lost as happens with just regular fat as is stated here:



New Member
But i guess the stem cell thing is very expensive , a lot more than a regular fat transfer , plus it is not available everywhere :(


New Member
MyCup.. it would be awesome for you to stick around and give us updates! I actually have been wanting to get the fat transfer when I am done with college in a few years if Noogling/Brava doesn't get me where I wanna be, or even to just add a little extra oomph because I want to get lipo anyway! So it would be very interesting to find out how u made out with it! What office are you going to, if you don't mind? I've been looking at the breast center in Miami Florida, where the maker of the Brava system actually does the fat transfers. His results are amazing! I almost want to just drop everything and get it done right now, but I don't know the cost and college is my priority with my funds. How much is it going to cost you?


New Member
I don't want to be a downer, but one thing I've heard that worried me about the fat transfers is that it doesn't stay in place in the chest, and sort of migrates to other areas of the body. I don't know if that's just if you get it done cheaply or by a bad surgeon, or if the technology is more sophisticated now, but it's a complication I'd recommend looking into for the ladies who want this done.

It definitely seems better/safer than the traditional implant method, at any rate.

Stay safe guys. <333


New Member

Is this fat transfer with or without the stem cell therapy that you have heard of 'migrating'? I wonder if the stem cells help it stay put. I think this is a very interesting technique and actually it was an article on this that brought me to this forum when I was looking at a way of helping my daughter and preventing her going for implants later on.

I read the article and then googled non surgical breast enhancement and got here :)


Stem cells make the real difference between migrating fat and staying and growing fat.


New Member
Found this article about the stem cell proceedure


A bit shocked at the cost £6400!!

Still safer than implants and permanent rahter than having to be replaced periodicily. But still ...