For all you Asian Nooglers out there ~ Success Rates?


New Member
I'm Asian, too. I'm 1,67m tall and somewhere around 48 or 49 kg. I'm very thin and I'm always staying up very late (2,3 a.m) which is not good for growing anything. But in 2 years of doing NBE (with lots of breaks => means grow and loose) and over 6 months of NB, I grow over 1 inch. Though the measurement does not change much but my breasts are much wider now. It's fuller and rounder everywhere. I see some cleverage and I see 2 things which now can be called breasts when I look in the mirror ;D. They are even bouncing when I brush my teeth. All of those things that I have never experienced before thanks to NB.

So keep up the hope girls! Asians can still grow, though it may takes more time than others ;D


New Member
An inch of growth over 6 months is not bad at all. I have about that much growth and I've been at this for about a year. I'm also not Asian, so I really do not think it is dependent upon that at all. ;) I cannot wait to have bouncing breasts while brushing my teeth and cleavage!!! :)


New Member
Lily13, did you see any signs of growth at all when you were 7 months into doing NG? that is where i am at now and i haven't had any growth at all.


New Member
Yes I had signs of growth at 7 months. My advice is to switch up your routine if you are having problems. If you are noogling a lot, then maybe try noogling less often. If you aren't noogling very often, then try noogling more and see what happens. Some ladies find taking a short break can be the best thing for growth too.