Get it girl!!!


New Member
Hello everyone!
Just ordered my NB and can't wait for it to arrive! A little about me..
I'm 25
110 lbs
Overbust- 31"
Across bust- 31"
Under bust-28"
Waist- 25
Pregnancies- 2 + breastfeeding
Skeptical husband- 1
Goal- 32B/C

All I'm saying is I have a great hourglass figure, minus the boobs, and I'm going to do what it takes ( including being patient) to get them! My mom bailed on me and got implants several years ago, and I've been wanting to do something about mine ever since- its just that my husband and I can't take the thought or cost of implants.
I've always been an A cup size but since the children, they have drooped. I can't complain about them too much since they're cute to look at, very round and still perky even though they've fallen, but they are completely flat. I just remember that heavenly feeling of full, heavy breasts and I miss it so badly! I went up to a full C during breastfeeding so I believe I can make it to a B or C relatively quickly. I gained fifty pounds during each of my pregnancies so I have a good bit of loose skin everywhere really. :-\ My problem is, they are now so small and flat enough that they literally cannot be pushed up. Pads don't even help! They just sit on top of the breast. I think the only way to get cleavage would be by completely flattening the lower parts of my breasts like with masking tape or something! Haha! Does anyone know what I mean? I do have some side boob, which I hope to grow enough to be able to push the girls up a little! Or a lot!
I have been working out and really trying to improve my body and can't wait to see how the NB helps! I'm so excited to put up my "before" pics and get started!


New Member
Hello little lady 2012, I am also very flat and have had two children, I too have zero cleavage and am very insecure about them. I have been taking pm from a web site called and I am having really good results! I went from a very flat 34AA to a 34A which is not very much but more than before. I think you might check out the web site and look at the before and after photos, I hate to sit and message my breast as the herb requires to gain good results, so I started to look into message bras and found the noogleberry in my quest, I just started nooglilng this past week and combined with the herb PM, I see and feel pretty quick results! let me know if you found this helpful, and good luck starting your noogle experience:)


New Member
Thanks for recommending the herb, but I don't think I'm going to take any supplements. I was sick with a stomach infection about six months ago and my digestion is pretty delicate, so I want to keep everything as simple as I can. I am taking a few things for digestion along with my regular medication and it just gets to be a lot of swallowing pills you know!! :) but I will look into it just because so many people take it.
This whole idea of taking time out for me and getting in shape kind of started because of that illness. You can't take your health ( or beauty) for granted! I want to enjoy both while I have them and hopefully this NB technology will enhance my enjoyment of them.
How is your noogling going? I had a budget miscalculation and had to cancel my order but will be reordering ASAP; in the next two weeks I expect. I suppose there is a need for patience in all parts of this journey!


New Member
I am so sorry to hear that you were so sick! it certainly doesn't help to have to take something when you are already taking so many other things. I have been noogling for almost a week now and am very swollen and feel heavier, so thats a plus! I keep seeing pictures of all these women with GREAT results after two months and thats my goal as well:) we should keep in touch with our progress as this new journey begins.... I hope you get your noogling system soon! what size domes did you get to start with?


New Member
Update: I reordered my NB! Only seven to ten days away ;) I have ordered the medium domes to start on Lucy's recommendation and also minnie34's. Diva, I would love to keep in touch, are you going to post pics? I am whenever I get the kit and 1x week after. So look forward to them ladies!


New Member
I don't have the guts to post any pictures :eek: I did however take some befores just to mintor my own progress ;D But I do think that if I were reacting and gaining the boobies I want maybe I will ;) I do wan to keep eachother posted on progress though!!!


New Member
Congrats on getting your noogleberry! I've noogled a year,and right now taking a month break before I start again. I love what noogleberry has done for me. After breast feeding 4 kids they were nothing 34aa now I'm a 34b,and have something to push up in my bra. Although I haven't got to my c cup yet they have defiantly gotten bigger with consistansy and pumping almost everyday. I hit a stall,so I'm doing what tiny tiny recommends and taking a break to see if I can get some more growth. It's been almost three weeks of no noogling, and they've stayed the same size. I'm sure you'll see great results! Good luck!


New Member
Thanks hooters! I did find some encouragement from what you said:) good luck with your break and that's way awesome that your size is still the same! how much would you say you have grown?


New Member
Hey diva, im glad it has stayed too! Was nervous cause ive hardly missed any days in a year of noogling, but after reading a couple of people that said breaks helped them grow, i decided to try it. Im hoping i get that good growth again when i restart!. Inch wise on the tape measure,ive grown a little over 2 inches. I can tell they have gotten wider, and defiantly fuller at the top. A lot of growth outward was the first couple months, I think after that they just started filling in more on top,and that's why It seemed like they were stalling. I started out with medium cups,and now use the contoured larges. ;D


New Member
Get it girl! - I am so eager to hear what happens for you after your break! how long has it been so far? I haven't missed a day for almost two months and when I wake up in the morning hours after noogling of course, they are not swollen any more but definitely bigger than my starting point, do you think this is permanent growth? did that happen to you? any how I can't wait to hear back from you! thanks for sharing your experience so far:) Diva