Good Excuses for Ring Marks? haha


New Member
Hey guys! Again, sorry I haven't been on the forum much recently. I'm still noogling but I'm so busy that I often forget to check the forum.

Anyway, I might get the soft cup rings soon, or try my own method to reduce ring marks, but I'm so sick of hiding them in the mean time that I'm wondering if anyone has any good excuses for having these ring marks that doesn't include noogling haha. Mine only last for about an hour, with slight marks up to two hours, but I still don't want to keep them under wraps that long if I'm hanging around my apartment with close friends.

I can't for the life of me think of any good excuses for having these marks, so if you can, please share them!


Do not dream your life, live your dreams
Since i got caught, i'm Mistress Jani the SM Queen ;D

It was embarrassing, worse than hell, but at least, now is all funny lol i dont need to hide anything anymore...


New Member
The one I had prepared in case my husband saw them was I wore a new sports bra this morning and the seams rubbed my skin. Also my second one was because I use self-tanner lotion, I was going to say that my bra rubbed on my tanning lotion because I didn't let it dry and it made these funky looking marks.

I got ring marks a few weeks ago and I put Bio-Oil on them twice a day and they went away really fast, like in a few days. I got some marks in the beginning that took over a week to go away.

Hope this helps!

Lex' ;)


New Member
Thanks guys! I like them all!

I'm thinking I'm going to get some foam to put on the bottom to see if that helps any. I'm just at the point now where I have to noogle whenever I have time, and sometimes that means I have to leave my apartment at a moment's notice, and I want to wear low-cut tops haha.

Good luck to everyone!


New Member
Hi Barbie11,

I am trying the noogleberry again and just bought some camper tape at my napa auto parts. Matt B swears by the stuff and said it gives great padding and helps keep the cups sealed up better. I'm hoping it works because I've already tried the foam rings and the cups fart off and I've tried them without and all they do is fart and won't stay on. I talked to Lucy and I'd tried the CL's in the past, but my boobs felt squashed in them, so a few months ago, I bought the regular XL's and had no luck with them, and I talked to Lucy again and she sent me a pair of the soon to be released contoured extra larges, which I've had no luck with either with or without the foam rings, I'm just hoping the camper tape works. I used the Brava off and on earlier this year and had absolutely no problems with their domes. My ribcage is 29 inches underbust, so I'm certainly not as tiny as some of the other gals on here, but for some reason, I'm just having hell getting the cups to adhere to my chest. Hope your noogling is going well, you've got such beautiful large, full and perky boobs. ;)
