Growing Pains...


New Member
I wanted to ask what kind of growing pains do you girls get?
Today I hardly can pump!!!! I'm all sore!!!! :'(
But I don't know if it's growing pains...I feel it's more like muscle know what I mean???
i feel like I did more than 100 push ups yesterday...But I only did 10...thats really weird cus only if I do 80 push ups I have pain in my muscle...
So my question is could it be growing pains???or just muscle soreness???
I can barely do my massage before my pumping....It really really hurts...AAAAAOOOOOWWW!!!! :-[ :-[ :-[
I hope you will understand what I am trying to explain...
OOO...And I never overpumped cus I'm to scared to harm my I really pump on a light I didn't overpump for sure...
Waiting for your answers...
Hope you all have a great day!


New Member
Eva, I was going to start a thread to ask the very same question! As you know, I've been pumping for 2 months now...and just within this last week, I've noticed some growing pains. Sometimes, they are achy, so I was guessing that's what growing pains were, lol. But for the past few days, they've been muscley sore, how you described. Not sure why it is just starting to happen now, if anything I've been noogling at a lighter pressure because they do hurt...but just thought I'd share!


New Member
Eva_bs, I'm also having trouble massaging my boobs at the same strength that I normally do! It IS like really, really terrible muscle soreness, isn't it! But.. Better :D

Perhaps you should consider massaging harder before you noogle- that way your boobs get to relax and "loosen up" a little so that they don't hurt as much when you noogle? I've been noogling at the same pressure, and the pain hasn't gotten any worse :)


New Member
:( :( :(

Hi guy's

I would like to post something here about the soreness. What I would like for you to consider is this----Every time you pump, you are putting allot of pressure on your skin, but also you r ribcage and connective tissue, I would think. I would like for you all to consider taking a break OR getting the foam pads. In my opinion(for whatever it's worth column ) I think your body is angry. I doubt that it is your muscle tissue, it could. Please, give it some thought. We all want bigger boobage, I know but doing damage and having to take a break isn't going to produce what we want. I have pumped with different makes and I have had the same problem. Let's consider doing padding of some sort Luv ya guys Joni


New Member
:-* :-* :-*
Sorry I forgot this. I have been growing my boobage for 2 years now, the growing pains I think you refer to is a dull continuous pain. I believe that this pain originates behind the nipples. During my growth, I have noticed this. I'm close to having to move into a small B cup now and always have noticed that pain prior to noticing growth. If it is real pain and not dull, you actually may have damage that requires you to stop for awhile, then reduce pressure when you restart Joni


I agree Joni. It could be caused by the pressure of the domes on your skin, muscle, and bones. I get that from time to time if i get a little overzealous. I find that backing off helps. If you are using i lighter pressure and it still hurts taking a break may help. And many report growth and swelling after a break. I did!
As for growing pains: I get dull ache and itchiness, but mine originates at the base and goes up to the nipples. I have noted that itchiness seems to be a common denominator in many of the users that begin to experience growth. Hope that helps!


New Member
Although I already replied, I do agree. Don't worry, I care very very much about my boobs! I always take a break if anything hurts, even if it means breaking my noogle cycle. I skipped a session a few days ago, and I have skipped a day or two before, simply because my ribs hurt. I need to look into padding, but I feel so lost with all of the options. I want something cheap, reusable, and effective!


New Member
I'd say to discern between muscle soreness and growth pains, feel your breasts. If you touch or squeeze, you should feel pain if it's your breasts that are aching. I have to agree with intertwining, massaging really helps sore breasts if that's what you've got.


New Member
Thank you all for your replies!!!
About the pain....It does not hurt me on the ribs at all, I never had pain there...
Today I'm noogling again...and I don't have so much pain like yesterday... :-\
Only when I put a little pressure on my breast yesterday (when I did the massage) That really hurt,
Hope you know what I am trying to say!
Thank you for your help!!!!
Good Luck to you all!!!


New Member
im not sure if its growing pains... but everytime i have my period it is the same pain i feel.. so i believe that it must be growing pains then... they are pretty localized... its like a sensation of soreness and uncomfortable stimuli that you feel inside your breasts.... it is different from muscle soreness is if the pain you feel limits your range of movement.... you have a hard time accomplishing certain actions because the muscles that do the movement is in pain... i know my explanation is pretty limited..hope it helps though... ;D