HappyJigglers Stats


New Member
Hello all, I was told I should update a stats page. So here goes...
Age: 26
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 143 lbs
Waist: 32

over 34
on 36
Under 32

So there it is... Hope to get to know all of you too. Have been reading around alot on this site and I am very encouraged and inspired to grow. I'm hoping to work for a C cup. We'll see how it goes. You can go to the gallery page to see a couple before pics I posted.


New Member
Hi and welcome to the forum!
Your handle is hilarious by the way, hahaha.
Remember to take it slow and avoid overpumping, especially at the beginning.
I wish you the best of luck with the noogleberry! Do keep us updated. :)
xoxo Strumpet


New Member
Thanks Strumpet! I thought for a long time before a came up with that handle. I'm really looking forward to seeing some results.


New Member
HI & Also Welcome to the forum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From what I read, you have a good starting point.
Remember to use PLENTY of lotion, and not to pump to hard.
I know from experence it's easy to do. If your breasts turn ANY
shade of dark red, or purple you MUST release some pressure.
A pinkish red is O K though.
Stay safe, and have some fun !!
The boobie fairy will be seeing you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Thought I would update a little and tell you all what I've been doing with my noogling!! I have read a few posts that people have wondered if noogling and breastfeeding go well together. Well if you want more milk, then the answer is YES!!! I have been pumping every night for about 45 mins to an hour after my son has nursed and I'm empty. Then I pump throughout the day while I'm nursing (most every time), on the empty side after he's nursed that side for about 15-20 mins. In the evenings I do a massage, with coconut oil, before I noogle.

This is kid #3 and I've had trouble with having enough milk with all three of them, I've tried an herbal supplement, nursing often, pumping when he's not nursing (not a noogleberry, for milk), drinking mothers milk teas, and more. Since I've started the Noogleberry, I've noticed a considerable difference in the amount of milk I'm producing. In the morning especially, I'm very full and sometimes leaking. On the verge of being engorged sometimes, depending on how long he sleeps. I haven't been that way since my milk first came in. I've been having to supplement with formula AND some baby cereal, and now I'm only having to do one or the other, not both.

I've been noogling for only about a week now and have seen some swelling and noticed a big difference in my milk. The swelling doesn't stay for very long yet, but it's only been a week. I will update my gallery page when I notice a difference. Hopefully soon!!! ;D


New Member
Hello all, I've been pumping for little more than a month and no growth yet. :( I know it takes time, but seems very frustrating sometimes!!! Maybe you all can give some tips on how to keep the swelling to last longer than 30 min or there abouts. I pump for 45 min to 1 hr. once, sometimes twice a day. With 2 toddlers and a 6 mo. old its hard to find the time!! When I pump for longer than an hour I can get it to stay for little longer. But I don't have a whole lot of swelling to begin with. :( :( Just feeling kinda down. I can't wait to have the fuller, rounder look to them!!!!! Any advice? Do I need to pump harder? Longer? More often? Any advice welcome!!!!!!


New Member
Hi there, I feel your pain on the no growth. It does take time, so try and hang in there. :)
A few methods for better/longer lasting swelling:
1) Drink lots of water (at least 2 liters/day)
2) On the same vein, avoid anything that drains your water (caffeine/alcohol)
3) Use massage and heat (heating pad) for about 10 minutes before noogling, and avoid the cold right after noogling
4) Wear a loose-fitting bra after noogling (for some reason this keeps the swelling better)


New Member
Thanks Strumpet!!! I didn't mention it but I do massage for about 5 mins before noogling. Maybe I'll try to do that a bit longer. And try to drink more water. Haven't tried the heating pad, don't have one. :( Thanks for the tips though!!!! I'm just impatient I guess!!! I want them jigglers to be bigger and rounder soooooooo bad!!!! lol :) Is it better to wear a loose bra? Or none at all?


New Member
Here's an update!! I recently stopped nursing and I lost some weight, so in result, I lost about a cup size. :( :( My A cups are loose and I hardly fill them. My new measurements:

Height: 5'6"
Waist: 30 1/2"
Bust: Above: 33 1/2"
On nipples: 35 1/2"
Under: 32"
Weight: 136

I'm still noogling at least once a day, with heat, and hope to start some supplements soon!! Maybe that will help me get back what I've lost! ;)


New Member
hi Happy,

You know, the only thing in life that is important is that you ARE alive. Be happy and content that you have a nice family. You are just fine the way you are. If you get bigger breasts through noogling that is just great. We all want bigger breasts, but please don't fret something that isn't YOU. I read into allot of people's statements in their posts. Happiness or the lack of it comes out sooo very much. I'm a true believer in our BEING that person God created. Honey you ARE beautiful the way you are. If bigger boobs are in your future it WILL happen. If they aren't I beleive your hubby and children STILL love YOU for YOU, NOT a bigger bosom. Stay with noogling and love your self. I love you for you too. Mama J with lots of hugs dear Mama J :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
HappyJigglers, this would be the perfect time to noogle, after you stopped breastfeeding. I reckon the cells still remember their stretched shape as it only happened recently, so if you noogle, they won't have to adjust to swelling the cell walls again as that memory is still retained in the brain nucleus. Keep on going, keep on going., It will be slow and steady, but I'm very sure that you will get the increase. That's what I think, everyday I do it I'm happy I put it my share of work, forget about it, let my body deal with the increase. Just like Anastasia said, it's just part of our routine, like my preparing my family's meals everyday.


New Member
Not cell walls, pardon me. My kids will yell at me and say, "Mom, cell walls are only for plants." I meant to say cell membrane. Anyway, I wonder if you noogle if milk will come out. Congrats on the weight loss,btw.