Has any one got great swelling and then hours later go back to the same size as


New Member
I have been noogling for two weeks now and I get great swelling, but after about six hours it seems like I lose everything! is this just a slower process than I thought, or should I be keeping some of my swelling? I noogle about two to three times a day and I go from a very flat aa to a full b with my swelling. But I hate losing my swelling so fast! does this happen to any one else before they gained permanent growth?
two weeks is way too little time. people here Noogle for YEARS to get one cup size bigger.for some it is faster but for NO ONE its two weeks to retain some swelling.


I've noogled for just over a year now and I still retain basically no swelling but I've still had permanent growth.


New Member
HI Diva !!

It's comming up on my 2 year mark, I get great swelling while pumping, but as soon as I stop
they go down. I have grown a full cup size tho and that won't go away!!

It takes TIME AND LOTS OF IT to retain ANY growth.
Don't give up hope yet !!!

The boobie fairy will find you soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay safe, and have fun !!
Jamie2 ;)


New Member
Thank you all for your advice!! I am seeing a lot of healthy looking swelling:) It definitely is a work in progress but it sure feels like it's paying off. I have been taking bellas pm from bellasbeautifullbust.com for over a year now and pumping seems to be kicking everything into action now even more than before I pumped. I would message but not faithfully and the pm made me grow a half a cup size with out losing it over the year, but now that I found the nooglberry and now on my third week, I am swelling out of my bra and hardly losing my swelling any more!! it's great! I hope some one finds this herb helpful:)


jamie2 said:
HI Diva !!

It's comming up on my 2 year mark, I get great swelling while pumping, but as soon as I stop
they go down. I have grown a full cup size tho and that won't go away!!

It takes TIME AND LOTS OF IT to retain ANY growth.
Don't give up hope yet !!!

The boobie fairy will find you soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay safe, and have fun !!
Jamie2 ;)

Hi Jamie,

For how long do you noogle each time, and how many times a day?

Basically we are the same, though I resort to meds. also, in an effort of achieving my dream goal, a full C cup
BTW I would love seeing some of your pics, I bet you look great :)


New Member
HI Jessie !!

My typical sessions last for 1 - 2 hours twice a day.
If it's possiable for you to do the pumping while laying in bed(or couch),
It seems to give ME longer lasting swelling, Results take FOREVER to gain!!

The time spent is well worth it for me !!!!!
Time is not as importent as the amount WILL veriy with each one of us
as to the amount of growth we get.

Stay safe, and have fun !!!!
The boobie fairy is comming to see you soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
That is great swelling, but patience my friend! And I have to commend you for sticking with BB for an entire year with a half cup of growth. I've been on UB for a little over two months with no growth and was thinking of giving it 6 months before discontinuing, but I may have to reconsider that.