has anyone seen growth with noogling alone?


New Member
I'm a 32A wanting to go from that to a 34C or a D. I'm willing to be patient. I have considered taking BO but I have read of the possible side effects and it is banned in the UK, there are also no scientific studies that it is safe. There is very little information about it on the Internet. I don't want to take herbs either. I'm considering taking Maca, did anyone get results from it with noogling?
I'm probably around your size and even though visually I can't see a difference yet, I do feel a difference! 1 breast had almost nothing left after breastfeeding and the other had very litte. It seems like the smaller one has responded more than the other side. I only noogled about 1 week out of the month for the first few months. This month i've been putting in much more effort, although i've missed a day here and there. I'm hoping to visually see some results pretty soon. I''m curious to see how many others are strictly using the noogleberry and nothing else too . I know I probably should adjust my diet and try to drink more water a day, maybe I would have better results then.


New Member
Im doing NB and take only flaxseed-oil as suppliment. Ive grown about 1.5 inch in 7 weeks, allthough Im sure its not actuall growth yet just swelling that stays longer and longer... but in time Im sure it will become permenent ;)


New Member
I have been noogling everyday for 9 months and so far I have gained between 2 and 2.5 inches of permanent growth. I take no supplements with my noogleberry regime :)


New Member
Awwwwww Sliptinge,

I'm sooo very happy for you. Wish Mama could have that but oh well. Congrats sweetie

Hugs Mama J :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
Hi Mama!! :-* :-* :-*

I never even notice the growth myself! It's been very very slow progress for me as I did not have much breast tissue to work with lol. But we all know it's worth it in the end :)

Sorry to deviate from the topic ;) But did you get my PM, by any chance? I tried to msg you earlier, but I wasn't sure my msgs went through.

Love you! :-* :-* :-* :-*


New Member
i have been noogling for a year now, and i dont take any supplements. I have had 1.5 inch growth since i started noogling which was on june of last year. i measured 32 on my bustline. now i measure 33.5. i had not noogled for 2 weeks.. and it still is the same 33.5 inch.. my period is also about 2 weeks away ... :)


New Member
I have noogled for nearly 11 months now and gained 2 1/4 inches. I do not use anything else - too afraid to! Sue


New Member
I'm so glad that you can noogle without supplements. I was wondering about that. I just started this week but had not planned on taking anything. Good info.


New Member

My daughter has been Noogling for just over a year and has gone from a 32b to a 32dd (although the 32b was quite tight to start with and the 32dd is a pretty good fit so I guess she has gained 2 1/2 cup sizes.) She does not take supplements other than more recently MSM for a back problem. She took Wonderup for about 2 weeks but it made her start to put on weight everywhere else apart from her boobs! So yes you can get growth from Noogling alone. And she is 17 and has never been pregnant so we would have expected her to be a slow responder.

Good luck to you :)


New Member
Boodles, has it been a year already!? Wow time flies! I remember when you first came to the forum asking questions haha. And congrats on her growth, that's amazing!

Also ladies, lets not forget Sunsetz grew with just NB, I think she also eats chicken feet soup which is high in collagen and is said to be good for NBE. But she didn't take any herbs or BO as far as I know. I'm not sure who else has grown without supplements, but I know there's others as well.


New Member
As far as herbs go, I haven't taken anything for long periods. Mostly just a short trial to see what would happen. I'm so lazy with taking pills. I don't even take ones I'm supposed to by my doctor, so when I add in even more, that never works long. lol

I attribute all of my growth to NB. :)


New Member
Thank you Anastasia :)

That year has certainly flown! Although she has had great success she still says that without a bra she can't really see it. She knows that the growth must have happened as she can see it in a bra (and of course her cup size has gone up quite a bit!) and she can tell when she 'cups' them. I am sure that I read somewhere that, at one point at least, you felt the same. I think in her case it may be that her breast have quite a wide base now so the growth is quite spread out. Also seeing them daily you don't really notice I guess.

Unfortunately she accidentally deleteed her before pictures but we found out one of her old 32b bras the opther day and compared it with her new one. I think this was definaltey proof that Noogleberry works without supplemements lol .