Help Selecting Size, Recommendations for IGT or Little Lower Breast Tissue


New Member
I have Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT) which for me means that I have breasts with a high mammary fold, a good amount of space between them (no cleavage without serious effort and padding) and very little tissue on the under/lower side of the breast (so my breasts aren't too saggy but the nipples point down due to lack of tissue to hold them up).

The size isn't too bad but because of the wide spacing, I look a whole lot smaller. When I get fit for bras, they always try to put me in a B cup, but I pop over the tops of a D (left side) and almost fill a D (right side). It is awkward.

I currently have Large Kangzhu cups that are approximately 5 1/8 (height/insert) by 4.6 inches or (13cm by 12.5). I barely fit into them - I can get about half an inch past my areolas. I measured and I am about 19cm if I measure along the top of the breast looking down from the left to the right. If I measure the perimeter of the breast, it is 44cm. Should I just try the XXL then?