

Desiring to be boobylicious :-)
Where do I begin..... Hellooo all ;D
I bought my noogleberry some time last year but wasn't able to use it on a consistent basis due to lack of privacy. Since I realized I wasn't going to get maximum results by just noggling whenever I could, I chose to seek other methods ... so I bought a 9 month supply of Bountiful Breast pills praying that results would come however; I really don't see dynamic results and its been 5 months. The only time my breast tend to fill out is when my menstrual is on its way. Now that I have all the privacy I need I can't find my noogleberry because my mother moved from her old house and everything are in boxes. :'(

Has anyone ever took BB pills and had success and please share the steps you took or even if you noogled while you were on BB pills and results you received?


I haven't used bb pills before but everything I have read about bo has said to monitor your temperature. That 98 should be your constant, not lower.
I also read that many benefit from kelp or some sort of iodine because of this.
Finally, it's been advised to drink protein shakes with it.
Hope that helps.
I'm sure someone more experienced on the subject will elaborate for you eventually.:)