how do you gals pump while sleeping?


New Member
I've read that many of you leave them on while you sleep
how do you do that?
how do you set it up so that the pressure remains there and not fall off as you turn?
and when in your regime did you decide you needed to start doing this?

thanks ;)


New Member
I set up blankets and pillows around my body so I'm supported while I sleep. It makes it easier as opposed to lying on a totally flat surface where it would get too uncomfortable to keep going. I have found that if there is enough pressure in the domes I can turn on my side a little bit and they don't come off. Sleeping on the couch helps with that. Good luck!


New Member
I've only tried it a few times, and I can only sleep on my side so I had to do just one dome and leave the other off. I think the idea is to sleep on your back, but I just can't do it.


New Member
thanks ladies!
has anyone ordered the "airlock kit"? what doe sit do? can you remove the "gun" by putting this instead and then that's how you guys sleep?
thanks again


New Member
I sleep on a water bed (my wife's bed of choice) and never thought I could sleep on my back, but found it surprisingly easy. More times than not I get a full 6-7 hours of noogling in while sleeping.

canadianchick said:
has anyone ordered the "airlock kit"? what does it do? can you remove the "gun" by putting this instead and then that's how you guys sleep?
Currently I just lay the pump in between the cover layers, but I have ordered the airlock kit so I can remove the pump while sleeping.

Happy Snoogling. :)


When I noogle, call me Tank Girl!
The only way I can do that is to rest on my back! The most I've done in snoogling is taking a short nap on my back. I definitely cannot noogle on my sides, the cups will fart immediately. :mad:

When I sleep, I much prefer to sleep on my side, so honestly, I don't bother sleeping and noogling. I do however, noogle before I go to bed. I figure that's the best time for me since the body repairs and regenerates in sleep. Why not generate some fresh new tissue in my sleep? ;)


New Member
thanks everybody for your replies, I'm still waiting for my cups :0
I figure they'll be here next week woohoo, can't wait to start on this journey ;)


New Member
I'm honestly surprised that you guys don't like to sleep on your back! I can't wait to get mine and snoogle, I always sleep on my back and hardly turn.

Padded Hell

New Member
I wish I could snoogle. It would save a lot of time, but I've only ever tried it once or twice, but unfortunately I sleep on my side :(.
Occasionally, when I've woken up early, I'll put the cups on and have a nap for a couple of hours. That seems to work ok. I've got to do this tomorrow as a workman's coming to fix something in my house. Don't want to be caught in my boobie armour ;D. I'd die of embarrassment.