How long did it take you gals to swell?


New Member
Okay so I've been noogling for about 2 months now. I am a full A cup, sometimes a B cup and I'm using medium domes. I've tried pump and release, pump and hold, noogling while I'm bathing, noogling several times a day for an hour each session, the whole bit. I do AT LEAST an hour everyday and have maybe skipped 4 days altogether. I usually massage before hand and I try to keep my boobs under heat before I pump. Even though I consistently do this, I haven't gotten any swelling. Most people say they have gotten some amount of swelling by now but I haven't. I'm not discouraged or anything, I'm just wondering how long it took you ladies to start swelling, and anything that made the difference between swelling and no swelling. Has anyone had the same circumstance and how did it turn out for you? Any tips would be appreciated. Thank you for your help! Happy noogling!!


New Member
Do you pump hard enough? There is a lot of caution about over-pumping, and I do not want to encourage you to do that, but at the same time not hard enough will get you nowhere. If you get red dots, that is too hard, aim for slightly less. Use body oil on your breasts, preferable one with a little vitamin E mixed in. Drink lots of water. Many short sessions (30 min) during the day is better than one long session. I believe most supplements actually limit growth in the long term, noogling works all by itself. Oh, and try Dharma's piston pump. Hope this helps.


What do you mean by swelling? Do you swell into the cups as you noogle?
Afaik, this counts as swelling too. I've been noogling for over a year and I can swell pretty ok into the cups. Immediately after taking them off, my breasts are the size of my dreams, but as I have wiped them clean, there is miniscule swelling left. Still, I've had some permanent growth.
Two months is a fairly short time. I know there are some people who have acheived tremendous swelling in that time but everyone's different.


New Member
I agree you do not need to swell to get growht. My daughter has never experienced any significant or long lasting swelling (what little there is does not last as long as the red rings!) and she has grown from a 32b to a 32dd. So don't get too hung up on swelling. Good luck to you. :)


New Member
Hi Danigurl and blusherr

No I am sorry she does not have a gallery page. She is a very private person and will not put one up I am afraid. In fact she will not even come on here and gets me to ask questions - she is very funny about noogling! I am trying to get her to let me put up some clothed photos which we have that would clearly show her progress. I also keep meaning to take a photo of her progression of bras! This documents her progress probably just as well as actual photos of her. She has the same style ranging from a 32b to a 32dd!

She did not take any supliments, just noogle and massage, and aumenti cream daily.

Hope this helps in some way. :)