how much swelling when it first starts


New Member
Well, I THINK I might finally have swelling, but I'm not positive, since most of you gals report massive swelling, so I figured I would ask and see if in the beginning it is just a small amount. The last week, I noticed when I took the domes off, they remained full and hard and would measure, and it would show about a 1/2 inch difference. The first day it only lasted about 15 minutes, then the next a little longer and so on. Last night I noogled and measured and it was still 1/2 so I decided to measure this morning before noogling to try and get an idea of how long my swelling is now lasting and it was still showing the 1/2, so now I'm scratching my head is only 1/2 inch swelling possible? I really don't think this change is from the bountiful breast this time as I just had my growth spurt with them about 2 weeks ago and they are like clockwork with my cycle and besides that I had none of the typical growing pains I get from them, so that leads me back to is this swelling?

I sure hope so as it took sooooo long as it is to get anything from it. LOL

Teeny Tiny

Sounds to me like you are definitely getting some swelling, way to go! In the beginning it is a very gradual process, massive swelling isn't accomplished overnight. Any amount of swelling achieved is a good sign, one thing I would recommend is having a bra that fits comfortably and supportive with the swelling right after you take the domes off. I've found that if I wear a bra right after I noogle it helps the swelling stick around a little longer. In the beginning when I would get swelling I didn't put a bra on and it would be gone within a couple hours. But once I started putting a bra on it would stick around for anywhere from 8-12 hours, maybe not all, but there would definitely be some remaining swelling several hours later. Before noogling for the day I wear a 34a, after I've finished my noogling sessions for the day when I get adequate swelling I wear a 36b. Usually after a few hours of noogling off and on throughout the day I can put on my 36b bra and go out and the swelling will stay nice and plump and perky until I get home at least. Then I'll top them off before I go to bed so I have some nice swelling for my hubby to enjoy. Hope this info helps! :D


New Member
Thanks teeny, I pretty positive now that it's swelling. since I posted, I now measure an inch after pumping and can hold half of that between pumpings unless I wait too during the day to pump, so I might add a middle of the day pump in to help keep it constant. I'm really excited. Thanks for your imput


Teeny Tiny

No sweat, congrats on the swelling! Hope it keeps up and keeps getting better and better like mine does. And I wish you better luck with achieving permanent growth than I've had. :D


New Member
As weeks go by I notice that I'm swelling more and more. I'm sure you'll experience the same too :D


New Member
several months. Up until then when I would take the domes off, they would just fall back into place like I hadn't pumped at all. Now they fall back into place, but are a little firmer. It looks the same, but when I measure, it's about half an inch difference, but I'm still hit and miss with maintaining it. some days I stayed fluffed up and some days I don't.


New Member
I have been noogleing for about 9 days now & ive got an inch n half of swelling...i think it depends on how long you noogle for & the way u pump.when i used brava i had major swelling in the morning when i took my domes off,then after the weeks went on i had even more.I noogle for 2 hours a time so thats probably why ive been getting so much.