hydro noogling


New Member
Hydro-noogling, as far as I know, is just noogling with the cups filled with water. I think everyone has their own way of doing it, but I will share mine.

I always hydro-noogle while taking a bath because of how messy and complicated it gets (at least for me). I fill the cups and pump with the pump under water, so that water stays in the cups. Because juggling the cups can be a challenge, I usually lean forward as much as possible to get my breasts under the water with the cups (if that makes sense). Yes, it is as odd as it sounds. If I feel like I have good enough suction, then I will get out. But obviously I don't take them off unless I am close to a sink or something.

The only drawback is that the 7:2 method is near impossible to put into practice while noogling this way. For me, it is hard enough getting the cups on the first time. If I find an easier way to do it, I might find a way to work it out. But for now, I just don't have the patience for it. Other than that, hydronoogling has been one of the best things for me. Gives me better, longer-lasting swelling. And the shape overall has been improved by it. So overall, my experience with it has been a positive one.

Hope that all made sense. If there is an easier way out there, perhaps someone will share it.


New Member
I fill the tub about half way with pretty warm water, put the cups on and lay back all the way once there is good suction. The cups are now filled with about 1/4 water along with my boobs (without having to try to get the water in myself)
As I lay in the bath(on my back)my boobs gradually swell, as I pump more to accommodate the swelling more water fills along the cups inside automatically, until the water and my boobs reach the end! It takes about 1hour15min to reach the end of the cups and it used to take 2 hours. I tried filling the cups with water and fumbling around with cups filled with water and didn't get as good results but maybe this is just what works for me.


I always hydro noogle on my back, I've found that it's the easiest and most comfortable way to do it. I don't fill up the domes completely, just enough to cover my breasts when I'm lying down.

The benefit to that is, it's not as messy. When I pump, water doesn't come out of the back of the handle (except at the very start if I've let water go into the tubes).

Doing it that way, I'm sure you can do the 7:2 method, but I never bother. Also, the domes hardly weigh anything since there's far less water, so it's way more comfortable (especially if you're using huge domes like me).


New Member
;D Long time no post...but here is what I have brought the process down to.

Preparations, I apply a high viscosity oil (Olive at the moment) to the breast in question making sure to cover twice the area I need. This is to lubricate the skin that will be drawn into the cup by pumping so that there is no pinching or as little as possible. I will massage that in for a good 5 or 10 minutes to help loosen up the tissue in the area.

Second coat if the massage has dissipated the oil.

I'll hop in the tub at that point and fill the cup to the brim with water and while bent at the waist horizontal with the floor apply the cup to the area. I am using XLXL's and I position them so that the nipple is near the outside edge of the cup closest to the arm on that side of the body horizontally, and vertically in center. (IE: left breast nipple to the left center.) The reason is as I pump the tissue is drawn in most from the outside of the chest, and the area near the breast bone much less so. Nipple in the center vertically, brings the bottom of the cups much lower on the abdomen that I used to place it but I have found that this gives better shape than when I had the bottom of the cups right under the bottom of the breast. As I pump the suction drawing the tissue in draws as I mentioned mostly from the side closest to the arm and by the time your done pumping the nipple will have moved to center or close to it.

I will pump till the cup is secure and then a until it feels uncomfortable just a bit. I can now exit the tub, and about every 15 minutes I will reattach the pump and pump again till it's just a bit uncomfortable. Usually no more than an hour in total. After a year of trial and error I have found that giving this method one day on and two days off, (with massage ongoing during the off period) works REALLY well for me.

I wont use both at once anymore, as I find it's depriving me of max gains. The key I have found is to apply a stretch to the desired are in a way that is sustainable, and learning where that fine line is between a good stretch and damage. (you know red dots and stuff) Once you have that down, the trick is to build up tolerance and push that limit a little more every time.

In this way I can actually fill the overly large cup, where with two on that's impossible. And one is so much easier to deal with.

only partially filling the cup with water, hmmm, the whole reason for using water in the first place was displacement, the mass of the water vacuum draws more efficiently and with more depth, than air. It's has a mass much closer to that of the tissue as the tissue is mostly water as well, and that is the main reason for using water at all. So not sure how efficient that will be. But as with all things everyone responds in their own way and what works for some will not for others. The secondary reason for using water was to apply heat, heat being an accelerant to many things including growth and is usually recommend by most enlargement procedures I wanted to find a way to incorporate that into my program in a way that did not add extra time. In fact when I came up with Hydro it was an effort to combine all of the items I was using into one procedure and though successful for the most part I have yet found a way to include massage in the routine. Originally, my routine included not just hot water but additives. I was using one or two drops of PM concentrate oil per cup as well. (I'm all out now)
So I had managed to get 3 of the 4 items into one method but massage was still an extra time slot.

So after much experimentation, I'm finding that the stretch and the length of time in it are the key. The tissue needs to be stressed to the point of replication, that is to say causing the cells in question to be triggered into dividing, then, even more importantly, the new cells require time to complete the process and grow. disturbing them during this seems to slow Everything down. So that is why i am at one day of stretch and 2 or more days of relaxing and massaging. The accompanying pic shows an XLXL cup filled, notice however that placement was a little off, vertically as the nipple is too low in the cup. Trial and error ^_^


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Fully filled XL cups! That's impressive!

Thanks for sharing your method in detail. Will have to go back to fully filled domes, but man, was that uncomfortable! I still think that the partial hydro noogling was way better than plain air noogling, but of course I want to do what's going to give me maximum results!

Evey time you apply more pressure, do you bend at the waist again?


New Member
no....your simply waiting till the flesh has adjusted to the pressure and the stretch becomes a bit more comfortable. So as to keep the tissue stressed as much as possible with out damage


New Member
Very cool Buxom, I think I'm going to give that a shot. I can't believe you are filing the XL cups! When you do this process, does water ever enter the pump piece? Also, do you think taking one day off of noogling per week would really help growth? After my first week back at serious noogling, I find that it is taking longer sessions to get the same swelling as I was getting initially. Thanks for your tips.


New Member
Just to be clear, Busty, the bend at the waist part is just to accommodate getting the cups on without a lot of water going everywhere so once they are on there is no need.

And for the second question, OOOoo, swelling is really not what your after, though it's a sign that the tissue was stretched to the point of stress and that IS a good indication that you may have triggered the cells to divide it's not permanent. Yes, I am finding that I actually get better results with one day on and two days off. Think about how the body builders go about it, tear the muscle up and then give it the next day off ... to repair. In effect they are doing just the same thing to build more muscle tissue. That's why they cycle muscle groups when working out.

And, I can't believe I am filling those cups either!! what a difference it is from starting with contoured larges! I still have one of those cups but I cant really use it anymore, LOL.


Happy Nooglin!


New Member
Thanks for following up. I think you're right about taking a break every few days... Putting my boobs through noogle war every day feels unhealthy. They seem tired, lol. Maybe I'll make the weekends my break since those are the days with the most people around and the hardest to sneak away to find time to noogle anyway. As for no longer being able to use your contour larges... A) I'm so jealous, and B) feel free to send them on over ;)


New Member
LOL!!, I would but am in no position to spend ANYTHING not even to buy a box. or pay postage....dammit.

I only have one left, anyway. There is a weak point in the pumps I have found, two actually. One is yes the return mechanism is a spring and appears to be metal, so rust can happen, two the handle where the pinion is. Water being much denser the pressure applied is more strenuous on that part of the handle, and over time it will wear and crack. The pump is still usuable but I had to make my own handle for that one. But it has been doing hydro for about a year now so it has served well...


New Member
Hey, Buxom, I was totally joking about sending me your old cups, haha. So, I thought you'd appreciate knowing that I tried hydro-noogling the other day... and it was AWESOME! I wasn't totally able to replicate your process-- I stayed in the tub and did it during a bath because it was just too messy figuring everything out, but it was fine lying back and having some guaranteed privacy while I practiced. I had to fill up the cups only partially because they wouldn't get any suction initially without a good amount of air in there, but once they were reasonably on, I just submerged the pump and slowly replaced the air inside with water with each pump until they were full. Another thing is that next time I will use slightly hotter water because it cooled significantly after only a few minutes. As for how it affected my body, first of all, I've never seen my boobs fill the cups so much, I mean my boobs were pressed against the sides of the cups at least a full inch past where they normally do. Secondly, it was way more comfortable than air noogling as far as skin pulling and especially for under/behind my left shoulder blade and back, which is normally cramping to hell by the time my hour of noogling is up. It just took all the physical strain off the whole process, which felt great. I was able to zone out and focus on deep breathing, which I think gave me a much better session than usual. Anyway, it was really intense, so I think I'm going to do it once a week from now on as part of my noogling routine. Thanks for all of your help and advice with the process.


New Member
I'm glad i could be a help, I am all too familiar with the way the world looks at things, and after reading a few more stories here on this site about small breasted ladies having thier self esteem crushed under the boot of .... unpleasant folks. Well, like I said glad I could help. Have fun! ;D


New Member
Hi! I tried hydro noogling in the bath after a first attempt with air that gave me bad stretch marks. I'm hoping that this technique will be more gentle on my skin but god did I have a hard time keeping the water in the domes while putting them on my breasts! I was finally able to keep the domes filled a little bit over the half and started pumping to see what it would do. I could see my breasts stretching but didn't feel the pull as much as when I noogle with air, but I am so nervous to get new stretch marks that I did not pull too much. I liked the experience overall and will definitely try it again with hopefully some good results. I'll try your tips to fill in the domes next time!


New Member
It's not even close to easy to hydro with two cups, why not try it with one at a time to start and then see about working your way up? I know this makes for longer noogling but at least it will let you get the full experience. Some folks have other ways posted to get trapped air out, though I dont think its all that important to have no air, you defiantly want more water than air.

This method though I have found it gives me much better results, and is definitely easier on the flesh is much harder on the pumps so be a little gentle with them while noogling and try to place the pressure from squeezing at or about the lever point on the handle as that is the weak spot. Also there is some metal in the pumps (springs I believe) so try to dry them out thoroughly when your done or as best you can, a little wd40 to the back of the pump where the water comes out would be ok too. now and then. (it's mostly soybean oil anyway...)

To all those posters that worry about swelling, don't~! It's not what your after, and not permanent. What you want are for those cells to divide, and from one, become two. That being said, how large is a cell? Thinking on that how many trillions will you need to produce per cups size? What I'm getting at here, is patience, and perseverance. Chin up, Chest out, positive thinking active.....go for it.!!! ;D


New Member
Buxomboobs: yeah I think I get pretty much the essence of it. I'm now able to fill the cups with water to cover my breasts so as you say I don't think that a bit of remaining air will really change anything. However over the last week I haven't had time to hydro noogle as I hardly have 30-45 minutes for myself while I know that I won't be disturbed (and discovered!) by my kids and hubby.

hehe I'll also remember to put some oil in the pump once in a while to make sure it doesn't break!

I know we have to be patient with getting some swelling and seeing lasting results BUT... I can't help but being jealous of those who get results fast ! :) Even if I had to pump ever night if the swelling could last during the day and could have decent boobs as fast as possible I'd be ecstatic.


New Member
It's really a whole lot easier if you can do one dome at a time, if you really like using water it's worth getting a couple of quick disconnect fittings and connecting them very close to the domes. This is how I am doing this now. It's so much easier than two at a time! :)


I've been noogling in the hot tub. The feeling and the results are amazing. My breasts don't change color and its impossible to lose suction. I'm very careful to moisturize afterwards though. The first time I did it I put my normal cream on and it got all over the tub. Lets just say that hubby was less than pleased with my puffy new boobs. Merry Christmas to all