I'm Finally Noogling! I did it! I did it!


New Member
Yesss! I'm finally Noogling! Today was a helluva day at work, stayed late to finish a project, there was a hiccup with the Excel spreadsheet that I couldn't fix, office manager had already left....so, my husband is out playing poker with the boys and I come home and by the time I pick up the mail and walk the dog its almost 6:00 PM. Instead of trying to just Brava for the time being, I think to myself, "self, why don't you try that Noogleberry that's been laying under your bed for about a month?". I grab my cocoa butter lotion and am ready to spring into action. I bought these pink silicone sleeve things on ebay that I tried first (seller said they're better than NB's foam rings)....well, no go, major farts. So, plan B, I grab the foam rings and slather on the cocoa butter creme and carefully apply one cup, then the second one and I'm nooglng as I'm typing! How cool is that! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Totally turned around my crappy day! Now, I'm hoping there won't be any ring marks when I take them off, but I'm not going for a marathon session tongiht anyway. This is just practice! I'm wearing the Extra Large cups and filling 3 inches on the right and 3.5 inches on the left. I'm so excited I just want to run outside with these things on and yell to the whole neighborhood, I'm finally Noogling! Next step: Talk to the husband about Noogling! Stay tuned!


New Member
Thanks everyone! I'm even more excited to report that when i took the domes off last night, I only had them on for less than 30 minutes and there were no nasty ring marks! I did notice a very faint mark above my right breast, but it was very faint and I probably didn't put enough cocoa butter creme on that side. THe first cup I was able to get on was the left and when I decided to try both, I realized that its easier to go right to left, than left to right. So, I'm beyond thrilled, so happy that once i tell my husband, I'll probably be Noogling while rooting for my Houston Astros baseball team. ;D :D ;) :) I did notice that even the short amount of time I had on the domes, my breasts looked really nice after removing them and I noticed something interesting. My nipples didn't do that weird puckering up thing like they do when I would take off the brava and I think it was because my skin was very moist from the cocoa butter. I don't use any lotion when I would put on the Brava and maybe that was just from dry skin. I noticed they didn't do it when I got out of the shower this morning and lately, they're been doing it a lot, especially when I get out of the shower. So, all good news! I'm happy to officially be part of the Noogling club!


New Member
Thanks, I need do that and keep them very private on my home computer! My husband would freak out if he knew I was going to photog my boobs!

Matt B

New Member
Congrats on the noogling! If you are into the XL's 3 inches +,parden the expression Lexus,but that's gotta be a "Nice Rack"already.The XL's are huge!!Do you have the CL's? If so you might want to try them again.I thought you said you had a hard time keeping the XL's on.Right? Just curious.

Happy noogling, Matt ;D

PS did you all get any of that hail?


New Member
Aww, thanks Matt! I'm blushing at your compliment! ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D When I first attempted to Noogle, I did try the CL's and couldn't stand them. I didn't like the curve because I could never get it lined up properly on my chest and they would always end up digging into my ribs. Even with the foam rings I didn't like them. Not comfortable. Plus, I felt squished in the CL's. When I decided to give the NB another whirl, I emailed Lucy a topless photo and she recommended the Extra Large cups. They really didn't seem any bigger than my Extra Large Brava domes. They did feel lighter though and I was very surprised that I was able to get both of them on and sealed. The cocoa butter creme made all the difference. And, no nasty ring marks after! Even better! I've been on my nbe program for 4.5 months- I listen to the Breast Enlargement Without Surgery program every night at bedtime, I feel strong tingles in my boobs and I sleep better from the relaxation, and after I shower, I massage for 360 inward rotations using Bio-Oil and a few drops of Greenbush Enhancement blend liquid (saw palmetto, fenugreek and wild yam). My starting size was a 34C (37 inches bust, 29/30 under) and now I measure about 38 inches bust, still 29/30 under. So, I guess that makes me a small 34D cup. I have noticed that my bras fit tighter and I'm just plain spilling out of some of them. The big test will be when I get measured again at Victoria's Secret. The last time I was measured was at Easter, before I gained the inch. It took me almost 3 months to gain an inch and I'm going for more! ;)

Oh and no we didn't get any hail down here, good memory, I am in Texas, but I'm in Houston, it was the Dallas area that got the hailstorm. Its hurricane season for us down here, so far its been quiet, but if we're going to get a storm and I hope we're not, its usually August or September.

Matt B

New Member
HI Lexus,If you are bustin out of the bras hon you're growing.I don't even try to measure,I just go by the pics.I do a little massage and a heating pad but no nighttime tapes.I am back on the fenugreek and I'm going to add red clover again this weekend just for a month or so ;D,must be boobie greed.They're showing but still slight,and I'm gettin to the point where I don't really give a shit if people see them or not.I know it's a fine line Lexus,but it's really no ones business. I'm sure I'll find a happy medium.BIGGER!!LOL

Anyway,it's good to hear you and a few others here are finally getting the results you aspire to,you all deserve it.

Matt, ;D
XL's ^--^~ DAMN! <3


New Member
Matt, you've just made my whole year! ;) ;D I actually tried on a bra last night that I"ve had for several years and never really liked how it looked on me, its an Intimissi from Victorias Secret, but wow, I could def see the tops popping out, I don't remember filling it out that well, its a demi/ baloconette style, so it really showed them off! I started my nbe program on Jan 30th of this year and didn't tell my husband what I had been doing. Finally, the weekend before Memorial Day, he told me 3 times in one day, I swear your boobs are bigger, I swear your boobs have grown, and then, its like you're on something! So, I finally let my cat out of the bag and told him what I'd been doing. He understood why I kept it concealed, because I knew if he took noticed, that things were indeed working! Your program sounds like a good one, you can't go wrong with massage and heat. I've even read about after massaging taking plastic wrap and putting over your chest, then adding the heating pad. Matt, its none of anybody's business what you're doing, if you want boobs and you want 'em to get bigger, then by darnit, go for it. Life is too short to not do what makes you happy. You're not hurting anybody, you're not breaking any laws, you're doing what makes you happy and makes you feel good about yourself. And I see nothing wrong with that! :) I made my first attempts at nbe back in 2004-2005 and never could get focused and I've often thought about "what if" I had done it back then. Well, I'm doing it now and I've got boobie greed just like you! I love this forum, we're like a big family and what's so cool is that we come from all over the world. We're our own researchers in a field that the medical community doesn't want to talk about. And, we're all in this together! Have a great weekend and happy growin!

Amanda aka Lexus

Padded Hell

New Member
Hi Lexuswoman,

Congrats on succeeding with the NB CL's. Hopefully, one day soon I'll manage to get mine to stay on! That's so exciting that your husband's noticed they've got bigger. Men don't lie about these things, so that can only mean they're definately growing!!!! :). You're on your way! I envy you being able to wear a balconette bra! I've got one, but there's nothing to display, the cupboard is bare :'(, so to speak. It's been resigned to the back of the underwear drawer for now :). But I WILL grow into it, oh yes, I WILL!!

I use plastic wrap when I slather on my FG/GR oil after my evening NB session, & I sit there for 20 mins with my heat pad. I think it helps. Sometimes, I get stabbing boobie pains when I do this, which I take as a good sign.

I agree with your 'Life is too short' comment wholeheartedly. If we can't make ourselves happy, then we can't make anyone else happy either :)

Matt B

New Member
Hi Amanda,thanks for the shout out hon.I love intimissi bras,but when I see a used one on e-bay they're 20 bucks and I'm not paying that for a used bra.Also,VS run small from what I hear so I stay away from them.I've been lucky as the ones I have purchased were on sale or used and they fit different occasions,you know like work or leisure or none at all.And realistically,I have to be subtle.

And yes you're right,this is one big family.I never would have thought there was a cyber place like this,people actually care about others.I mentioned it some time ago and maybe it's time for a repeat. I never would have thought that breast growth played such a
large part in a woman's psyche.After reading through the forum and some threads that one or two made me cry,I got a real lesson on you gals,and I'm thankful for it.Where it fits in the big picture isn't known yet but I'm sure it will be eventually.
Well,enough philosophy back to boobs!LOL! I'll probably stay on the herbs for awhile just to finish and they also have some super benefits in addition to breast growth.
Hey, if you see a 38b-c intimissi someplace let me know.You don't see them often.Thanks.And yes we are in this together and the people here are second to none.

Matt ;D


New Member
Hey PH,

Thanks! That was a huge accomplishment for to get those cups to stay on and not get ring marks. I had a really long and stressful day work that day and it just turned my whole day around. When my husband took notice, I knew it was for real. He doesn't listen/ pay attention, I could tell him there was a giant mushroom cloud outside and he'd say, oh, that's nice. Hey, don't ditch that balconette bra, keep it for the future! Are you still doing your visualization program? Stabbing boobie pains are a good thing. I know when I'm listening to my video, I've never felt pains, but I feel a warm, plusating, liquidy feeling in my breasts, if that makes sense. I do remember right around the time I began to grow, I did feel itchy and noticed sore nipples in the shower, but I thought it was just dry skin and maybe chafing from my sports bra. Have a great weekend! :D


Hey, thats what friends are for, right!? I think I bought that Intimissimi (I misspelled it in my first posting) back in 2007 and just looked on ebay and there are 244 that come up. Helps to spell it correctly! There are seven in 38b and only one in 38c. Looks like only two of them are more than $20. This forum is such a great place, I remember back on my first attempt at nbe, I was on the BE Board, used to be really active like this one, . I made so many good friends, a few of whom I'm still in touch with all these years later.

Us gals are a very complex species for sure! And our reasons for wanting larger breasts are all so different, we all have our own unique story. My personal story began back in 2004 while I was still married to my first husband, I found out that his ex-wife had breast implants and I just went nuts. Several friends we went out with, the wives also had implants, so all the more reason, I wanted to fit in. I was a woman on a mission, I was going to find a way to make my boobs bigger too. Never mind the fact that he didn't want her to get them to begin with, I think her family paid for them, she had like a breast deformity or something, and he was content with how I looked, this was all about me. I tried Bloussant, Grobust, Bust Booster gel and some breast enlargment pills from Whole Foods Market-and of course none of them worked. I wanted to try BO, but he wasn't wild about that idea. I thought I had struck gold when I discovered the Brava system and soon bought one on ebay. My world caved in when I realized I couldn't sleep in it and wouldnt' be able to do the program. I got the Flat2Fab book and tried to put together a herbal and massage program, but only made it two weeks. Things at home turned abusive (husband got on steroids for bodybuilding) and we divorced. I moved on and remarried later on, but the boob thing was always in the back of my mind. No longer was it about somebody's ex-wife with implants, this was about something I wanted, for me, not for anybody else. And, in January, I said, this is my year and I'm going to do this. I had this mindset that I really had nothing to lose. And, believe me, its been a long journey and I've only been doing it 4 months, some of ya'll have been in doing this a year or more, there were times I wanted to quit, but I knew deep inside that if I quit, I would really regret it.

Don't know where you buy your herbs, but Greenbush.net is excellent. They have great customer service and ship really fast. Have a great weekend, I'll keep my eyes open for that perfect Intimissimi for you! I'm on ebay all the time.


Matt B

New Member
Thanks Amanda,I'll look in a few. and do VS bras run small?
As for the implants,aren't you glad you didn't get them now?My daughter in law has already had one replaced so who knows whats next.
Thanks for sharing your story.It is amazing that all of us just want boobs and the reasons are so varied.Self esteem seems to be the biggest I think,and the ages of the gals here seems to be mostly early twenties or later. There are a few that concern me but all we can do is listen and contribute and hope they will too. I still stick to my statement though,"You gals are more than just boobs,you are you"!

TTYS, Matt ;)


New Member

I am soooo glad I didn't get implants! I toyed with it for a while, but was too leery of the surgery for several reasons, the first of which was having an adverse reaction. I've read several stories about perfectly healthy women getting saline implants and suddenly having mysterious auto-immune disorders. I was also concerned about getting them and not being happy with the size, mostly the possiblity of being too big and also surgery is surgery and isn't without risks or complications. I didn't want to find out the hard way if I was going to have a complication from them. Plus, while i wanted to be bigger, I didn't want the fake look.

As far as VS bras running small, I really don't know about their sizing as I can't compare it to anything, because I pretty much only wear VS bras, my husband loves them and they have so many great styles that can really make the most of what you already have! See ya later, gator! :D


New Member
I would like to welcome you to the club and hope that things really work for the better on your side. And though there are far simpler things that could work a lot better in some ways that you could see fit, it is just great to be able to start with something that will surely give and return you with results. And in any case that you don't see it fit, I guess you just have to know what is needed and how you are going to solve it.