In need of some words of wisdom!


New Member
Hi Ladies!
I've been noogling for almost a month now with the medium domes. I usually pump until its a little uncomfortable, hold for around 5 mins, then release a little pressure and repeat the process until the domes are full. Then i will hold that for 45 mins to an hour. I've got to the point now were i'm filling the domes really quickly so i figured now would be a good time to move up to larges.
(Do you agree with this?)
The only thing is, when i've finished my session and i remove the domes, my breast go back to the way they were at the begining of the session. There's only been once or twice when i've experienced a tiny bit of swelling afterwards and it really was tiny! Is this normal? Shouldn't i be experiencing more swelling by now, considering that i've pretty much filled the domes?
When i was younger i was really over weight and when i lost the weight my breasts totally disappeared and I was left with empty bags of skin! Do you think this could be the reason i'm not getting swelling? Because the domes are being filled with skin rather than fatty tissue? Is there any way or anything i can do to improve my chances of swelling?

I'm sorry if i've rambled a bit...i really need some advice with this..i dont want to end up losing faith...

If any of you lovely ladies could share some words of wisdom i'll be ever so grateful!!

Many thanks in advance and happy growing everyone! :)


That was the same with me. I moved from the medium domes to large within the first month of starting noogleberry. With the large I saw more growth, and about 9 month later I moved up to XL


New Member
I've only been doing Noogleberry since April, so I am definitely not an expert... but I nursed my four kids for a year each. My breasts grew a crazy amount while I was nursing.... the only place I got stretch marks was on my breasts! After nursing they deflated a lot and especially after the last baby, they were kind of saggy. Then, over the last 18 months I lost a lot of weight (I went from 168 to 123!). So, what little breasts I did have disappeared. It felt like my breasts were just empty bags.

Now, I have been doing noogleberry for almost 3 months and my breasts really haven't grown much, but they have filled in. My nipples were saggy too, and because the breasts have filled in, there is less saggy-ness in my nipples. I didn't get much swelling at all the first couple months. In the third month, I started to get some swelling when I noogled, but nothing like the girls on here who already have nice sized breasts to begin with.

This is just a guess... but I'm thinking that you aren't getting a lot of swelling yet, because there isn't a lot of breast tissue there to swell. I am thinking that as your breasts start to fill in with new breast tissue, that's when you will probably start to see some swelling. It may feel discouraging for a while.... but I betcha that after a month or two, you will begin to notice that your breasts start to feel less empty, and eventually more firm. You probably won't see a visual difference until a couple more months have passed. So, you will need to be patient and consistent with noogling, even when you aren't seeing visual results.

When I was trying to decide whether to try breast suction I spent time at the Brava web site as well as this one. There was one photo in particular that stuck with me... even though my breasts weren't as big as the woman's in the photo, it appeared as though she had the same problem I did, of having empty breasts after nursing. Here is that pic: maybe it will encourage you too.


New Member
yeahh...that's how it usually goes...nothing much happening the first 2 months...Just have to hang in there.
Then one day u pump, mind your own biz, remove the domes and BANG!!! You can't beleive the swelling!!! I was hysterical the first time I saw my first swelling, I had "given up" almost and was "just" pumping withought giving it too much thoughts....I was "dancing" with happiness, measured and extra 1cm (big deal, now my swelling is aprox 2-3cm) of swelling showing my "big lol boobies to my DH...yep...

Now at the end of my 4 months, I am bigger naturally than this initial swelling...

Also, when u start to see the swelling, it won't last, ok? so again dont be disapointed, BUT as the time pass, the swelling stays longer and longer...

So, just do it regurlarly, be patient and in a few weeks: BANG!!!! ok? and in a few months :Big Bang!!!

Ps:water so important


New Member
Big thanks girls for your replies! I'm starting to feel much better about my situation now.
Kellynne, the link you posted, i couldn't get it to work, but your post was so inspiring and has encouraged me anyway! Thankyou. And i think you're right about the swelling thing, i dont have enough breast tissue yet but i'm not going to give up! I have noticed a tiny bit more fullness, not enough for anyone else to notice but its enough to keep me going. Plus i enjoy noogling, even if i'm not seeing major results just yet. I think i'll see better results after using the large domes for a while, because there'll be more room for suction then (if that makes sense?). Congrats on the weight loss by the way! You go girl! :)

Rachel 88, LOL!! Your post really made me laugh! Thankyou so much for your words of encouragement! I have increased my water intake and am being very patient...waiting for my BANG! ;)

Do any of you take supplements aswell as noogling? I'm currently taking zoft but thinking of trying UB instead soon.

Thanks again and happy growing! :D


New Member
Ahhhh... sorry about the link! Must be because it was generated in search results. If you want to try again, try this link (hope this one works):
then search for the age of 37, 2 children and caucasian.
I was really encouraged by the photo I'm trying to direct you to because you could *really* see that her breasts filled in with new breast tissue.

Good... I'm glad you feel encouraged... and thanks for the congrats on the weight loss. :)
Keep pumping!


New Member
hi skyblue ;D , i guess we started almost at the same time, i have been pumping since june 8... im also with the medium domes and have almost filled it up... i don't retain much swelling also... i pump for 30 - 2 hours a day 2x a day.. sometimes once a day..if i dont have time i snoogle... ;D i dont swell that much unlike the other girls in the picture, and the little swelling that i do disappears after a few hours...i believe that you just have to be more patient and diligent in doing this... i dont see much difference when i look at my boobs but i can feel my bras tightening... so i guess i must be doing something right...
i use to take in perfect curves pill but not anymore... itook it for 2 months.. i started before i had noogleberry.. i stopped taking the pills because i developed pimples, and fat in places i dont like... but i did gain a half inch growth in my overbust because of it... i think that you should move onto the large domes because i feel that i am no longer growing so i need to upgrade to larger domes... i am just waiting for next week though because im going on a holiday, and since i am in the uk, it only take 1-2 days for me to receive the package and i wont be here if it arrives...

patience is not my best virtue but as someone said..good things come to those who wait... ;D good luck on your noogling...


New Member
Omg! Kellynne, I totally see what you mean now! :eek: Its amazing how much her breasts have filled in with new tissue! I hope that happens to me! Haha. Thank you for directing me there, its really inspired me and I'll look at that whenever I'm feeling discouraged! :D

Hi bonzaigirl, thanks for your reply and congrats on your progress! My bra's still feel the same size although i think I've gained a teeny tiny bit on the upper part of my breast. Gonna take pics at the end of my first noogle-month to compare and see if there's any difference! I'm also in the UK and ordering my large domes on wednesday as I'm filling the mediums so quickly and when i do i dont feel like there's much pull on my breasts. They dont even turn pink anymore. Oooo! Maybe we could be booby buddies?! lol
I'm gonna order some UB on wednesday too in the hope that it will speed up my progress. Patience isn't my strongest point either but i am trying. I think its harder because i know I've finally gotten on to something that really works and i want it now!! lol!

Anyway, gonna keep on pumping! Had some growing pains today so thats gotta be a good thing!

Happy growing everyone! :)