Is it wrong to want more?


New Member
So I was just thinking...
My boobs are a decent size... But I want more! I love boobs and I think they're super hot! It's the first thing I look at on girls and I'm always jealous of the girls with big boobs!
Anyways I just didn't want it to be greedy of me since I found there's others out there that would be happy with my size (sorry if I am!)


New Member
I don't think it's ever wrong to want whatever you want for your body. :)
If you want bigger breasts, go for it!


New Member
HI !!!
In my opionion, it's never wrong to want bigger breasts. I have been wanting them
for years, and now am finaly getting them.
Thanks to the NB system, and lots of time.
Some grow fast, some grow slow, but all see results !!
Stay safe, and have some fun.
The boobie fairy is on her way to see you !!!!!!!!
Jamie2 ;)


Lovelyoneanna amazing results NBE
Its is your decision, although that could be a mental set back. Guess what the ones who are larger could want more of , what you are just trying to accomplish. Just know that its ok to enhance by all means. That is your right within your decision of how you look , " your appearance. " In compliments of not over doing it, lol boob age you can't or your man can't handle. You are of reasonable rights, There are woman who has Hugh breast and want more. Now if it may be firming, contouring, or maintaining the firmness that's the question. You make you ok with you, If you are working with larger D breast Then it may be questionable, you maybe by all means pointing to a certain way you are viewing your self. So make it happen if you can, if you think you are over doing it then maybe you would need to re evaluate your decision.