Is the noogleberry safe for women that have implants?



I have sub-muscular saline-filled implants. My problem is not with the size of my breasts, rather the quality of them. I noticed significant improvement in pliability and softness. I also think that I've gotten some new tissue growth, which is my ultimate goal. I would like to have enough new growth to allow me to remove my implants.

Is the Noogleberry system safe for women that have implants?


I really think you should check with your plastic surgeon. I'm not a doctor obviously, but my gut reaction is that you should not use a suction device on implanted breasts. You have a pocket that was made for the implant and you don't want to affect that with a lot of pressure. Also, your own tissue is compressed by the constant pressure of the implants pressing against it which I would think would be very counterproductive to suction. It doesn't sound like a good idea to me but definitely check with your doctor.


I have been wondering this as well...I have sub-muscular breast implants as well and would love to try this system but was worried the suction could burst one of the implants. I had mine put in five years ago, and at the time I was terribly thin (had a lot going on in my life), so the doctor put in the very small implant b/c he didn't want me to 'look' augmented. Although I appreciate his honestly I would look so much better with fuller breasts. I am 5'9" and have a pretty curvy, but fit, body and my breasts look a little small on me (a very small 34 C).
Hi, I had implants removed and am now using noogleberry to try to improve on what I've been left with. I personally think it would be very risky to use a suction device with implants, as they can rupture. Please consult a surgeon before proceeding - its not worth the risk unless you've been given the ok.