Is there any easy way to get rid of armpit fat?


New Member
Hello! :)

So I have a serious case of armpit-fat-a-titis, which kind of spoil the effect of my swelling boobs, and not to mention look TERRIBLE in tube tops!

Is there any way to get rid of it? Slimming creams maybe? ???

Thanks, and happy noogling, everyone! ;D


The Playtex 18 hour bra is built tight around the arms, it has an extra panel there made to push the armpit fat in, its made for bigger ladies, but the smallest size they make is a 36b. I wear between a 32C/34B depending on the bra. I bought the 18 hour bra in 36b and I wear it after pumping and it has made the armpit fat problem less noticeble for me. It is a very ugly bra, so it only for the house under a baggy shirt ;)


New Member
tpurple said:
It is a very ugly bra, so it only for the house under a baggy shirt ;)

Hahaha! Intertwining, now that you've posted somewhat body pics of yourself, you have nothing to worry about. Fat? PSHHH. No armpit fat. ;)


New Member
Hi there tpurple, thanks for the recommendation! But I'm looking for a way to get rid of it, not hide it lol :p unless the bra works actively to work off the fat in that area?

thatspaztichik1, YES, LOTS OF IT! I push my shoulders back a little in the pictures so it's not that obvious.. :'( I look terrible in tube tops and dresses because of my bulging armpit monstrosities! lol!


New Member
I don't think any cream will work. But exercising will do the trick for sure. If you think about it, you're already making your boobs look perfect so why not add exercising to the equation?

This is what i found in a forum regarding armpit fat. Looks pretty promising :)

Ooh ooh- I have the perfect exercise for that!! Standing rows! Stand in front of a mirror so you can watch your form. Take two dumbells or a barbell with weights. Standing straight (very important!), shoulders back and knees bent slightly hold the weights in your hands in front of your thighs If holding dumbells- hold them as close as possible together, with the end part facing left/right- almost making a "bar" and if using a barbell hold it in the same way with your hands a few inches apart- whatever is comfortable. Pull bar/dumbells straight up so your elbows are pointed outward. The top of the motion is when the bar/dumbells are aligned with your elbows (so you could basically make a straight line with the bar/dumbells from one elbow to the other). Even though it's a called a "rowing" motion, make sure to keep the bar/dumbells as close to your chest as possible without actually touching your chest- should be a smooth glide up and down (although the boobs can get in the way from time to time, lol). Do 3 sets of 12-15 with a minute of rest between sets. Use a weight that is heavy enough where the last 3 reps are a challenge but not impossible.

If someone wants to really step it up and do this in a more challenging way- my old personal trainer made me do this- do the above exercise and then follow it up immediately with push ups. Try for 10. Then rest a minute and do the rows again. The first set of push ups ain't bad. The second set is a little oh goodness. By the time you get to the third set you are like oh lord!!! heh heh Push ups are great to add in after any upper body exercise though because they use so many muscles. Throw them in between curls, overhead press, tricepts- anywhere and they add a killer boost.

Anyways, I absolutely swear by this exercise and do it almost every time I am at the gym. The times when I take a hiatus from the gym I do notice a difference in my chest and see that little blub coming back over my strapless top. Then I go back to these and boom, gone!

Hope this helps :)


New Member
I will definitely give epic.cleavage's exercises a try. I have a bit of it and it drives me insane!! I'm 100 lbs but somehow I ended up with armpit fat :mad: If I could ever talk myself into plastic surgery, I would get those babies lipo'd out!


New Member
I also have the same problem. In fact, a lot of the bust measurement I have is due to armpit fat.

Jenny, I don't see that there is a way to send a private message, but it is very interesting that your size is the same as what my size was, and we have the same problem of armpit fat, even though we are different genders.

Johanna (John)


Male crossdresser
JohannaH said:
Jenny, I don't see that there is a way to send a private message, but it is very interesting that your size is the same as what my size was, and we have the same problem of armpit fat, even though we are different genders.

Johanna (John)
Click on the members name above the photo or icon on the left side of the post, then that will bring up the members information. At the very bottom of the information screen there is a 'Send this member a personal message".

