its all about the cleavage :)


New Member
Hello everyone!

This is my first post here on the forum but i've been here for a couple of months now.
I just started noogling on Monday (3rd of May) so I'm relatively new to this :)

Although I have read some opinions on the topic before, I'd just like it if we could just gather the information in one thread.

Anyway, this thread is about the cleavage we all want to have.
I understand that girls who have tied scarfs around the cups have seen a difference in the cleavage department? Do you think you could go into specifics? I know we all want as little gap as possible in between our breasts especially when wearing bras so any other ideas on how to achieve this?
I noogle with a scarf tied round the cups but i'm only just a beginner so i cant really say i've noticed anything :)
but i have to say, i love hearing about your motivating experiences!


helllooooooo and welcome ;)
tieing a scarf/material around the dones also stops the domes sucking loads of fat and skin from your armpits which can be very painful especially when u r wearing xls

the feeling ive experieneced is gradual swelling over a long time then my breasts have suddenly sort of umm cracked like they have matured and are suddenly swelling like crazey, untill this point i didnt know how great swelling could be, my swelling is similar to EMANS now, its amazing,

massage b4 noogleing is key, it really helps your breasts to sell and grow much better, relieves the tension in them and warms them up and helps loosen them

theres more but im sure others will fill u in aswell.. ive gott aget a drink .... thirsty......