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New Member
I hope the Bo works as well for you as it has for me. I'm still working on getting the noogleberry to begin giving me some more growth, but the BO did wonders for me. I love it.



New Member
Well, I wish there is someone get jealous of my boobies, too :D
I almost loose everything I gain after my period recently. I'm back to where I start in the measurement, but the swelling in the domes is better, so I guess there must be something happening. Hope so. I just start my 7th weeks, so too early to say anything.
One problem I encounter is that my swelling is not stable, if you know what I mean. I may get suprised sweeling one day, and then back to normal swelling the day after, then the next day get under average swelling, then the next day get a huge... It's out of control and I think does not depend on how I pump, because I still pump with almost same presure, same technique, same lotion.
Do you have the same problem? I think I may have to make a thread to ask about that.


New Member
I know what you mean optimistic girl. I can pump for an hour and get really good swelling then next night pump for 2 hours, expect really good swelling and find its not as good as the night before. I guess it's like when you diet and have a really good week when you're careful but don't lose anything so you stuff your face the following week and end up losing loads!! lol :)