Louise Pics


New Member
They do look like they are lifting! I have a question, is there a reason u dont line the bottom of the cups with the bottom of your breast? Does this create a different type of swell or something?


New Member
Hi to both of you,

GingerNub= I most certainly will keep updating.

32DoubleDz= I have for a long time hated the way My boobs looked hence no pictures before, My nipples were so low down, but normal noogling has made a small amount of increase in the top shape, but not touched the under breast, so by lowering the cups down lower it does seem to be helping there, (just an experiment though), only time will tell hopefully the discomfort of doing it will be worth while.


New Member
aah interesting! my left boob is much more full on the inside cleavage part than the right one. when noogling only the right my side boob has definitely increased but im currently trying different techs to make the cleavage part more full.


New Member
Hi, I think that the answer is try any and everything though I have only been doing it for a month, I haven't got as far as cleavage yet, be nice to have some though, maybe some answers will come for us, Quick update I had a four hour break noogled one hour, this pic is a little later on.


New Member
That's some pretty impressive progressive given that you've only been noogling for about a month, both in shape and size. Since your aim seems to be lift and cleavage, have you tried taking a belt or string under your bust and around/behind your neck to pull them up and together while you noogle? I haven't tried it myself (still awaiting my NB like an impatient kid waits for Christmas lol) but have heard users here discussing using this method and it sounds promising. Best of luck to you :)


New Member
Hi PetiteNShy and thank you, ah it's not just a month to get what I have it's thirteen years on hormone treatment plus the month on NB, I would just like a much better shape, and a little bigger would be great.


New Member
Wow I think the change in their lift is quite dramatic. This is truly incredible!! You might want to look into a cupless bra too if you have the cash. Rachel uses one and I think it probably helps to keep the swelling and to lift them as well. You can find some on this website, but I'm sure they are sold other places too! http://www.herroom.com/shirley-of-hollywood-20410-classic-lace-shelf-bra.shtml

Once again congrats and let us know how things go!! :)


New Member
Hi Lily13, Thank you for your comments, I tried the link but the site is down at the moment I will check later, I am so pleased that I tried using NB low down I did an hour this morning with good results, and took note of others suggestions, like massage before and after and bathe them in hot water, then apply the PM cream and massage in while warm and dry, the pumping is a little painful but soon goes away, the old adage (no pain no gain) comes to mind, and worth it with the results.


New Member
Louise, that's a remarkable lift you've shown there. The third of the first batch of pics shows the dramatic lift. Noogling lifted up mine too together with massaging, and I'm so loving the rounder shape. Also, I noticed a lift when I do the lateral arms exercises.

I'm celebrating with you!


New Member
Hi soonenough, And thank you,

Yes the lift you can get using the cups low down surprised Me, and so very easy for Me to get, but I feel a word of WARNING needs to be said here as I discovered, having the cups so low there is very little flesh to get a suction on so you need to pump quite hard, I did well to start with but you are at the point of over pumping, and that is exactly what I did yesterday, and as it is a little painful to do to start with it is easy to go a couple of pumps too far and oops pretty bad bruising of the under breast rib cage, so I will have to take a little break for a day or two, but most of the lift still remains this morning, so maybe the pain I am getting now is worth it to get a result.


New Member
You are doing a great job! I can see a difference from your pictures. I've never tried it but was planning to start to do that twice a week for 30 minutes and the same for just the top. I sometimes get dots when I pump on my cycle because the skin is tighter and the breast is smaller. Good words for us. Thank you.


New Member
Thank you roadrashes, I think you are wise just to do thirty minutes at a time, I was doing an hour and that I think is just too much, so I think little and often is the answer for lower pumping.


New Member
Just an update, lately I had been suffering severe pain with My NB so I have had to make change, no fault with NB just My chest shape, so I thought that I would give BB a try I ordered the XL BB thinking that in the pictures BB look rather smaller than NB, I have been using them for little while now, so thought that I should post an updated picture of My progress.


New Member
Hi Louise,
Are you liking your BB XL cups? How's the wear compare to NB XL? Is it more comfortable? Do you think you get more swelling in BB XL cups?

When I wear NB XL cups, I have to use the new soft rings, otherwise, it's too painful and the marks won't go away. So far, I'm going into 9th wk of noogling, and I have no permanent marks yet. I have been faithfully applying arnica gel right after noogling. I wash off the lotion, apply arnica gel around, and also have been putting Mederma. It works for me.

THe lift is very obvious in the picture. Noogling works, not an instant miracle grower, but the change in shape comes faster.


New Member
Hi Soonenough,

Yes I do like the BB cups and find that I don't need any padding at all with them, the NB XL are way too big for Me so in that respect the BB's are a little smaller, but they are a fair bit more contoured than I expected and fit My particular chest shape well, where the NB large contoured don't fit too well, I must point out that it is not a fault with the NB cups and most have no problems with them, it's My body shape and the serious pain I was getting made Me think of trying an alternative, in answer to your question more swelling yes I feel I do but then I can wear them longer not getting the pain that I was, I too always wash My boobs after I take the cups off using water as hot as I can stand, and massage at the same time, dry and apply the PM cream and massage again while My boobs are still pretty warm, this seems to work well for Me and I don't use the Arnica gel now there is no need.

I think that this process is a slow one with a lot of trial and error to find just what suits you, then once you find that all should be plain sailing, (I hope), but well worth the effort when you can see the starts of results, but we have to be prepared for the long haul.


New Member
I just thought that I would add this mornings pics, I was pumping when I did the last post, you can see that for Me it is so very much better less marking and soon goes away, I take pics after every session and store them on a DVD then I can compare the progress over time.


New Member
Looking fantastic, Louise. Keeps getting better and better...what a difference. Right now, I'm just so happy with the way noogling changed my shape that it makes up for the slow but sure growth it brings. Look at you, noogling really lifted and rounded the shape.

BTW, I bought the BB XL cups, and I'll update with the results.


New Member
Hi Soonenough,

Thank you for your compliments, I am so very pleased with the results that I am getting, like you the changes in shape are a pleasure and a boost to keep on going, I was hoping for a bit more in the size area but didn't expect the shape change, so all is more than I expected, I am just amazed.

I will be very interested in how you get on with the BB XL's, I bought their tubing as I wasn't sure of a fit with the NB tube but found their tube will fit the NB pump, they latch on fast and easy at start, but do appear to take a more pumping after to attain the vacuum that I am happy with , by the way I thought that their little bulb would be hard work, I hope that like Me you get good results from them, as we all know everyone is different and get different results with different methods, just trial and error then stick with what works for you, good luck.