My first NB =)


New Member
Matt B said:
Morning Jessica, Great growth!It looks like your cups almost runneth over.How much room do you have left?Your previous pics are great as well.

Happy noogling, MATT B :)

Hi Matt! Thanks!
Sorry my english is not really good and I didn't understand really good what u mean, but I try to answer, if I say a thing that is completly far aways of what u asked to me, please sorry ehe xD

When I pump for the first 10 minutes I fill more than the half of the domes, after when the skin begin to be more elastic and swell, I pump more and most part of time I fill pratically all domes. But after depend too how much time I wear them, if I wear them for 2-3 hours I don't fill all because after 1 hour begin to hurt and is not my goal, so usually when i do it for long time I fill more than half, but when I do only 1 hour sometimes in the morning I fill all domes for give more pressure.