NBE Herbs interfere with birth control pills?


New Member
The research is quite mixed on this. Anyone have any issues or heard of any with combining breast enhancement herbs with birth control pills? Mainly a decrease in bcp effectiveness is my concern. Last thing I need is to get pregnant when I'm just trying to enhance my bust, though that would do the trick wouldn't it? :p Any input ladies? Please include details such as name of herb, strength, and duration, etc. Thanks!


New Member
At the beginning of the year, for about 4 months, I was on an herbal NBE regimen which included Fenugreek (1830 mg), Fennel (480 mg), MSM (3000 mg), Borage Oil (1000 mg), and Maca (525 mg), and I don't think the effectiveness of my birth control was decreased. My boyfriend and I don't use condoms, but I never got pregnant.

The only one I was worried about was the Maca, which is actually supposed to increase your fertility. When I googled it, nothing really came up except speculation, so I decided to take the risk and take it. I didn't get pregnant, but I didn't really think it would, just because it seemed they both worked in different ways...I'm not a doctor though so I don't really know, I'm just lucky haha. Maca is actually the only herb I'm still taking regularly :-X I didn't deeply research the other herbs, but I noticed that a lot of other girls taking the same herbs were also on birth control and never mentioned anything about decreased effectiveness.


New Member
I'm taking Fenugreek and Wild Yam. I researched to the ends of the earth to find answers to the same questions you have and for the exact same reason. I was going to add Saw Palmetto to my program, but it was listed as huge no-no with my birth control -- could possibly decrease effectiveness.


New Member
Most of the herbs used for NBE have been listed somewhere in my research as possibly effecting bcp. I guess due to their nature to either balance hormones or increase estrogen, both is counterproductive to what the bcp are trying to do. I did take PM for a while without thoroughly researching with bcp and didn't have an issue, but I did cease taking it due to side effects. Perfect Curves is what I am looking into trying, I admit I haven't followed a regimen for six months when taking advertised pills so I wanted to try this all the way through. The listed ingredients are:

Blessed Thistle Cnicus Benedictus
Known to relieve pain associated with the menstrual cycle.

Dandelion Root Taraxacum Officianale
Has been used to treat breast cancer, female organ disorders, PMS symptoms, excess weight gain, and yeast infections.

Damiana Turnera Apagerodiciaca
Can restore the bodies vital energies, by treating hormone imbalance, poor mammary gland development, and increasing sex drive.

Dong Quai Angelica Sinensis
Used for hormone balancing, breast enhancement, improved glandular activities and improved blood circulation.

Passion Flower Passiflora Incarnata
A known calming agent, antispasmodic, relieves fatigue and anxiety.

Sabal Saw Palmetto
Increases size of mammary glands and assist thyroid in regulation of reproductive organs.

Wild Yam Discorea Villosa
Used to balance and/or stimulate female hormone production.

Red Raspberry
Can ease menstrual problems such as nausea, headaches, cramping, acne, while strengthening the entire female reproductive system.

Anyone take this brand and have good results?


New Member
From what I've found here is my consensus.

Saw Palmetto and Wild Yam are to be avoided with bcp or hormones, this is reflected in all my research.

Fennel and Fenugreek simply increase the milk duct activity which only produces a temporary enlargement. Stop the supplement, the growth goes away.

That's what I've got anyways.

And personally, I cannot take blessed thistle because it increases stomach acid and I have Crohns. And I cannot take dong quai because studies show it increases cancerous tissue in breasts and can aggravate cysts. Which I have and breast cancer runs in my family.

Actually I think that takes out all of the active ingredients in any bcp pill. Hahaha. :D It leaves dandelion, damiana, passion flower, and red raspberry. Oh well, I guess I'm running out of options, one of these days I'll just have to learn to love my small breasts.


New Member
Not sure about the ones used for breast enhancing, but I do know for sure that St. John's Wort (primarily used for depression) affects birth control pills! Same goes for anti-biotics!