NBE Herbs, PM, BO and Prescription Meds


New Member
I was wondering if anybody on this board takes either herbs, BO, PM and a prescription medication other than Birth Control pills. I have to take anti-seizure medication because I had a benign brain tumor removed almost 5 years ago and I emailed Bountiful Breast and asked them about taking BB with Lamical and they said "way too dangerous", but of course they don't want liability either if something went wrong. I'm using Greenbush Enhancement blend for my massage and taking a few drops of it a day by mouth. I haven't started my Bustea yet. I guess I'm a little skittish. If GB doesn't work, I want to try PM next, I've read so many good things about it, but I don't know how to go about asking my neurologist about it either. I'd give up booze for boobs. I do drink alcohol (not really supposed to) and I'm afraid of how all that would interact. I'm in the USA and love Whole Foods Market, do they sell Pueraria Mirifica (spelling?)? OK, everyone on the board, do any of y'all drink alcohol? I've grown an inch and it hasn't affected my results and I do drink a diet soda most days too. But i drink about a gallon of water too. I'm always in the restroom! And I'm a Texan, I say Y'all!