Need advice...

Teeny Tiny

Hey all!

Haven't been on the forum in a while. Been focusing more on my health than noogling lately. I've been on this noogling journey for a few years now. As some of you know I had managed to increase from a 36AA (if that) to a small 36C. With diet changes to fix health problems my weight has gone down from 162 lbs, at my heaviest & sickest to my current weight of 124 lbs. Unfortunately, with the weight, I have lost some of what I gained, back down to somewhere between 36A & 36B.

I'm wanting to start noogling again to hopefully reach my goal of 36D-36DD, but I've got some issues that may keep me from noogling ever again. I've been having some pain issues, in my neck and clavicle (collar bone) joints. The symptoms I deal with match the symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome to a T, which is like carpel tunnel syndrome in the chest. Nerves, arteries, and other veins run through a small channel under and behind the clavicle (collar bone), between the collar bone & first rib. If the channel is too narrow it puts pressure on the nerves, arteries & veins running up the neck & down the arm & I'm concerned that noogling could possibly make the problem worse. That's because the CL domes I have sit high up on my chest, between the first & second ribs. I'm afraid putting pressure on that first rib could increase the pinched nerve symptoms I have.

As if that's not enough, I'm also dealing with widespread pain and issues that I believe to be fibromyalgia, which means nerve pain & problems throughout my entire body. I literally deal with pain from the top of my head to the bottoms of my feet. Has anyone else noogled with chronic fibromyalgia pain? Is it safe to noogle with these issues or do I need to give up the hope & desire of having larger breasts and throw in the towel & quit?


Desire. Decide. Imagine it. Do it.
Im not an expert, maybe Lucy should advice you on that, but i'd say fix your health first and then return to noogling :(
Unless its something permanent, then you should find a way to noogle without putting too much pressure, and take it slowly and use alot of massage.

I wish you good luck there...!!!

Teeny Tiny

Thanks! I need all the luck I can get. Fibromyalgia is permanent, but I'm self treating it because I can't afford all the medical bills to get it diagnosed and won't take the drugs they would try to give me for it anyway. I joined LA Fitness to be able to use the pool and spa for aquatherapy for stretching, exercise & pain relief without drugs. The pain relief is only temporary, but then again so is pain relief from drugs. And drugs won't help to condition and strengthen muscles and hopefully get control of the condition naturally. So unless I ever have a life threatening condition I have to see a doctor for to immediately save my life I'll take care of myself and do it naturally as much as possible. I'm just hoping I don't have to give up noogling permanently, because I really want to increase my breast size naturally, if I can. I hit a brick wall at a small C last time, hopefully with improved health I'll be able to reach my D-DD. Fingers crossed!


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your problems. All I can suggest is that you move the domes lower on your chest (gives better underboob too) and use padding, either the foam rings or maybe the plumbers insulation
Welcome back :)

Oh, and do lots of massage!


Fulfilling a dream...
You definitely have some challenges. I would like to add to James comment by saying you will want to be more gradual with your pressure changes. I think that will help with any pain you encounter. Also I'm sure people tire of hearing it -- go slowly and gently. We all want the big boobs *now* but really this isn't a race. Six months ago, I couldn't withstand 2" Hq of pressure and now I'm at 10" Hq without much fuss but it took *time*.


Teeny Tiny

I know all about taking it slow and easy, I started noogling 4 years ago. I've always been one to give that advice, I have made some nooglers angry and defensive because they were over pumping and damaging their beasts. The way the contoured domes sit on my chest there's only one place they'll attach, trying to put them on lower doesn't work for me. Guess I'll have to try again and maybe try adding some padding to see if that makes a difference. Right now I'm focusing on my health and improving my fibro and TOS symptoms, once they've improved I may try to start pumping again slowly. I'll try the new 7/2 method, hopefully taking 2 minute massage breaks will help to minimize any nerve issues, and maybe try noogling every other day instead of daily. Too bad there isn't a set of domes disguised as a swimming suit top, then I could noogle in the spa at the gym. The heated water would increase the swelling without pumping too hard. Hmmm, that's something that would be cool to invent, a noogleberry swim top. Imagine noogling while sun bathing or relaxing in the jacuzzi, I know it's a dumb idea, but one I think would be cool. ;)


Active Member
I've gone through that thought idea of public noogling before. Redesign the domes so the air inlet is on the side, and orient to center of chest. Doable. But since I am a big proponent of never noogling for longer than 15 minutes without a massage break, I discounted the idea. But now that you have brought it up again, maybe there could be some merit. That is when noogling/massage pattern, one would do so at fairly high forces, but one could do long hold times like snoogling, or the above mentioned public version, at much lower force. I think low force by itself would be useless, but done just after a high force session, would prolong the swelling much longer, and could be beneficial.


Fulfilling a dream...
That would be kinda cool. I think just getting the tube attachment off the tip would be a neat idea. As it now, you can't put them on with a bra without damaging something. Considering Brava using low pressure over long periods, I think having that option would be great. Combine that with a very compact pump and airlock that can be stashed away somewhere, you could wear it all day and do small adjustments to pressure without much fuss.

Of course, that's a tall order when you can consider the engineering aspect of a non-tip attachment with a squishy and expanding mass plugging up holes.


Teeny Tiny

Actually I did noogle in public once, like 3 1/2 years ago. I figured what the heck, I was using the larges then, which aren't too unnaturally huge looking. I don't have the tubes coming straight off the ends of the domes. I have a small section of tube attached with a plastic tubing 90° elbow connector attached with another short tube that goes from the elbow to a one way valve you use for aquarium air pumps. I have another section of tubing attached to the hand pump that I hook up to the air valves attached to the domes, then I get the suction I want, disconnect the pump & viala, hands free, pump free, tubing free noogling. I just have to reattach the pump whenever I want to ''top them off". The one time I did it in public was when my husband and I went to the mall. I had a t-shirt on over the domes, then had a heavy denim button up shirt on over the t-shirt left unbuttoned. I really looked like I just had big perky breasts and my husband said I should just leave them on so I did. That was the only time I wore them around other people like that. We lived where it was at least 30-60 minutes to most of the stores we shopped at, so I did noogle while driving quite a few times when l was using L's, which are easier to hide under a baggy t-shirt. The things one does when they become a true noogleaholic! ;)


Fulfilling a dream...
Hehe.. That's great. I wish I could pull that off. Hell, this winter I might try it since we have to wear thick coats around here. But I'm a bit too well recognized to go from "zero" to that size overnight in the summer.
