Nervous to post an update...could use some encouragement


New Member
Looking back, I'm wondering why in the world I decides to start noogling right at the start of my period last month. Now all my milestones are going to be at that same time! Ugh!

I used to rarely have periods,but now that I do, I'm a mess at that time of the month. Here's what usually happens...I get awful cramps, my face starts breaking out, I get headaches and just generally don't feel good, it's a constant battle to not be snippy with my family because I'm SO easily irritable (I hate this-it's bad! a real struggle!) I get down in the dumps, I get bloated and feel heavy but my boobs usually go FLAT...and as a combination of everything else, my self esteem is usually in the dumps too.

I haven't started yet this month but I know I should be any time. I'm due to update my stats, pic, etc but I'm not sure I want to because I'm nervous they won't be good and I'll be really discouraged...


Hi Kristin,

What you are describing is what happens to me too, every single month. Sometimes, it certainly is hard to be a woman!! :)
I too lose some fullness in the chest area and yes, it can be incredibly discouraging. Hard as it is, try to remember that this is a journey that will have many ups and downs, but if you are prepared to be patient, you will more than likely see results. If you feel that posting pics will discourage you, then wait until you feel good about it again. But remember, we are always our own worst critic and even if there isn't much of a difference, the very kind and generous noogling community will remind you of how great you are doing and give you all the encouragement you need. Be gentle with yourself and remember that this too shall pass :)


Fulfilling a dream...
Where to start... hmmm, first your symptoms have a striking similarly to high estrogen spikes. I'm definitely not an expert on this topic but you might find some relief with sort of anti-estrogen treatments. This can be as simple as progesterone cream or some supplements (vitex or something like that is coming to mind).

Now, dear. Posting updates and/or pictures isn't meant to cause you to be anixous. It is quite normal to have good progress, no progress and even reverse progress. They are all valid and none of them reflect on you, as person or character. As Minnie said, we are our own worst critic and I, for one, am not coming here to degrade or hurt you. I want to say nice things to you and about you and let you know I care and give my encouragement freely. But this is hard to do and be sincere without information from you.

So, if you can't do it -- that's fine and I'll support you. But I do think it is limiting as this could be a great story to see your improvements over the coming weeks and months if it only had pages in the book. I accept you as you are and my hope is we (like myself) can learn to accept ourselves and take some joy in the attempts to improve. Do what makes you comfortable or happy -- it's great you're here trying to participate in any way.



New Member
Minnie~ Thank you for your encouragement! It is nice to hear that there's someone out there that understands what I'm talking about. I'll have more time to post pics and updates tomorrow and am just going to wait and see how I feel then. I may just wait until next week if I'm not having a good day. We'll see... I do plan to post an update at some point as I know it helps others who might see it and are going through the same thing.

DJ~ I definitely feel like I have some sort of hormonal issues, and have for some time (maybe one of these days I'll get into all the hormone imbalance symptoms I've had over the years but it's kind of a long story). It's just that I had moderate to severe acne for about 15 years and God finally led me to a combination of medications that have almost completely cleared my skin! It's amazing and I am SO thankful to Him for it! But after suffering all those years with acne I am terrified about taking anything that is going to affect my hormones unless I am convinced it will help my problems and not put me in a worse state- still boobless and with a return of acne! I've had a variety of symptoms that could indicate different hormone issues and I'm just not sure enough that I have one or the other to start treating it.
As far as the updates, I do plan to keep updating. I'm on here all the time looking for people with stories like mine and for people that I can give encouragement to. I think it is important for myself to see my progress and for others to be encouraged by it too. I'm just not sure on the timing, I may just go ahead and update tomorrow or maybe wait until next week but either way I'll post some new info soon! Thank you so much for encouraging me! I appreciate it!


Just a very quick note on the hormonal imbalance, from somebody who has been battling estrogen dominance for the past 27 years....Sometimes, taking anti-estrogenic creams and tablets can help. But sometimes, it'll make it worse because the issue isn't necessarily that progesterone is too low - progesterone could be completely normal - but rather that the estrogen is simply too high. This won't be countered by elevated levels of progesterone or testosterone for example. Unfortunately, as that would have been so easy!

In order to lower estrogen, I'd go the diet route. Look at things that will support your liver for example. Make sure you have regular bowel movements. Increase fermented foods such as saurkraut, kefir and Kombucha (just a few examples), as well as sprouts. Steer clear of anything with soy in it, and of sugar. And so on and on. There are a lot of information out there on which foods lower estrogen (One carrot per day has been proven to lower estrogen for example.) and what, if any herbs to add. I am hyper sensitive to all sorts of herbs and hormones and have tried them all but none worked. Now I just take Krill oil (supposedly effective for reducing PMS symptoms) and try to eat local, organic and clean most of the time. I think diet has a massive positive effect, and it won't mess with any of your hormones either.


New Member
Minnie- so you think I might have high estrogen? See, that's where this stuff totally confuses me because I have some symptoms of high estrogen, some of low. In fact, with almost every hormonal imbalance I have a few symptoms that can indicate I have it. It's so confusing to me and I don't know if I should be trying to decrease my estrogen or increase it. When I got up the guts to talk to my dr's office about my decrease in breast size, they thought I probably had low estrogen. Blood work came back totally fine though, not high or low..
Over the years I've had such an array of symptoms that seem hormone related, and others that may be and I just don't realize it.
I made a list once of all the various symptoms I've had over the years that I could remember. It's long, you don't have to read it but in case you're curious...

Chronic headaches
Chronic nausea
Constant hunger/ overactive digestion
Gall stones- had GB removed
Amenorrhea (no periods for years)
Bone loss (first diagnosed around age 25)
Chronic nasal swelling/ allergies/
frequent sinus infections
Significant decrease in breast size
Vaginal dryness
Restless legs
History of lactation yrs after done breastfeeding
Night sweats
Very cold feet, hands
High sex drive, then low sex drive, then fluctuating
Dark spots in vision/ difficulty focusing
Infertility (between my 2 children- the first one was unplanned at age 17 so obviously no trouble at that time!)
Hair loss
Very bad memory
ADD type symptoms (trouble focusing on one task, struggle to finish something before I move on to something else, my mind is always jumping from one thing to another- probably the reason for the bad memory), easily distracted

Anyway, now that you probably think I'm a total hypochondriac..I don't have all of those symptoms currently but I do still have some. I've just had such a variety of things that I don't have a clue where to start with hormone treatments.

On another note, I did get an update posted just now under my stats. It actually wasn't TOO bad but AF hasn't come yet for some reason either??


I think it is impossible to say, as the symptoms really mimic each other. But I would definitely say that you have a hormonal imbalance, and it does seem that estrogen - too high or low - is the bad boy. My bloods always came back normal too, but I think it is because those tests are too generic. Each hormone should be measured individually and at a certain time of the cycle, but many have found that their dr's won't do this. Mine didn't, so I set off to do all the reading and research myself. I have several, but not all of the symptoms that you describe. It really is awful to be stuck with so many (at times debilitating) symptoms, and it is even harder not knowing where to start in order to help ourselves.
For me, it helped to see a nutritionist and look at different supplements (not herbs or anything hormonal) that would support liver function and digestion, as these two play a really important part too, but are often overlooked.


New Member
I'm sure I have a hormonal imbalance, but my tests all came back "normal". But what's normal for someone else might not be the same for me. I wish doctors wouldn't throw us all in one standard pile. Cuz I have NO sex drive whatsoever (drives the husband crazy cuz i'm never in the mood), and I'm tired all the time. I've been thinking about seeing a sex therapist for the libido problem, my gyno doesn't take my concerns seriously.


New Member
Minnie and Ezzie- I understand what you both are saying! After the dr had my estrogen checked I did some research on it and realized that test was probably a waste. To really get an accurate measurement of estrogen levels you'd have to know what point in my cycle I was, at very least. I feel like doctors, in my area at least, either don't know enough about hormone issues or don't have the time to spend really looking into what is causing the problems. I've thought about seeing a chiropractor... Some of them around here seem to do more with hormone stuff and take a "whole body" approach instead of putting a bandaid over each individual symptom as many doctors seem to do. At the moment my hormonal symptoms are pretty mild (except around AF) so who knows if I'll go through with the chiropractor thing. I've been thinking about it for years and haven't gone yet! There's always a money, time, and a bit of embarrassment issue. I fear going to another place trying to find answers only to feel in the end like I wasted my time and money.

On another note, I'm nearing my 2 mo update in about the next week. Don't feel like I'm really seeing much growth or difference since last month but I'm trying not to obsess over it either so maybe I just haven't noticed it. I am still using medium domes (which I started with). I don't think I am really getting any closer to filling them up. I'm not sure why. I pump until I feel discomfort or see color change past pink or some redness. I also don't seem to swell much afterward. Any swelling in the cups pretty much goes away again I take them off. I may be able to measure a small amount of swelling but visually can't really see any. I am still pumping 1hr a day, almost every day (have missed maybe 3-4days since I started) use cocoa butter or coconut oil on my breasts, drinking more water, eating better (we've actually been transitioning to eating more "clean" so lots of veggies, fruits, lean meats, whole grains, healthy fats, no processed stuff..) Maybe it's not a big deal to see swelling as long as I end up seeing growth?? I dunno

Also, as I said above, I still have plenty of room at the end of my medium cups but they almost seem to not cover the whole circumference of the breast when I put them on. I have large cups that I have tried to use sporadically but man, I just CANNOT get those things to stay on no matter what I try! I think the larges are still really just too big. The mediums seem to pull the tissue from the sides in but I'm afraid I could be getting more with a bigger cup. Any advice? Should I just stick with the mediums until I fill them?


New Member
I meant to add this in the last LONG post that I made..
Ezzie- I feel for you with the libido issues. Mine has fluctuated a lot over the years, from my husband and I both being high (honeymoon years maybe ;) ) to mine being lower than this, and then higher than his, and now recently seems to be kinda low again. All of these situations can be difficult to go through. It isn't easy being on either side of that. I read a blog sometimes that talks a lot about sex in marriage and it is really good. I think it's or you can search for To Love Honor and Vacuum. She's funny, and real, and her "29 days to great sex" series was good, among many other posts I've read on there. It might be a place to start


Active Member
Kristin00 said:
Also, as I said above, I still have plenty of room at the end of my medium cups but they almost seem to not cover the whole circumference of the breast when I put them on. I have large cups that I have tried to use sporadically but man, I just CANNOT get those things to stay on no matter what I try! I think the larges are still really just too big. The mediums seem to pull the tissue from the sides in but I'm afraid I could be getting more with a bigger cup. Any advice? Should I just stick with the mediums until I fill them?

I think because you said the medium does not cover the whole circumference, you should keep trying the large every once in a while and switch to them before waiting to fill the mediums. You might get better success with the large doing one at a time, just use one cup attached to the pump without the Y piece and switch sides every 7 minutes or so. You might also try for more time like 2 hours/day. Some women haven't had success until they went up to 3 hours per day.

Good luck ;)


New Member
Thanks for your advice James! I did try the large dome earlier today. I did both breasts but put a medium on one side and large on the other. Both larges is still just too wide for my chest. I do the 7-2 method and used the large on one side for 7 mins (and med on the other), break for 2 mins, then switched the large to the other side for 7 mins. I did once on each side that way then couldn't get it back on. Was running out of time so I just out the mediums back on for the rest if the session, as they stay on very easily. I do try to get more time in whenever I can but with a family and busy, demanding life I am doing good most days to get 1 hour. I'll keep trying to work with the large domes and may try wearing the medium domes around while I do other things to get more time in!


What can I attach to my breast today?
minnie34 said:
Just a very quick note on the hormonal imbalance, from somebody who has been battling estrogen dominance for the past 27 years....Sometimes, taking anti-estrogenic creams and tablets can help. But sometimes, it'll make it worse because the issue isn't necessarily that progesterone is too low - progesterone could be completely normal - but rather that the estrogen is simply too high. This won't be countered by elevated levels of progesterone or testosterone for example. Unfortunately, as that would have been so easy!

In order to lower estrogen, I'd go the diet route. Look at things that will support your liver for example. Make sure you have regular bowel movements. Increase fermented foods such as saurkraut, kefir and Kombucha (just a few examples), as well as sprouts. Steer clear of anything with soy in it, and of sugar. And so on and on. There are a lot of information out there on which foods lower estrogen (One carrot per day has been proven to lower estrogen for example.) and what, if any herbs to add. I am hyper sensitive to all sorts of herbs and hormones and have tried them all but none worked. Now I just take Krill oil (supposedly effective for reducing PMS symptoms) and try to eat local, organic and clean most of the time. I think diet has a massive positive effect, and it won't mess with any of your hormones either.

I agree with the diet advice. I too become a mess during my period and it effects everyone around me. You're not alone! I find sugar and alcohol are the two things that make it worse for me without question - and they're also the two things I really crave when I start to feel lousy.

Give yourself a break, and if you're feeling down don't do an update - wait a couple of weeks and post pics when you're feeling better/switch to mid-cycle so the ups and downs of your progress aren't in sync with your female ups and downs. :)


New Member
Thanks for your reply Heydurr! I actually have been changing up my diet lately. I haven't been doing anything to specifically change my hormones but I have been trying to eat "clean" most of the time- limiting processed foods, preservatives, added sugars and all that stuff- eating more 100% whole grains, lots of fruits and veggies,etc. I'm just doing it for overall health but I kinda figure the healthier I keep myself the more likely my body will be in balance in every area, including hormonally.

Last month AF came really late (not sure why, as I've been really regular for the last year or so), but at least now my measuring time shouldn't be around that time of the month anymore. Not feeling like I'm really seeing much growth this month but I've had a few days come up the last couple weeks that I haven't been able to pump. Not sure if that's why I'm not seeing much growth, if my growth has slowed down now that I'm past those first couple months, or if I'm just having some boobie blindness. Of course I'm hoping it's that! ;)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I'll update with pics and measurements again in a couple weeks!


New Member
your snippiness is very common with PMS, and if severe, is considered PMDD - prementstrual dysphoric disorder (also relatively common). try taking vitamin B6, 50-100mg, daily each day you feel moody/snippy. Do NOT take more than 100mg! Vitamin B6 is a precursor to serotonin which you can think of as your happy hormone, and B6 supplements have shown great results in women for anxious/depression and PMS. you probably have B6 in your daily multivitamin, or if you take a B complex, but these won't have a high enough level of B6. You should find that around 30-60 minutes after taking it you are no longer in a bad mood, and you will wonder if it worked or if your mood just passed! Important note - high levels of B vitamins can cause nerve problems - but this is rare and usually does not happen until around 600mg daily. however, if you develop any numbness, tingling etc stop taking immediately and tell your doctor. there is also some research on zinc and magnesium for PMS but many doctors recommend B6 first. good luck!


New Member
Bubbly- it seems that I remember seeing something about how B vitamins, especially B6, can worsen acne. Do you know if that's true? I struggled with persistent, moderate acne for several years and have just gotten pretty clear the last year or so. I'm always very nervous to take anything that could possibly break me out as my skin seems very sensitive to changes. I do take Zinc as part of my acne treatment,as you mentioned that too. It doesn't seem to do much for the PMS but maybe because I'm not taking it with Magnesium or B6? Thanks so much for your reply!