Newbie Question?


New Member
Hi everyone, new noogler here and had a couple of questions I need help with. First of all I don't feel like I am pumping it right because the cup does not seem to be able to stick to my skin. Another question was how am I supposed to pump because at first I tried the pump and release and I really do not feel any discomfort and the air escapes really fast. Any help or tips would be appreciated! Thanks


New Member
Hi Hopeful,
I'm new too (2nd week!) but hopefully i can answer your questions. The cups will stick due to the suction. To get suction, the cups have to be flat against your skin, no gaps, then begin pumping. They will not stick if there is any air escaping from the sides of the domes, so make sure you have the domes properly placed on your chest. In dong pump & release, again you have to have proper suction. no air escapes unless you yourself are allowing that by using the manual air release button on the side. You pump up wait for however long you want, then release with the button on the side. If air is escaping, then the domes are not properly placed. To get suction, try leaning forward just a bit so your breast tissue is maximized then put the domes on, then with one hand hold the domes in place, and pump with the other hand to achieve suction. good luck. hope this helps!


New Member
Hey Hopeful88,

I get my domes on by sitting down, bending forward, using both hands on the domes and pumping with my feet until they stay on! It's the only way that works for me. Make sure you have plenty of lotion or oil on your breasts too. Experiment with your posture until you find no air escapes when the domes are on tight.


New Member
What size domes are you starting with? The small and mediums and definitely easier to use initially than the large and XL domes. Use plenty of lotion as blue_sardine said, I hold the 2 domes in place with my arm and hand while pumping with the other hand until I feel the domes 'suction on' like a little pull and then try not to move about too much for the first few minutes then I'm away. Also if you use the pump and release method don't release too much or you will lose suction and let air in.

Good luck!


New Member
Thanks so much for your support! I really appreciate the advice and I am so excited I got the hang of it and am now a happy noogler. Just one more question I was pumping for about 30 minutes this morning and my breasts were really red and my veins were more prominent is that the way it's supposed to be?


New Member
Red breasts after pumping is pretty normal as are red spots over the breast area. The redness goes away pretty quickly for me and the red rings take an hour or so to disappear. If your breasts turn purple though then you've probably overpumped and this is not advisable as you can cause permanent damage so take it easy to start off with and gradually build up the pressure so your breasts get used to it slowly. Remember you shouldn't be feeling any pain, just a tight feeling on your breasts, although you may feel discomfort from the domes pressing against your ribs. If you do get this then there are lots of threads about how to cushion the domes to make them more comfortable.

Happy noogling! ;)