Noogleberry and Fibrocystic Breasts?


New Member
Hi All. I'm eagerly awaiting my system I ordered it a week ago in NY. :0 I'm trying to be proactive this time and ask alot of questions in advance. I have developed a lump in my breast since being on herbs (2wks) so I'm on herb cut off and getting some very nice personal attention from my friends on another site to help cope with this new herb/ lump problem. I am thnakful for the information and support they have provided to me because when I felt that lump I was scared!

So I'd like to know is there anyone who has lumpy breast ( I've had a cyst and a benign cystic thing removed in the past), fibrocystic or estorgen dominant breasts currently using the noogleberry? What things if any can I expect using it in terms of my breasts. Have you or do you know of anyone getting lumpier or more cystic breasts? I know if I try to be an overachiever I could cause my own injury (lumps). I didn't think the lump thing was going to happen so quickly and I am a little discouraged. but I'm really talking about people who might be familiar or have experience with this condition.

Thanks in advance


New Member
Hi honey, heres another link to a thread on another forum, take alook hopefully it will help you further and put you at ease a little.

Hugs Cheryl xxxx


New Member
Cheryl you are the BEST! I think I may have asked the question wrong but I was trying to find out if the Noogleberry improved or added to women with fibrocystic breast issues. I'd hate to start pumping and activate some sleeping benign ones into an overgrowth. lol Just curious about their experience.

Thanks again :)

Teeny Tiny

I think I may have had a cyst in my right breast towards the bottom for several years from using herbal breast enlargement supplements. It was extremely painful at times noogling with it and after about 3 months of noogling for 8-16 hours a day I developed 3 extremely painful pimple-like sores under the ring of the dome towards the middle of my chest between the breasts (I was using foam rings for padding at the time). 2 of the 3 didn't do much and went away fairly quickly, however the 3rd got really big and painful and I had some liquid and some other kind of substance ooze out of it over about a weeks time, after which the lump was gone, and I have a scar where the big one was. I still get a slightly painful sensation (reminder) where the big one was from time to time when I noogle, but not as painful as it was, and it doesn't happen that often. I have a feeling the pull from noogling sucked the cyst out of my breast, I went to a gyn a few months after it happened to have a women's exam and told her what had happened, she said my right breast was lumpier than the left and to take it easy and be careful not to over pump it (it's smaller than my left so I've always pumped it a little harder trying to get it to catch up, it's closer in size now), and to make sure I go back if I find another lump before I suck it out. Well, I didn't have health insurance before it happened, and I don't have any again now, so I hope it doesn't come back.


New Member
WOW! Thank you so much Teeny for getting back to me. That must have been not only painful but scary too. It would really make sense that a cyst would fill from sucking action.That's why I am curious. I think from all my rubbing and rotations I inflammed it which caused the cyst to fill with the help of my (estrogen)fenugreek. I'm so glad that you are doing better and not having any long term problems.You really did have some experience and I could see something like that happening to me.I'm an overachiever and could see myself doing it a couple of times a week.
In regards to your health insurance I don't know where you live but alot of states do offer Medicaid in the US. You would be surprised the income and resource guidelines are quite generous now. Also, just about every state has a Board of Health where they do free mammograms, breast check ups, wellness visits, cancer screenings. You may want to look into that in your state.

Teeny Tiny

I live in Arizona, our income level is too high for the free government/state health care, we've already been turned down for it. But I forgot about the free clinics you can go to, it's a pretty long drive from where we live to the county free clinic, and it's first come first serve so you have to be there early in the morning to try to make sure you'll be seen, especially if you've got a certain time frame you're trying to work with being out by. But it is definitely an option, one I'll keep in mind for future use, thanks for the reminder. :D


New Member
Hi Teeny. I'm back and it was a cyst. I asked my surgeon about using the device and she just said it could make the cyst larger, but it's just a cyst so don't worry. :0 Yay for us. I am using your experience to go slow and steady and I am prepared in the event it does get bigger.

In regards to the health insurance, I'm hoping that it gets easier for all people to get insurance. I actually work for Medicaid and have seen alot of positive changes here in NY. The clinics here have improved alot too. Do you have a Walmart or Target out there? I know in NY if you have no insurance and you take a script from a clinic or private doctor they will fill the medication for $4.

Teeny Tiny

Yeah, Wal-Mart and Sam's Club have $4 prescriptions, but that's only for certain medications. Some like all narcotics are full price, and a lot of specialty drugs don't come in generic and cost an arm and a leg. I was hit by a car while walking into one of the Sam's Clubs here back on August 9th and am still dealing with aches and pains from it. One of the doctors I've been seeing keeps giving me prescriptions for drugs that cost $250, but I never get them filled because I don't want to take them, seems like the side effects are always worse than what they're supposed to help with. :-X


That's my case. But when asking my OB said that pumping would increase (indeed increased) the size of the lump and getting larger would make me a perfect candidate for surgery... So no thanks! Even though they are just cysts if the size is larger that what they consider standard or safe, surgery is what they suggest you to do. The best part is that stopping pumping made the cyst return to its original size.

Teeny Tiny

Maybe pumping for a while then taking a break to let the cyst return to its normal size then continuing pumping would help increase your breast size without increasing the cyst (permanently anyway). With me I seem to have small growth spurts from noogling while taking a break so I guess that would work for me. But as far as the lump (possible cyst) is concerned it ended up getting sucked right out of my breast, so no surgery there, but it did hurt like hell at first when it happened. The same breast has had a large lump in it between the nipple and outside edge the last few days (3 days before my period it showed up), now that my period has started the pain and size is starting to go down.


Thanks for your suggestion Teeny.

I have a plan figured out. In January I will try again NB and see if my body gets adapted to it.


New Member
Hi guys I had a benign cyst removed Sep last year it was hard the size of a marble and the most painful experience I've had in my life is when they injected me with a very long syringe right in the lump to draw out whatever cells were inside it. They had to hold me down to the bed it hurt so much. I have a scar around my nipple.. Even though I was 22 they said I'm young and it may go away by itself I chose to have it removed as the said it could also get bigger.

On the plus I have been noogling for 2.5 months and am thankful not to see anything re occuring... Had one scare the other night but it was gone in the morning.. Few!!


Thanks Teeny. :-*

L.A. That sounds like a terrible experience :-\ Great you have totally recovered and can use NB now.

I hope I won't be there soon or late... actually I hope I won't have that done ever!!!!