Noogling at college?


New Member
I've been using NB for about half a year now and I'm really loving the results. I have a lot of faith that I will continue progressing and I'm in this for the long haul. However...I will be starting college/university in a matter of weeks and I'm worried if I will be able continue with a roommate. I've always noogled at night, for an hour, and none of my family has ever been the wiser. I imagine it will be more difficult to find a time and a place to do this on campus when my dorm room is not an option.

Does anyone have any experience with using NB at college? Or even tips on how to hide it from family that may prove helpful in my situation as well?

I hate having to go through pains to hide this...but I can't imagine it not being awkward if my roommate found it and I had to explain.


I totally feel you - I have just started noogling, and I too am worried about how I will be doing this at college. Sure makes me regret choosing to have a roomie (much as I love her)! Maybe you could try doing it for less than an hour? If you do, you could probably sneak it to the bathroom or something, and do it there...or, as you'll find, college class schedules give you a LOT of time outside of class. You could probably find an hour on your own sometime during the day, even if it's not at night - it's highly unlikely that you will see your roomie all the time, and so once you get into a routine you'll find out when she's out, or w/e...hope this helps! :D


OMG how did you do it??
I'm getting ready to order mine and I'm terrified that my dad will be the one who answers and gets the package!!
Advice ???


I dont see the problem. Just hope your roomie has small boobs as well, and get her into noogling too. I wonder of you can get a degree in Noogling.

Teeny Tiny

I'm sure that's one field that all of us Noogleaholics would get straight A's in.

As for me I'm working on some EXTRA CREDIT noogling right now! ;)


if she does have small boobs then i suppose you could share the info with her about what your doing, but untill you feel comfortable to do that, just put yr NB in a secure bag, put a lock on it if you need to and put it away.
once you get to know her routines then you will know when to noogle,
also if you are really worried ,, just go in the bathroom and noogle for the time you want or untill yr room mate comes in then pack away, she need never know x


New Member
I put a really huge scarf on top and you can see there is something big under it but could be just huge boobs with extremely pert nipples. Or I put a huge sweatshirt on top and you cant tell very much.
Soif you cover up in either or these two ways, for example, while at your desk doing home work or watching tv under a blanket- it would be pretty easy to sneak by your roomate.
Granted, I've noogled while on the expressway a few times so maybe I'm just a bit bolder and craftier than needed lol


New Member
I just graduated from a big university....and no I wasn't noogling BUT I can say that more than likely your new roomy will not be in the room all day. She will have classes, go eat, hang out with friends, etc. You might get lucky and find out your classes do not line up with hers so just do it when you know she will be away. When she says she's going to the cafe or going out somewhere. Depending on how you guys set up your room...get the top bunk and do it while she's asleep. Or if you guys decide to do your beds loft style make sure your bed is not facing hers entirely. And like someone else said earlier you could just tell her, she might be interested. Hope I helped!!



New Member
Thanks for all the responses!

It turned out not to be a big deal at all. My roommate was out for a lot of the time so it never really interfered with my schedule. Also...I would only noogle in bed while reading or on my laptop so I could just pull the covers up and it was not noticeable at all even if she walked in.

Also to youngandsmall...I had that same issue when I was living with my parents. I had mine shipped general delivery so I could go pick it up at the post office rather than have it delivered to my house. I noogled for over half a year living with my parents and no one ever found out.