Noogling for four months...andd ]:


New Member
Ive been noogling everyday for four months and I have not had any growth. Ive had decent amount of swelling but I dont see any difference. Am i doing something wrong?


New Member
Hi there jessicaz :) im same to be honest, been noogling for a couple of month now and im getting more swelling now than when I first started and im just about filling the medium cups near end of each session but as soon as the swelling has gone there back to normal :-( which is next to nothing. Im 20 with size 32B. Xx


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New Member
I don't understand whats wrong. Does noogleberry not work, or am is it just some people who it doesn't work on ._. ive tried so many methods.


New Member
Yeah I think your right it works better on some people than others cause everybody's body is different isnt it, but it might just take longer for some. I really dont know im just going to stick with it because my boobs really get me down. I can feel there permantly more fuller and I can see a slight improvement but nothing major. Have you got any before and after pictures? How long are you pumping for and what sort of methods do you do x


New Member
I wish I could say what it is that makes this easy for some people and harder for others. To me it seems that fast responders will grow with Noogleberry no matter what they do (almost) while slower responders need to find what specifically works for them. But unfortunately pure luck plays a big part. I consider myself lucky to have over 2 inches of growth in almost two months, but future growth isn't guaranteed.

Are you sure you haven't grown at all? Have you taken measurements? Do you feel that you fill your bras any better? It can be hard to tell the difference if you trust your eyes only.


Active Member
Some people didn't get growth until they pumped 3 or 4 hours a day. You should be massaging with Flaxseed or Safflower salad oil at least one hour a day. Use the oil when pumping, pump 10 to 15 minutes, then break and massage for 5 to 15 minutes, then pump again. The oil should be spread all over your breasts, and beyond to cover any skin drawn in by the domes during pumping.

Give us more details on how much time you spend pumping, massaging, any extra supplements (herbs)? How much swelling do you get? With more info maybe we can offer better suggestions. ;)


New Member
I do not have any before or after pictures. or measurements but I dont feel like im filling out my bra any different. I might start taking measurements. I really should. I pump maybe around 30-60 minutes a day. Sometimes twice a day. I usually pump really slowly to fill out the cup then release every few minutes. I get decent amount of swelling but when swelling goes was like worse then before! I use to take PM, and PM worked really well on me for swelling. But Pm made my periods really irregular so I'm not taking that anymore. I need some encouragement Dx I really wish this would work!


Active Member
I don't mean to pry into your personal life, but people here have different lifestyles, in particular some are single living alone and others are working mothers with young children to take care of. Naturally the mothers have an extremely busy schedule and have little time to devote to boob growth and the live alone may be able to devote many hours a day. So how about you, how much free time do you have and can you devote several hours at least one day a week to noogling?

Sometimes just changing your routine is a very good idea. Your body gets used to one routine and stalls. So I am suggesting a radical change. As stated before, noogling should be done in no more than 15 minute sessions with a minimum of 5 minute massaging in between and using Flaxseed or Safflower salad oil. Some people get skin irritation by various oils, so you should try both (maybe one one month and the other the next month) and see which you like best. You should also drink lots of water every day. If you live in a cold climate and your house is cool, then you should warm your breasts with a hair dryer before noogling (not hot, just comfortably warm). Some also warm the domes too.

So my radical suggestion is to noogle one day a week, at least 4 hours and up to 8 (this does not have to be done continuously maybe Sunday 3 hours in the morning and another 3 hours before bed time. During the rest of the week, just massage at least 1 hour per day, again maybe 1/2 hour in the morning and 1-1/2hr before going to bed. Apply a small amounts of oil and massage until it is all absorbed. Massage vigorously, not just a gentle caressing. When noogling more oil is used to keep the skin slippery, this makes it easier for your boobs to expand into the domes.

So to repeat the first question how much time can you devote to this program? Are you willing to try it?


Active Member
You stated you fill your domes. Probably you should move up a size. What size domes are you using? What is your underbust measurement?


Active Member
I completely agree with James. You've gotta switch things around, try longer sessions and less days, or maybe longer sessions and every day. I've got to admit, I am one of the very very lucky ones on this product. I've gained 6", went from a 34A to a between a DD and a DDD as of now. Start taking and keeping track of measurements, add the massage technic, and possibly try a diff supplement. It's tough when you see others with great results and you see your falling short, it's discouraging. But, I think it's more of a time thing. You are pushing your body to grow, and tissue expansion is a proven method, but it's time. Don't give up, and maybe it's time to upgrade the domes. Once I did, I had a big growth spurt. I seem to be going through another one now, and I've been doing this religiously for 3 1/2 yrs. Just hang in there!


New Member
Im a college student so i dont have to much time. But I have tried different methods. Ive tried doing it 2-3 hours and then the pump and release method but eventually the swelling goes away and nothing changes. Has anyone had growth without supplements?


Active Member
I would say that at least 1/2 of all the successful nooglers here did not use supplements. Supplements seem to help some people, but are absolutely not required.

Try my plan, massaging is a very important part of NBE. And yes, swelling will go away after each pumping session, but over time swelling will last longer, eventually several hours.


New Member
I do massage after every time I noogle also. Should i noogle sitting up or laying down? Also is drinking water before and after necessary?


New Member
I'm quite lazy with massaging but when I do it, it works best when done before noogling. It gets your blood circulating and prepares your breasts for pumping. Drinking water before noogling may also help to get better swelling and maintain it longer. Some people say swelling isn't necessary for growth but I think it plays a big a part. To me it seems that people who can maintain their swelling longer get better growth too.


New Member
My take is not that scientific but after seeing how many fast responders have had almost 24/7 swelling and especially after reading this post I've been convinced swelling does correlate with growth:,1038.0.html

After all, when your breasts are swollen for a long time, it induces the same kind of stretch as when you're pumping.

Do you maintain any swelling throughout the day or does it all go away quickly?


Fulfilling a dream...
Actually, the swelling isn't the goal nor required. I've run across examples of no/little swelling with eventual growth. However, it is very common to have swelling that slowly will last longer and longer and eventually seems to be permanent (thus, your swelling will enlarge over time).

I've only been at this a year myself and I seem to be following this pattern of increasing swollen size and eventual "base" size growth over 3-4 month periods. It just a matter of patience and stubbornness to stick with it when you're convinced nothing is happening. :) Consider, I started barely filling 38A swollen and now reaching a reasonably full 38C swollen. So, be stubborn. :)



Fulfilling a dream...
I honestly don't know since no one has attempted to gather reasonable data points. But I can say swelling growth starts somewhat quickly in the 3-6 month range. The base growth can take up to a year before it happens. From my readings in here, I have seen what appears to be about 1-2 inch gains per year averages. Some people are slower and some are faster and I would discourage comparing yourself to averages.

This is a long term project and you just have to keep working at it and checking your progress every couple of months. For myself, I have a desired size but try not to worry about the "when" part since I've seen many who showed small gains in the first year but by 3rd year had surprising growth. So, let's see if that happens to me in the coming years.. :)
