Noogling is funny!


New Member
So, I got my Noogleberry one week ago and I've not said anything to my husband about it. I'm a Sneaky Noogler; I don't want him to know. I got home from school today and noogled with the Ms for 30 minutes, I took them off and decided to give the Ls a shot. Well, I have to do M and L, and switch since I can't fit both Ls at the same time.

So, I'm trying to configure the cups to get them to lock on, and my husband calls me while I'm doing this. I put him on speakerphone, thinking I could quietly pump while I'm chatting with him on the phone. Mind you, I've never used a L at this point and I never had any issues with using my NB from day one. Well, I'm chatting and trying to pump and I finally experienced the infamous "Noogleberry Farts". It was so loud and I was trying so hard not to laugh! It kept happening and I kept trying not to laugh. Finally, my husband asked me if I was feeling all right. I'm wondering now he asked me that because I was trying to keep myself composed or he thought I was having digestive issues.


Teeny Tiny

Oh that is too funny!

Ya gotta love those noogle farts! Every time that happens with me I can't help but laugh, probably because my hubby's sitting there holding his nose, even though he knows where it came from. Especially right now, I'm having suction issues with my XL's because they're cracked, so I have to constantly pump to keep a suction. Well, it seems like all day while he's at work I can manage to use them quietly, but as soon as he gets home and I try to sit on the sofa with him to watch TV if I try to get any noogling in they end up farting every time. And every time it happens he either holds his nose or just can't help but chuckle, which sets me off as well, and the puppy either sits there with this odd look on her face or goes nuts from it, once she was sleeping on my lap when it happened and it was so loud it woke her up and startled her so bad she jumped and fell off my lap onto the floor, the poor thing. :D


New Member
LOL Aspasia, did you end you end up telling him or let him think you just had some extreme gas?

Teeny Tiny, poor pup lol. HAHA. Man this thread gave me a good chuckle.