NzNoogle pictures

NzNoogle said:
I decided today to mesure myself. I had been avoiding this because I can tend to become obsessive (for example I used to weigh myself everyday when I had scales) However my bras are not feeling comfortable and I found this website for bra size calculating which says I am a 36C/14C, this sounds optimistic and I am not the best at measuring, but it may be time to do some bra shopping :D
All the bras I have are so random, due to fluctuations in weight and really just not having a clue what size to wear. The purple bra I always post in is a 32A/10A which still feels comfortable. and the bras I wear day to day are 12B/34B 14B/36B or 16B/38B
Gosh I really need to clue up on my size... and throw some bras out!!!

wow this website must be wrong! i jsut tried it and according to it i am 34D. trust me, I am not 34 D. even C cups are huge on be, sometiems even B. Hell no, maybe i measured bytself way too wrong but this is definately wrong, trust me