OFF Topic: Hair dyeing...


New Member
I just got home from having my hair colored for the very first time. I had her do a slightly cover (because my hair is turning grey even though I'm way too young). Anyway, I got home and all the greys were still there!!! This made me so upset I actually cried lol...I know, I know...grow up right?! Anyway, why didn't the greys change color? What's up with that? She didn't tell me that they wouldn't change color, all she said was that some would still be there and that they would blend in, but it looks as though none were colored! Uggg....and they don't blend in at all! They stand out like a sore thumb in the light. I'm so mad becauase I spent a lot of money for nothing. :( Does anyone know why the greys didn't change? LOL...


New Member
Hey hun, there is a general discussion and health & beauty forum on here ;) but to help in this situation...

Unfortunately just because a salon is expensive, does not mean they hire high end stylists, meaning she could have just gotten out of school, she may have not went to school for long, or the product that particular salon uses may not be good quality. The best hair color hands down is Goldwell. Period. Most salons do not use this brand. But either way, okay to help with this situation did you go a lighter color or darker, or just went the same color as your non-gray hair? I ask because that does factor how the color is going to act on the gray hairs. Now, cheaper brands are not going to cover gray effectively. I am not a licensed beautician, but I do know about hair coloring, I personally do my own hair, I have been every color you can think of lol, if you want to go blonde the best bleach is Wella and can be bought at Sally's. If you are adding color to the hair (going lighter takes pigment out the hair, going darker adds) then I'd go with Goldwell. I can tell you exactly what to buy, where to buy it, how to mix it and how long to leave it on your hair if you want to do it yourself. If not find a better salon that uses Goldwell hair color. With the kind of haircolor I get (I dyed my hair back my natural color so haven't done it in months, but I did dye some long extensions my color) one tube of dye that is $8 has lasted 3 colorings on my head, and I colored the extensions and still have a little left that could be used for touch ups, the developer is $13 for the bottle and I did 5 or 6 processes with it (dyed a friends hair with the same developer, different color though) and I still have 1/4 of the bottle left. So you do the math, even buying high end, salon quality hair color, I don't pay even as much as a box kit would cost at a grocery store. And my hair has been bleached platinum blonde before and I was able to get it back my natural color easily, so if I can get good pigmentation on hair with no pigment pretty much, you should be fine using it on gray hair. Goldwell does well in covering my aunt's grays and 90% of her hair is gray, and you would never tell cause the color is so good. And btw, I haven't dyed my hair since November, and my color has not faded one bit. Of course I have not had to do touch ups cause my roots are the same color lol. Now if I went say red or darker, it would be easy to do the touch ups and doesn't take much product.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but before you can color again, you hair needs time to recuperate and rest. Go get a good hair mask, deep conditioner, hair restoration type treatment and do it, then wait a week and do it again. After two weeks of this and rest to the hair, then you can try dying again. Dying hair back to back can be VERY damaging, though Goldwell is a good product and actually helps the condition of the hair, it's still best to do the rest period. But either way, you will be fine, just sounds like you either went to a salon with cheap crappy product or the stylist did not know what she was doing.


Noogleberry Admin Team
Hi Abigail3, im sorry you had a bad experience with the salon. I am a qualified hairdresser but too busy with Noogleberry now!! but still do family and friends! It sounds like you had a 'semi-permanent' colour which will only cover a maximum of 50% of the grey and will only tone in the grey. If you want a complete coverage you will need to have a permanent colour because grey hair is very course and the permanents are the only types that will penetrate the grey hairs. If you did only have a 'semi' as long as you wait 24 hours, you will be able to have your hair coloured again. You need to go back to the salon and any decent salon will do it again for free - we always used to do this.

Just let me know how you get on.

best wishes

Lucy :)


That's weird... I use a semipermanent color as I have some grays. The best brand I have found to actually cover my roots is Colour touch by Wella. I do it at home and always use professional products for my hair. I guess having a sister that is a hairdresser got me into the not as cheap but excellent quality of prof. stuff.

She told me that some people have very resistant grays while others have no problem whatsoever covering them.
I've used a product while living at the USA that seem to help fixing the dye to my hair. You can find it at Sally and its name is Ardell gray magic. Quite cheap and lasts forever as you only use few drops per ounce.

If you are not happy with the results you got from the hair saloon go back and ask them to fix it. At the end is your money and your hair and it can be fixed by reapplying some dye.

Teeny Tiny

I definitely agree with Lucy and Nadir! You should go back to where you got your hair done and insist that they do it right, if they won't or can't give you the coverage you're looking for they should refund the money you paid them, since you paid for something that was not done right. That's definitely what I would do, or if you don't want to give them a second chance at it just insist on a refund. Then you can take the money and buy everything you need to do it yourself or get a friend to help you if you're not sure you can do it, but you should be able to do it yourself because it's not that hard to do.

Good luck, and I hope you get the results you're looking for one way or another. :D


hi Abagail3,

i have a lot of gray hair but it looks great, lasts along time and is now healthy. i use henna. check out the site,

henna for hair, do a lot of research, also if possible order this book, grow hair in 90 days. i don,t have the exact

title and i have to hurry to work. i wish i knew a salon where i live that would use henna, most want to use only

chemicals. my hair was dry and frizzy no matter how it was used when i used even Aveda which is generally a

very good product. there is a lot of great info on the internet. if you look at the above site in the Gray area,

you will see the various colors possible, with the different things they used to get them, for instance, grape

juice, beet powder plus henna. good luck janonthemtn


New Member
Thank you all for your kind replies. I did get the semi which was the cheapest coverage. And that was just for the top and sides.....But those greys didn't change...grrr....and I went 2 shades lighter than my hair color. She said they would blend in with my hair but they don't. :mad: I didn't want to go a drastic hair color change. I wanted to look natural. Just wanted the greys gone. I've heard of henna before. I was afraid to go with that because I was 1.) afraid I wouldn't do it right. 2) Afraid the color wouldn't look good on me. 3.) Afraid there would be a drastic change in color from my natural color. I wasn't wanting to look like I got my hair dyed so to speak. ;) I will look more into the henna though.

Teeny Tiny

If you want it to look natural you should probably get one that matches your hair color depending on the brand and how strong or permanent it is, as if you go lighter it could lighten the color of your whole head, which would make it more noticeable that you colored your hair if you're worried about that. I've colored my hair a few times, but now I don't bother as it tends to ruin my hair and cause me more headaches from the chemicals.

I've colored my hair auburn, blonde, and black, but now just leave it natural. I didn't color it because of greys though, I don't care if I have grey hair, I earned my greys. I colored them because my idiot ex kept hounding me about wanting to see me with red hair and blonde hair. I kind of liked the auburn, the blonde was a big mistake though, my hair didn't want to take the color very well and after the first dose I ended up with orange hair for a couple days until I could fix it and finish turning it blonde. I kind of liked the blonde color, but didn't want to deal with trying to keep it that color so after about a year of being two toned, I tried to give it some extra time to wear off/relax before trying to color over it before I dyed it again. Only that time I picked a color that my ex didn't want me to be, black. I loved the look of the black hair on me, my hubby I'm with now was kind of stunned when he saw me with black hair, he said he liked my natural color and would have to get used to it. But he didn't have to get used to it for very long, within a week the blonde started coming back, the black didn't hold at all.

It's not really noticeable in the picture on this forum but for quite a while I had three toned hair, dark on top, medium in the middle, and light on the ends. My hubby would get a laugh out of it every time I complained about it because I said I looked like a calico cat. A few months after we got married since it was damaged from all the hair coloring and looked like crap I cut it just above the shoulders, so that it was all the same color again, brown and grey. I'm only 34 years old, but with all the hell my ex put me through I think I've earned my grey hairs, and they'll stay where they are unless my hubby should suggest that I color them. But I doubt he'll ever do that, he's the type that excepts me the way I am and doesn't really want me to change anything about myself, but doesn't seem to mind me trying to grow bigger boobies. ;)


New Member
That's wonderful that your hubby loves you the way you are! That's the way it's supposed to be! I'm thankful my husband is that way too! ;) I started getting grey hair in my mid 20's! Figures it would happen to me. ::) Now I'm in my early 30's and I have more...ugg. It's me who has a hard time with it. ;)

Teeny Tiny

I know what you mean, I'm 34 and have quite a few in some areas, started slowly getting them in my mid twenties, guess I'm more fortunate than my mother and one sister though. My mom said she started turning grey somewhere around the age of 18, and one of my sisters who has black hair said something about being grey, I just looked at her and told her that she didn't have a single grey hair. She said if it wasn't for the hair color she'd be completely grey at around the age of 40. I'm more concerned about how my hair is thinning than what color it is, it can turn grey all it wants, I just wish it would quite breaking off and/or falling out, I shed worse than some dogs! ;)


New Member
Teeny, I believe I posted on here last year that my hair was falling out pretty bad and such and that I was trying different things to get it to stop. I tried shampoos like Nioxin, VitaTress, etc. and they would work for a good 2 weeks or so then it would start shedding like it use to. Then I started up using the collagen tablets and the hair vitamins, it started to get better, but I think what also really helped me is I switched to Patiene Pro V full and thick shampoo and conditioner, my hair doesn't fall out at all now, maybe 5 strands when I wash it, not even kidding, and use to it would be globs of it, when I brush it, I use to have to clean my brush out everytime, now I haven't cleaned it out in heck at least 3 weeks, and it's not near as filled as it use to be on a daily basis! I think the full and thick helps strengthen the hair and helps make it thicker, the vitamins and collagen help it to grow faster and fill in the parts that were starting to slowly bald. I was taking just a combination hair vitamin I found on amazon, I recently started to run out so ordered some supplements from swanson vitamins, since I already take a multi vitamin daily, I ordered some biotin and horsetail to continue the hair growth and such, I'll see how this compares to the hair vitamins I was taking, but I am continuing the collagen as I love it. Maybe this is something you can try?


New Member
Your welcome as always, the Nioxin and Vitatress was rather pricey, even with getting it through a place most salons order from, before they mark it up for profit. I was disappointed when it stopped working, but I been using the patiene pro v full and thick for umm... 6 months I believe, and it hasn't stopped helping me yet. It makes my hair feel like silk, my only complaint is that I have to wash my hair more often as I find it makes it more greasy, I might try just using the shampoo and see what that does, or only conditioning once a week. I use to only have to wash it every 4 days, but I would every other day just because, now I have to every other day or it gets really greasy. That would be my only complaint though. But I really think the supplements I take for my hair are what really help too. Oh and with what I'm doing my hair grew 3 inches within 2 1/2 months, just to give an example of the results, and before I had problems getting it to grow 1/2 inch in that time.