Penis Pumps



I would like to share my experiences with the Noogleberry pump - and I have no connection with the company. Having had and been cured of Prostate Cancer I have had all the available drug treatments for poor erections with very limited and with some, little success.Before trying penis pumps on the NHS, which are quite expensive, although at no cost to me, I decided to give the Noogleberry system a try at my expense. Within a few days of using the pump I was quite comfortable with the system and getting and keeping very strong erections- far better than any with prescription drugs. Yes, its more mechanical than popping a pill, but the results are far better, for me at least, and there are no side effects. I'm converted.


Noogleberry Admin Team
Hi Silversurfer, welcome to the forum and thank you for your very imformative post. Unlike the ladies forums, men tend to be shy about sharing their experiences on health forums so yours will be extremely useful to other men who have similar prostate treatments. It is not easy to approach GP's and other healthcare professional and raise the matter of impotency treatment, and unsurprisingly few have much experience of vacuum systems. Please feel free to contact us for further support and advice if you need help. :)