PM and birth control


New Member
Hey :)

just a quick question: is it ok to take PM when you're on birth control pills? I'm on yasmine normally, but stopped a couple of months ago. Going to go back on the pill in july though.


in my experience, and in others, PM does not work with birth control. PM works to raise your estrogel levels while birth control keeps it down. you might experience swelling with PM but i doubt it would be permanent growth. that's what happened to me.


If you are using the birth control as a contraceptive (not just for regulating your period, to help lessen the severity of periods, etc), then I wouldn't use PM or any other kind of herbal enhancement things at the same time. It could definitely alter the effectiveness for preventing pregnancy. I know there's one PM company that cautions against using both at the same time because of this, so I think it's probably best not to bother with both at the same time.


i agree with morninghello. if you want - i dont see the harm in using a good PM topical on your breasts.
other herbs that are weak could be ok, like fenugreek. but i doubt it'd be effective. i've tried it all. can't stop taking birthcontrol.
every once in a while i'd get really promising swelling but it always went away.


New Member
is the other option BO? i've heard it's good but i'm afraid i don't know what it stands for :p could i take that instead?
the thing is, i used to take Breast Actives,Wonderup, and some individual herbs (SP, fennel and wild yam) and kept using the pill. I didn't notice any change in my breasts, maybe a bit of fullness but thats it. I use the pill as a contraceptive but I still always use condoms so it wouldn't be a problem. I'm really tempted in taking what everyone else claims works.

Teeny Tiny

BO stands for Bovine Ovary. You have to be very careful what brands you choose if you should decide to try this supplement, as some cheaper products can be unsafe to use because bovine ovary is cow ovaries that have been ground up and processed. Cheaper brands may use cow ovaries from unsafe countries that could have the potential to be tainted with mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE), which is a mutated protein that causes spongelike holes in the brain that eventually kills its victim. It takes 8-10 years to show symptoms, then once symptoms present themselves death usually occurs within a year. I've done extensive research on these products and have only found one brand that I would truly risk my life to take if I could, but unfortunately I can't do to a medical condition I'm suffering from. The brand is not cheap, it's called Bountiful Breast. Here's a link to their website...

In their FAQ section they list a possible answer to your question, here it is...

( 8 ) Will breast enhancers interfere with birth control pills or Depo Provera shots?
No. Bountiful Breast® will not interfere or affect birth control pills. Please refer to your physician if you have any questions.

There is another brand that Anastasia's been using and trusts, which several other people use I think, I cannot honestly say I would trust the brand, but it has done a lot of good for her, and it's not one of the really cheap brands, but no where near as expensive as Bountiful Breast either, but it's not made quite the same as the Bountiful Breast supplement so I have no idea which brand is more effective than the other, or if either one is. I can't remember which one she is using right now, I changed my computers operating system and lost the bookmark I had to the site she buys hers from, hopefully she'll read this and post it for you. Oooh, I just remembered the brand she uses, here's a link...

The main thing to know or remember about using BO supplements is that you have to intake lots of protein in order for them to work properly. The Ultra Breast brand recommends intaking 99 grams of protein in shake form, which I recommend using whey protein shakes, try to avoid the soy protein shakes as they are not as highly digestible and absorbed as well as the whey shakes. Where as the Bountiful Breast recommends drinking one shake a day, which the average shake has roughly 25 grams depending on the brand and amount of powder you use. The protein shakes themselves can be kind of pricey, so if you have to drink more with Ultra Breast than with Bountiful Breast it balances the costs a little more, but the Ultra Breast is still a bit more costly. My best advice would be to look over both sites closely, read their frequently asked questions, check out the before and after photos (which Ultra Breast doesn't have, just written testimonials), and choose carefully.

From what I've read, and seen from friends who have used Bountiful Breast before they do work, differently for everyone of course, but they do work and Bountiful Breast has a 12 month money back guarantee, and Ultra Breast has a 6 month money back guarantee.

For some herbal supplements work (not me), for others BO is a better choice, and it's not a diuretic like the herbal supplements so you don't have to cut out caffeine and alcohol like you do with them, because they work differently, are usually more effective, and more permanent, unless you go on a diet and loose a ton of weight afterwards, then you could still end up loosing the fat in your boobs, so if you want to loose weight do it while you're taking them and they will help you increase your breast size while you slim down. And for others, like me, neither is a wise choice, as any of these "breast enlargement supplements" increase size by changing your hormones, which can cause a serious hormone imbalance and other unwanted side effects. The best advice I can give would be to see your gynaecologist before beginning any of these programs to make sure that they will work for you safely, then try what he/she suggests, if they suggest or okay any.

Hope this helps answer some of your questions, and good luck with your quest for bigger breasts! ;)


New Member
Yep I take Ultra Breast, and yea they say 90 something g of protein in shake form, but I don't think it's necessary if you have a high protein diet. I have a high protein diet, I get 60 to 80g or more just from my diet, I drink at most 2 protein shakes per day with 25g of protein, I use non-flavored whey protein isolate from NOW brand. I use the non-flavored cause I mix it in other stuff, like smoothies, chocolate milk, you can even put it in soups and such, it's very versatile. I sometimes also just eat protein bars as snacks. Oh and I chew sunflower seed, seed and nuts are high in protein, 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds has 9g of protein. Also when taking BO and using NB you want to make sure you get enough water throughout the day, I drink 2 liters of water per day. And you want to make sure your temp is right, I recently added kelp to help me with this, and now I'm going between 98.4F and 98.8F so I'm perfect, I forget what the perfect temp is for BO I think it's between 98.2 and 98.9 I'm not 100% sure though. Teeny does more research or should I say retains more of the info than I do lol. You can check out the breast nexus forum and there is tons of info on there about BO many of the forum members use Bountiful Breast and others like me use Ultra Breast. I'm on my 6th bottle and grown 2 1/4 inches so far, that is permanent growth not just swelling from NB cause I have taken breaks from NB and have not lost that increase. And Ultra Breast also states it's okay to take with birth control. I take the pill also and still growing so it must be right ;)

And yes some of the generic brands of BO can be dangerous, BB is from Argentina cows and UB is from US cattle. BB is very expensive compared to UB, BB has horrible customer service from what I hear (so even if it didn't work not sure if you'd actually get your money back), UB has awesome customer service from my own experience, they always answered my emails. Really just do your research and decide on what you feel most comfortable with.

Oh and I took Breast Actives back when it was Breast Gain Plus (yes that's what it use to be called and they changed their name! hmm wonder why huh? lol) don't get me started on that company haha I can go on for hours ranting! But yea, long story short over $300 spent, 6
months used with strict diet, no caffeine, and absolutely no results, and the money back guarantee, HA! I never got my money back from them. So yea herbs didn't work much for me but NB and BO does. Hope this helps!

On a side note, after I finish my 6th bottle, I am going to cleanse and take a 2 week to a month break from BO then I'm going to do another run of it until I get to the size I want.


New Member
wow! thanks for all your amazing advice girls!!!
i'm actually trying to gain weight so I'm currently using protein shakes and I know all about them as I'm a gym freak :). Whey protein is what i use as its the best form of protein out there. Optimum Nutrition is the brand I use as it's got 24g protein per scoop and its known to be one of the best out there (recommended by many fitness instructors of mine).
Anastasia, where do you buy your ultra breast from? Do you think you can link the site for me. Seeing as you bought it before i'd like to order it from the same site as you.
Breast Actives was the worst decision i made in my life! i took no caffeine, followed a strict diet and took pills and NO change.