


Hi everyone!

I took a at home pregnancy test yesterday because I am a week late and it came back positive! I'm freaking out just a little because this was not planned at all... My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 and a half years and we live together, but, it is kind of a bad time. I am just starting my PhD :S Although I am not entirely convinced, I'll probably buy another test and also plan on making a Dr. appointment to confirm.

It's kind of ironic because I came off of birth control 3 months ago because I was worried it was messing with my hormones (got headaches and nausea) and also because I heard some people stop ovulating for sometime after coming off of it (I had been on it for 6 years straight). Anyway, I thought we were being safe (we did have sex while I was on my period and for the first 2-3 days after my period without using a condom- I guess that was not the smartest thing to do).

Anyway should I completely stop noogling? I was thinking that it might be ok to continue for the first 2 months, I was actually thinking that the surge in hormones might help maintain some swelling and create some good tissue growth.

Thanks for any advice!

Mumma Bear

Congrats Hopefulgurl! With ladies who have a history of miscarriage I think the advice is usually to avoid nipple stimulation/breastfeeding of a toddler as it can potentially increase the risk of a miscarriage. Noogling though is a bit different. I'd say that if you don't get any crampy feelings whilst noogling it's perfectly safe (and you should get mammoth swelling). Stop straight away if you get any twinges though. Best wishes!


New Member
Congrats, all the best to you and your baby!

Not sure if it helps, but my theory is that there is no such thing as a planned pregnancy. I´ve girlfriends who had fertility problems or miscarriages when they were actively seeking to get pregnant, while all the others just became pregnant when it was a bad moment, just like in your case (this happened to me too, btw). It´s like you can´t really plan nature or something like that, not even in this time.

One of my best friends had all her schedule figured out to get pregnant at a certain month so it would match with her job and vacations, she did get pregnant but there was something wrong and she had a miscarriage. So in the end she had her two girls when it was most inconvenient but she is very very happy and loves them to bits, of course.

So anyway, I´d say just enjoy it!


New Member
Hey Hopefulgurl! Well I just have to say congratulations... I know you may not be the happiest right now but in the end if you are positive when they do the test again, you will be so happy. My partner and myself have been trying for a baby for the past few months and I guess like Amelie says there is no right time nature decides when that it. Please keep us posted and let us know if you are and how you feel. Love L.A xxx


Thanks Mumma Bear, Amelie and L.A!
I agree, pregnancies are hardly ever planned. My parents had 5 and only 1 was planned!

I still havent managed to get a Dr appt. I live in Canada and although I love the idea of public health care, it is almost impossible to find a doctor (especially in montreal).

I did another two at home pregnancy tests and both were positive, still no period... SO I am pretty convinced that I am pregnant! It is so weird for me to think I will have a baby in 7-8 months. I'm excited but scared.

I have been noogling (very lightly and have crazy swelling!). But, Ive been busy and not feeling 100%... Super tired and I have some pretty bad headaches.

My bf is being amazing. He is so excited and is waiting on me hand and foot- it's cute. We've talked about getting married on and off again in the past and he asked me how I felt about him giving his grandmother's ring. I said I'd love it... Yesterday I came home and he was on the phone with his mother and I could have sworn I heard him say ring...A package arrived from his family today (I'm definitely not going to open it)!! We are leaving to Mexico for christmas with my family on Monday- I'm kind of wondering if he might propose!


I miscarried yesterday :(
It was the worst day of my life both emotionally and physically...

I had the most terrible contraction-like pains which were so intense that I couldn't stand. I couldn't stop vomitting from the pain. By the time I made it to the hospital my blood pressure dropped to 75/42 and so I was passing out everytime I tried to stand. The nurse had a very hard time trying to get the IV in to help raise blood pressure- I think she tried at least 4 different times (in between which I began vomiting into a garbage bin). I was in the most excruciating pain. It was none stop contractions. The doctor examined me and told me my cervix had opened and that I was expelling a lot of tissue. I was given morphine, but I could still feel the contractions.
Eventually I saw another doctor who did an internal ultrasond and he told me I lost the baby :( I couldn't stop crying, and just thinking about it is making me cry.

I was lucky enough that my fiance (he proposed in mexico) was there the entire time- I really don't think I could have done it without him.
Oh my God... I feel so sorry for you, I cannot imagine what you went through. My sincere apologies... I hope you didnt lose your hope and faith. I am glad to hear that your fiance is so amazing. At least you know he is there for you for the good and for the bad. I wish you best of luck. And we are all here to support you.

Mumma Bear

So very sorry for your very sad loss and what you went through - just awful. Big hugs and our thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery, both physically and emotionally. It sounds like your fiance (congrats - although celebrating will be far from your thoughts right now) was a great support and this will bring you even closer.


New Member
Oh, that´s so sad... my sincerest sympathies to you and your fiance... a big hug, hope you´ll pull through this together!