Quest For Breasts


New Member
That's very interesting what the doc said about tissue growth. I've been wondering if the tissue that grows from noogling is fat or glandular tissue or both, and based on my own growth, I can verify what the doc said. My breasts used to be rock hard, there was no fat at all. Noogling has made them softer, so I assume the growth really is fat tissue. But I'm not that sure about getting droopy breasts. I think most nooglers get fuller breasts. Of course fat is not as firm as glandular tissue, but I haven't seen any breasts in this site that would have gone from firm to droopy, quite the contrary.

Good to hear the lump wasn't anything serious. Did the doc say what specifically could have caused it in noogling?


Growing fatty tissue in your breasts due to noogling is bound to fill them out and make them look fuller and firmer. I think the doctor meant that the tissue is then more susceptible to drooping, what with the higher fat to glandular tissue ratio. I didn't ask when that is likely to happen - besides it's not like age-related sagging and the effects of gravity can be prevented anyway. :(

The lump was located right where the dome sits at the base of the breast and the doctor inferred that the pressure from the rings is likely to have caused a blockage in the lymph node. I had stopped noogling for a week and during that time it shrunk, so I guess from now on I'll be doing more massage and taking more rest days. I already only noogle 3-4 days a week, but usually on consecutive days, so now I'll make sure to noogle on non-consecutive days.

Due to the weight loss I'm back to square one in terms of measurements, but the shape has definitely improved - my breasts are looking rounder and fuller, even if they aren't overflowing my bras just yet!


New Member
That makes sense. I haven't had any lumps, but the cup edges have caused some pain my left breast near the armpit. Do you use or have you considered any padding solutions? I need to figure out something for my CL cups, they are just too wide and too sharp for my breasts to pump with higher pressure. I might try a yoga mat or something similar first (cutting pieces of the mat and covering the edges with them).

Congrats on the change in shape :)


Thanks! :)

I saw the posts about using a yoga mat as padding, but I hoped I could manage without the extra hassle! However, as I increase the pressure it might become necessary... I certainly don't want to affect any more lymph nodes. Let me know what you decide to do and how it works out.

I'm starting to think I might not get boobs in time for Christmas after all. Boooo :(


New Member
I'll buy a yoga mat soon and update my thread about it later. :)

Oh but there are still two months left before Christmas! There might be a growth spurt coming, don't give up hope yet ;)


I had a mammogram today - second part of the investigation of the blocked lymph node I discovered a couple of weeks ago (which must have unblocked because it's since disappeared.) Anyway, can I just say -

OUCH!! :eek:

I had no idea mammograms were so uncomfortable! The technician warned me it's actually more painful on firm breasts, so thank god the noogling has softened and stretched my breast tissue a little or it could have been worse...

I've always wondered how on earth they perform mammograms on small breasts - let's just say that some bizarre contortions were required to flatten each breast between the panels (first horizontally, then vertically). The pressure is way more intense than noogling, but over in seconds. Is it weird that I felt oddly proud that my breasts even fit in the machine?! Haha!

So now you know - noogling can make mammograms more comfortable because it gives you larger, more squishable breasts! ;)


New Member
When will you get the results? I've always been afraid to try but I really ought to. Might be less painful if I were to massage a noogle before a mammogram, haha...

I wanted to ask you this actually: by any chance when you went for a consultation for fat transfer were you given a quote of the possible costs? I inquired about it and customer service told me I would have to come in for the doctor to assess my situation and so they couldn't even give me a ball park figure.


I should get the mammogram results within 10 days.
*UPDATE: results were completely normal.

tinytots said:
I wanted to ask you this actually: by any chance when you went for a consultation for fat transfer were you given a quote of the possible costs? I inquired about it and customer service told me I would have to come in for the doctor to assess my situation and so they couldn't even give me a ball park figure.

Bearing in mind that I consulted a specialist on Harley Street in London, where the prices are significantly higher than anywhere else, the cost was estimated at around £6000. Basically, it depends on how many areas the fat is harvested from and therefore the time involved, so someone who stores their largest fat deposits around their stomach for example, may only require one donor site, whilst slim patients are more likely to have fat siphoned from several areas to find enough to transfer, which would take longer. If you're serious about this surgery, check out the reviews on Realself and find a top surgeon who specialises in the most up-to-date liposuction techniques (eg: microlipo) to guarantee the highest fat survival rate. They also need to be absolutely meticulous about transferring it in small droplets - it's a painstaking and time-consuming process that ensures the least reabsorption. In any case, you can only increase by one cup size AND there will be small scars from the donor sites (and if you're unlucky, some rippling too).

For me, it really is a last resort because of the scarring and the expense. However, if after a year or two of noogling we don't get the breasts we want (I truly believe that's unlikely btw), then it's quite possible that fat transfer procedures will have been refined even further. One other thing, the surgeon I consulted did not believe in the safety or efficacy of stem cell fat transfer, so you may want to be wary of that.

Oh, and check out the E Bra - that may be a viable option soon!!


New Member
Thanks for the info! It's also a last resort for me, for the same reasons you've mentioned. I registered on RealSelf a while back when I was looking into fat transfer. If I remember correctly it had a "worth it" rating of over 90%.

The E-bra seems interesting. I think I should try to find similar vibrating bras while I wait for the real thing. :D


Update: 4 months

Bust: 31 3/4"
Underbust: 28 3/4"

Starting Measurements
Bust: 32"
Underbust: 29"

Ok, so here's what happened - I lost a little weight due to extra exercise and dental surgery which required a restricted diet, then I noticed a lump (which turned out to be a harmless blocked lymph node) and stopped noogling for a while to recover. As such, my swelling took a complete nose-dive and my measurements decreased - I lost an entire inch off my bust! I've since recovered some fullness and the rounder shape of my breasts remained, so I think I mostly lost back fat! I've also realised that the tennis ball I use to flatten my nipples so they don't get stretched is holding back my swelling now my breasts are starting to fill more of the domes. So I'm going to switch to a smaller ball.

Anyway, here's what I look like today - my left breast is still smaller despite getting more noogling time, but there's definitely a change in shape in both breasts (and my bras are no longer gaping)! :D


  • November 2015 front.JPG
    November 2015 front.JPG
    6.6 KB · Views: 104
  • November 2015 side.JPG
    November 2015 side.JPG
    4.3 KB · Views: 82
  • November 2015 bra.JPG
    November 2015 bra.JPG
    7.3 KB · Views: 53


Yes! Even though my measurements are still puny, I can see and feel bigger boobs - hurrah! ;D

Now I must get to work on that left breast...


You've had great results!! Put your before pic next to your current pic and you'll clearly see the difference. Good for you, your boobs look great and again, great progress! :)


Stay positive
Your size now looks great, so keep it up. Life always throws us into situations that takes us back a few steps, but as minnie34 said, compare your first picture at the beginning of this journey to the current and you will see the difference.
I'm try to catch up to you now haha! Happy pumping!


Thank you ladies :D You are all my inspiration. I'm still an A cup, just fuller. But no bra shopping for me just yet - I'm still haunting the aisles of Victoria Secret (where the majority of the bras start at a B cup, have you noticed?) What's encouraging though is that even if you lose weight and your measurements decrease, your breasts can still remain bigger than they were to start with. I suppose this must indicate genuine growth rather than just swelling.

Anyway, nothing about my routine has changed, I still pump one breast at a time using a Large dome and a 'nipple stopper' ball. Some days I'll noogle for 3 hours other days for 1.5 hours and I usually take 2 rest days a week - completely at random, I don't have any kind of pattern. I still massage with coconut oil first and drink a few glasses of water whilst pumping. Oh, I recently switched from 7:7 to 10:10, simply because it's easier to keep track of 10 minute intervals whilst watching tv.

Regarding supplements, I continue to take a daily multivitamin and add 1 tablespoon of collagen powder, ground flaxseeds and maca to my morning smoothie - but I've been doing this for a long time for general health benefits.

Other than that, I suppose I'm quite serene about the whole thing. I'm convinced enough by the success stories on here to know it will work, so I figure it's just a matter of time, patience and diligence. I still find myself talking to my breasts in the shower - I tell them how well they're doing and how gorgeous they look! I don't have a boyfriend offering encouragement or compliments, so I do it for myself. I like to think it makes them feel happy. :)


New Member
I agree with others, there's a huge difference!! I compared your starting and current pics next to each other, and wow! Keep talking to them in the shower, it seems to work ;) (as well as hard work, lol)


Active Member
I think your noogling plan is excellent, including using coconut oil for noogling, but it looks like you are not doing additional massages outside your noogling time. I think you should add two 10 minute massages with flaxseed oil every day. Flaxseed oil is good for growth, but not so good for noogling as it is a little sticky, and flaxseed oil should be refrigerated after opening or it could go rancid. I also think a good time to massage flaxseed oil into your breasts is immediately after your noogling session.

Keep up your plan, it's working! ;)


Hey James, you're totally right, I stopped doing additional massage when the weather turned cold! Brrrr.... I should really give the flaxseed oil a try though. My growth is soooo slow, perhaps it will help speed things up. But I think I can now safely say that I'm not going to get my B cups in time for Christmas :'(

Whilst the amount of swelling and the measurements keep showing tiny increases, my exercise routine and healthy eating habits may be contributing to the slow rate of growth. In fact, since I weigh about 5lbs less now than when I started, I'm amazed there's been any growth at all!


Active Member
As I am sure you already know, along with massaging and pumping you should drink lots of water and keep your boobs warm. A hair dryer has the advantage that you can warm your boobs and the inside of the cups for noogling and also use it when massaging. Maybe wearing a big loose shirt or something will help keep you toasty warm too. Happy noogling :D


Haha - if you could only see how bundled up I am whilst noogling - I wear a thick cardigan with my dressing gown over the top and a wool blanket thrown over me with a hot water bottle in my lap. And no, I don't live in the Arctic! God I miss the Summer, when I could noogle semi-naked! ;D