Red dots and ring marks for the first (and last!) time today


New Member
Hello all!

I've been noogling for 4 days or so now, and had been going fine until this morning when I did a 20 minute session and must have overpumped, as I have red dots all over the top quarter of my boobs (in the shape of a dome), and pale yellow/white ring marks that were still visible 8 or 9 hours after pumping. Now (12 hours after pumping) the ring marks are still there - look like very faint grey 'shadows' under the skin.

Funny thing is, I only pumped a tiiiiny bit harder than the other times - maybe it was a cumulative effect? The only thing I really think was very different about today was that I'd changed my moisturiser. I had been using the sample skin oil that came in the NB case, as well as olive oil, but I ran out of both today, so I used a vitamin E cream that I had already. And, viola - dots and rings!

Could that be it?? Has anyone else used one moisturiser that seemed to make a big difference in the after-effects of pumping?

Also, I have very fair skin, and my boobs tend to look a bit purple in the domes. I've read that purple is bad, but it seems unavoidable with me - they start to go a bit purpley as soon as I put any decent pressure on them at all. If I pump so that they don't go purple at all, it's really very gentle pressure, and I don't know if it would be enough to get growth.


New Member
I'd also like to know if it is due to the moisturiser. I only just started noogling today and i've already got them. I guess I must have gotten too excited and went overboard with the pressure.


New Member
Hi blue,
I got the red dots for the first time today ::)
I don't think i over pumped either but i used the XL's for the first time so im not sure...
Either way im wearing a low cut top to show my wellgrowing breasts & i must say they look nice (even with the small red dots) i know theres some cream you can get for them but i cant remember for the life of me what it is called ???
So whoever knows what cream it is can u let me know please ;D ;D

P.s I don't think it matters that your fair skinned as i am olive skinned as my dad is mixed race
so i'm naturally tanned :)
best wishes


Sorry to hear you've got red dots. The stuff that makes them go away is called arnica. It comes in gel or cream. Congrats on using the XLs for the first time! I got some red dots my first time using them too, but now I never get any. Happy pumping!


New Member
Hi Morninghello,
THATS IT,arnica cream!! I've wrote it down now so i dont forget it ;)
I'm glad that the red dots wont last long then,even tho i wasn't concerned about them
because i know 9/10 anyone who noogles will get them.
Like i said it still hasn't stopped me from wearing a low cut top today ;D
the weather has been lovely today so i had to put on my low cut white strappy top :p
Happy noogleing to you to :)


New Member
The major causes of this skin disease are accumulation of sweat in the covered areas of our body, such as underarm, waist, thighs, between fingers, etc. Another cause of ringworm is using clothes, towels of the person suffering from ringworm or other skin disease. This infectious disease is caused also due to pets like dogs and cats and also through the untreated prolonging wounds on the body.For more read... red dots on tongue