Setting out on a noogleberry adventure


New Member
thanks lexus! yeah i appreciate the difference. it isnt so much a size increase as a fullness increase, which is what i was always aiming for. Im not sure the volufiline contributes all that much, cause i was using it before i started noogle or any of the other potions and nothing much changed visually, although there was a definate change to the feel of my breasts, they felt fuller in my hands. So perhaps it has helped create a base for further fullness. To be honest i feel the PM has been responsible for alot of my great swelling and the fullness i retain, even tho i dont ever take it internally, i think i must be very sensitive to PM which is probably why it affects me negatively as well. I figure tho using it in conguntion with noogle will probably speed up the results from noogle. I loved the affects from PM so much its really hard to stop using it! Like i said im using a minimal amount now, but im still getting results (not sure if thats just cause i have a build up in my body, i was spraying 2-3 sprays on twice a day for a while, now i do one spray every 2 days). Think ill look in to a progesterone cream to balance the excess estrogens as well. any recommendations on a progesterone cream from anybody?


New Member
i take back what i said about PM being mainly to blame for my better results. last night swell was huge and im a c cup today at midday. this in direct correlation with more pumping and much less pm spray so i think the pumping is responsible! :)


New Member
hi alll. i wrote a series of updates since febuary that have mysteriously dissapeared... odd... well long story short, i stopped noogling for a couple of months due to travel and stuff, lost all my fullness, back to square one!!! picked up on noogle again in late january and did alot of session for maybe a couple of weeks. since then i been on and off. The last couple of weeks ive done maybe only two half hour sessions a week, but amazingly im retaining some fullness, which is unexpected! was using ainterol pm cream, which was amazing and plumped me up real quick but I ran out a few week ago.... so this fullness now is probably just from noogle, which is grand, especially considering the small amouunt of time ive given to my sessions!! ill be starting up on the PM cream again tommorow. i love the results from it too much to stop despite the fact that its pricey. best of luck to all... im happy with just a little more perkiness, fullness and shape at this stage and appreacite what ever i get. with small breasts like mine every little bit really counts.


New Member
after unsuccessfully trying to sell my large cups, im now happy i didnt as i have decided to give them another go... there too big for my chest, so i have to use one breat at a time, half hour to each breast.. i fill them ok, over half full... will let you know if results are better


New Member
update time. ok so i slacked off on noogle again!!! i got discouraged i guess from my last attempt at putting months in dilengently and losing all results so fast! if im gonna put in the effort i feel like i need to feel more assured on result to keep the motvation up. so.... i just bought a used brava for 400 off ebay, its the sport box kind, apparantly in good nick. i always felt the long hauls were the most effective for swelling for me. It seems brava is just designed for long haul at low pressure (high pressure is a bit prone to bad concequences- and i always found it hard to get pressure right, i often got burst capillaries even when i thought the pressure wasnt so high...) it seems most people get at least some result from the long haul with brava. The unhappy customers are the ones that say that the little result compared to the big time investment just didnt seem worth it- seems very few come away from 4 months brava dedication to no result. just a smal result does make a difference on my breasts as you can see from my pics, cause i have quite small breasts. its the fullness i want to improve, not so much the size (although size would be nice :) ) So im leaving noogleberry for brava! sorry to all you guys. illl let you know how it goes. noogle did well on training me up for this sorta thing, and i know all the tricks for making breast suction as comfortable as possible, and what to expect from swelling. I did the old snoogle too, which will definately be a good trainiing aid for brava. im lucky as im most comfortable sleeping on my back, any other position i cant fall asleep in- so i got that on my side! i do plan to do the brava hours while i sleep, from what i see of brava its alot more comfortable to wear to sleep than noogleberry is, and suction is controlled, when i snoogled id often wake up to the suction being gone. They suggest 10- 12 hours a day usage for brava, so the sleep time takes 8 of those, and there are 2-4 remaining. Im accustomed to doiing my morning routine/breakfast which takes 1-1.5 hours- wearing the noogleberry so should be a sinch with the brava im guessing. I could put in extra hours before bed i guess, which be 1-3 hours to fill. easily spent on laptop, watching movies or whatever! i live in a very quiet neighbourhood, and its wintertime, i think i could manage walking my dog wearing brava, as long as i wore a big coat- which i would anyways as its winter time! I live on my own right now, and i am single, so i guess its the best time to do this. It seems on average people get the best results when they invest 4-6 months on it. i wonder how ill manage and if it will drive me crazy! i think ill be more motivated though cause it seems brava is more consistant with results. once i get the swelling going (which is apparantly astounding with brava) no doubt that will be a massive motivator to keep going....

So the set i ordered has medium cups, and the problem is, my measurements only just fit it, and thats the lower end of my measurements- before my period my measurements make me a candidate for the large cups!!! so no doubt very soon ill be on the hunt for new domes, which you cant buy direct from brava unless you bought your set new from them... so thats a bit of an issue, i just hope i can find the large domes second hand somewhere!


New Member
Good luck universallove! If I had the money/patience/privacy/ability to dedicate the time, I might have tried Brava myself. Hope it works out-- if it seems to be, I'd be interested to see the before/after pics!