Slowly going crazy


New Member
I don't think there's any way I could possibly wait until December to buy the NB!! I wanted to wait to get it until I started bringing in more money and gained a little more weight, but I have gained a little weight and I should have a lot more money coming in starting next month! I think I'm going to get NB a little sooner than I thought I would. I have a few things to take care of first, but once that's all done, NB here I come! ;D


Well, it'll be waiting for you :p.

Gee, you're already so active, I can't imagine what it'll be like once you're actually pumping along with the rest of us ;D.


New Member
lol! Thank you xD

I can't stay away from NB forum. I've even gone through pages and pages and read every single unread topic on the stats and gallery pages. Since I can't noogle just yet, I find my comfort in reading and looking at others progress and gathering as much info as I can. I've even created a little virtual diary on tips, info and goals! I go back and re read it when I'm bored. NB is like a drug and I haven't even started using it yet!! lol!


New Member
Hey TBF!

Sounds like you're addicted and you haven't even Noogled yet! I hear ya about the money thing. Although I work full time, I end up giving my husband most of the paycheck to pay bills and I hold back a little for gas and grocery money. But no fun money for me :mad:. So, what I've been doing is selling a bunch of stuff on ebay that I no longer need. I just did a big closet clean out and made over $100. Look around your house and you'll find something you can turn into cash. Go thru your closet, if you haven't worn it in a year, sell it! So far from what I've been selling on ebay, I've managed to scrape together enough cash to buy my XL Noogleberry system and all my herbs from Greenbush! Where there's a will, there's a way! Good luck to you!


New Member
Nice, lexuswoman! Good idea. I've donated most of my stuff, but I should try and sell some too. I use to sell jewelry as well so I should get back on that. Early this winter, I sold hand made scarves and made a pretty penny off that too ;) I'll try to get back on sales this year and see what I can make.